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11/28/2024, 12:11:14 PM
sant (sant)
just sant claas
sant sant
Sant od sendor
Sant to moon?
crazy volume lfg
I wanna see Sant on Binance by 16th December
this is og bros
This mooning
Sant without the a sant aaaas
mf sant glhf
I put bumps on see you at 500k
sent sant
im making a banner
Banner fire
Banner very simple very nice
set bumps
Jeets out now lfg
Lmao this is a generational fumble btw if you leave this at 15k . Note it down
nice and clean
This one is going to the top with rizzmas
Will the activity be sustained? Are people already picking up on this GEM?
ath soon at koth lfg
enjoy the ride
yall fudding each other is cr4zy
thats how you know :)
sant sent
95 holders !!
If you jeeted at 12k you’re watching now regretting life, wait till higher
distro is so bulish
i can see this go to 500k within a hour just hold
sant bullish
if u see this, this is ur chance cmon don't fade it
we mooning to koth boys
If you wanna retire mumsy it’s now
cooker of the day
80k VOL. 150 holders. THIS BIIG
insane volume
yall are the worst man, cant hold for more than 2 minutes
ignore all fake fud , 160 holders
lets go chads we're bonding this now
merry bundle to all
very clean, i like it
Hold boys
Thanks for entry
Bundle is small guys. If we all just not panic but DCA the floor it’s all good
That was ur entry
there is no bundles those guys are fudders...
I made a tweet
Thanks for the entry tiktok retails lmao
Lmao I can’t believe you’ve let them shake you out , fucking idiots hahah chads in now
go moon CHAD. LFG
Generational coin you’re gonna fumble
#44079613 Brother bundles what send the coin to ray u stupid retail tiktok boii hahaha
Watch this goes past koth
moon santa! tg?
Dex at 50k send me the banner
Run bumps
Reverse so good. This going to sant
This volume is fucking insane? Massive buys
my post was liked by influential people
its really dope art lmfao santa is coming to town
volume is insane lol it can only mean one thing
how come bundle went from 3% to 10%?
easy ray and big pump there mark my words, meta rn
I hope your mom gets raped
I’ll rape your daughter
Merry sant!
Lmaoooo they can’t believe it jeets in disbelief
Santillions 😂😂
You did give them the play bro let’s gooooo
One dex is paid we going crazy
If we can hold till 50k he said he’ll pay dex
santillions bells
jeets dipped out already lmaooo
This the ONE
sant baby we'll rip that charts with this picture
tg link?
Make TG
alright so whos gonna pay dex
not it
Lets get it fucking bonded
make tg
anybody here watch sports ?
Wow what a jeet Chain 🤣
Eating these dips
there's your entry
yum yum yum on these dips
Holdddddd DCA
Dips are nice scoop scoopppo
Staying holding
sant is eating the dip! He is fat hahaha
Why this panic?
Scoopy scoopy
hope u to di.iieee , yo fucking peopleee
Gimme those dips
tg link?
this will send with u or without u , fuc..king jee.terss . I really h.ate. youuu
hold it don't worry about dex
tg ?
dex banner
thats a sick abnner right there guys I have a good feeling about this
this farm still not over? lmfao
dex is paid
dex is paid!?
dex is