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12/29/2024, 1:08:25 PM
New Year Coin (NEWYEAR)
Happy new year!
haha cant belive its never been made before
Og one, send itttt
Hodor, send it
Lets make it happy new year
sendor, innit
this is the coin we were waiting for
Getting good vibes for the new year
Og send this
Sensing some good meme
we are legit sitting on a gigasendor rn
MAKe pfp , telgram is being set up
#67573658 yo lmk i will contribute for dex once guys are in tg. will coordinate this shit. its easy send og meta af
can pay dex at 60k mc
Will run bumps ! Send it to 10mil
If this isn’t an absolute sendorrr I don’t know what is
If this isn’t an absolute sendorrr I don’t know what is
Please dip I’ll become the biggest holder
These coins have been doing really well, I’m sure this will be an absolute banger
Wait I just checked and this is OG too wow. Should send hard
Guys I was lucky to hit Retirement before it popped off and paid rent for the month, as well as put money towards my daughter. I'd love to do that again. This coin fits the theme so let's start this year off with a bang.
someone make PFP , for dex and TG
eat this dip
bye bye jets
Chart looking primed here lfg
Let’s run this shit up chads
Bundle is out it’s okay we fly now
I’m eating this dip
Good dip to double down on, I’m doing the same
Dip eaten in seconds lmao
This will fly don’t panic
This can send
Crazy entry
Happy new year yall
pump it. easy 10X guys!!!
This gonna retire us all
It will send bro it’s just a brand new coin rn, give it a bit of time and patience always pays off
Dex getting paid?
shilling some bag now to ape this one
10:Test comment 10
This is it chads, I’ll pay Dex at 60k mc
Ready for this chads? Hold up , load up your bags
This will send today, just have patience. It’s literally double meta
This will be the easiest bag of your life
Easy play
Imma do some x posts
Lfgggg we are sending
LFG chads
LFG chads
Yeahh imma post too
Perfect reversal on the chart, early signs of a sendorrrr
New year will retire us chads
Someone work up PFP and a cleaner banner
Keep spamming chads
Good community of chads building love to see it
Dex is getting paid at koth!!
We need Some big fish
12k perfect entry
If its hits Raydium x8
I don't mind staying in boys I'd love to have a coin hit the top and make it from the start for once. We just gotta make it werk werk
You won’t regert this chads
Cmon its new year coin, easy ray
Spamm chat
LFG, chads we run this up
2025 gonna be the year of the trenvhes
Start it if right fellas let's fkn goooo
I’m holding
We are looking seriously good here
Will be trending soon and this will moon
This is gonna be sexy
#67583882 He’s buying Dex at KOTH!!! Buy and hold!
chads are coming , get your bags in boys
We are very early
We are very early
Eating this shit
Buy the dips
yum yum
Double meta guys LFG
absolute sender! imagine 20.25M MC
Joining rn
Whoever sent e 3 ducking sol over let's ducking go. Welcome in welcome in
Paying Dex at KOTH , need banner , PFP , X
can top wallet trim
we gonna send this straight to bond , better load up dex now
u n i g s , better split that 4%
Easy ray all chads in here
yeah top wallets need to trim this wont go any where other wise
We sending this past 200k mc today easy , getting Dex set up now , just need banner , PFP , X
We sending chads , with out without jets , we just gonna eat them
Lets get everything set up
Bye bye top holder , let’s eat it
Eat the dips
Let’s eat it chads
Let these jets out , they gonna regert selling
yum yum yum
Still here.
LFG , dex is getting paid at KOTH
They just shaking up the paper hands
I need PFP, X & banner
I’ll pay Dex
chad eating those dip fast
Can someone help with that?
Lets go fellas
LFG, told u chads , we sending this to ms
Still here and still will be let's send this biotch to the front page of Phantom
Happy new year boys
Lol still here
Millions for new year lfg
Double meta
double meta BANGER
Jeets will cry hold for moon-shoot, Dev ✅ will be going live on TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
Okayyy okayyy everyone looking for a 1 sol profit leave lol. I can see this one hitting like retirement
LFG guys TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
LFG guys TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
If this goes Millie’s I’ll give you 1 sol
paying dex rn
Still here blotches
#67587851 I swear I love you and I always wish you abundant profit my friend
That's a year off we need a 2025 one
Lfggg we are mooning, the team is soliddd here
Fuck it I'll stay put even with the crossover. I'll figure a smart way to eventually slowly siift it out on profit later
no dex?
LFG guys TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
Let's get the dex and all going. I'll sit this out if someone can work on it
LFG guys TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
lets fkn go fellas
Jeets will cry hold for moon-shoot, Dev ✅ will be going live on TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
continue shill on X meta + new year u a fool to fade before NYE
I just walked in at the start lol. Tbh idk how it works but I'll chill if we can do it right
#67590218 how can u hear me ? lol apparently u from pakistan bro Im european gtfo my dick nigga
I live in Utah lol and as American as can be but I'm here
Once our chad get us dex we moon
New years coin. 10m coded
Shit Yall are bickering i didn't see the replys. Europe's beautiful I've been to Germany, Poland and Lithuania when I was on tour there
Sending then
Guys I've never been to the moon before I'm excited.
I ran retirement to 4m , I’m running this too
Check Chill Coin
Jeets will cry hold for moon-shoot, Dev ✅ will be going live on TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
#67592365 bro is is not our problem you got rugged, no one buying your bags, just lose and stfu
dont miss out chads
send this, tickerr si to strong
We running this to 1m ATLEAST
stay active in threads, bro just payed caller get in before he posts
I put in 2 SOL from Retirement coin so I'm just chillin lol. Anything more I can just pay bills later and maybe take a break from GiG work for once
Chill to the moooon
telegram going crazy
we need to get to dex
As long as yall duckers can chill too lol. I eventually want what I put in and then a Lambo haha but we gotta make it out the gate for a shot
14k more
14k more
happy new year yall, meta runner this can go crazy!
Send this metaaaa
I’m sending this trust
Letss get this to dex!!
This will bond for sure
is dex updated with tg?
Lol I'm in at like 640 and 740 on here so don't think I'll bag unless we're down to there
LFG!! I we running this to m!!!
LFG!! I we running this to m!!!
Buy the dipsss
so fucking bullish , guy who runs retirement is sending this
Poop covered balls
Sorry no Windx used all my yeets for Newyearcoin like the Degen I am lol
Send itttt
why these crypto twitter nggrs farm so much absolute piece of kunts
Be patient guys
they are taking profits, and new people will buy
Lmaooo crying farm when you can’t be patient
this is gonna be fucking crazy
Don't get swing with those 2sol up sellers. if you follow their sell they will bought back for better position and you just lose yours
Jeets will cry hold for moon-shoot, Dev ✅ will be going live on TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
Join the official TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
telegram CYBORGISM1
absolute black nggrs ruggers
This is a mooner. Same team as "retirement coin"
As long as I get my original 2SOL minimum I'll be here w my 40 mil NEWYEAR. Unlike some I eventually want to retire haha. How'd the main crew for Retirement hit it off so well?
Happy new year from my family to urs
We going to 1M
stfu "moon" " 1m" comments u morons
Let’s fucking go chads
#67596171 shit the same group that had retirement on here held pretty well through it all. I lasted with 5 mil of retirement from here until the 1 mil market cap when I joined at market cap. This is different though having like 10x so I trust you lol
Join the official TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
Enjoy your 2.99 Sol now lol. I had like .5 sol turn into 10 yesterday lol
we about to go M for M
96% lets go
Luigiz going for 6 sol isn't a fellow Luigi. Luigi would go for the bigger picture ha
we sending this shit chads
99% so ducking close
some chad ape 2 sol
Bond it
selling at 99% is retarded
They're probably thinking it'll be a dump or some shit idk. I'll be the iZm with 40mil so if yall behave I will lol
bruuhhhhhhhhh let this mfr bond lol
DEX IS PAID , we sending to the M s
we bonding
Yes we are lol. I haven't used the chat on here before this is nice
are we good?
thye killed the coin with that banner
I'm chillin lol
this dies with that banner lol
bro i cant uderstand why the person that paid dex used that stupid ass banner instead of the original
Change that banner mlmao
lmfao whoever paid dex is a retard
how tf would they think that was smart lmao
just use this
wtf is this banner????? it should be the same as here
LFG guys DEX PAID TG➡️ Happynewyearcoin
Fcking change that now or itll die
lock in your profits where you can yall this ded if that banner dont change
lol the retards running the telegram banned me cause i called them dumb fucks for ruining the dex
#67602054 yeah i mean its true that fuckin stupid why not follow the trend
people on this site are genuinely so retarded it hurts my head. too many dumb ass foreigners
#67602249 lets slap a stupid ass chat gpt banner on there and see what happens lmfao
#67602368 its not even just that lmao the pfp isnt even the same either
Idk who else should figure it but I used my last bit yeeting into here lol. And I'd rather hold. So if anyone can and we don't die I'll send like x amount for the amount worked in Newyear coin or something lol. Took Retirement profits yesterday to pay rent
this coin was ruined by some dumb fucks who have no clue what they're doing
probably some retard ass indians or arabs
i didnt even get burned on this coin really its just the sheer stupidity behind it that amazes me
#67603151 agree
on to the next i guess
Anyway to go there and just edit?
its been updated!!
Yayyyyyy. Idk how TF it's morning but maybe it's cause we're just chilling?
How long do you think it goes?
Lol hopefully forever but I'll figure out a way to keep the balance and eventually take profit. See what happens when you just chill?
they change the banner but not the logo
was it you that changed the banner ?
Idk how 😂 do I just go to dextools? I'd hate to avalanche or scare off by selling
let’s go to 500k
I'm not even a DEV XD but kinda feel on the team somehow. Like someone dropped a baby at the Firestation. Not gonna lie. If it's popping like this then I'll keep holding. But if no one does and some time passes then I'll navigate it
#67610096 ahahha, fair if things start to go left you can apply for Community Take Over on dex and change the Logo. I only bought this coin because of the banner meta but whoever paid Dex killed that vibe
the logo is ruinning it
if the dex had the same profile as here this would've already take off
Whoever did that's a bitch lol. Nice recovery. But still here lol.
this indians managed to destroy a good coin
#67628800 told you to take mesures, you would have win much more, but you let it sink
New TG?
Lets rebuild! :D
change the bloody image back
pump this to 1 mil and by tomorrow itll be 10 or more
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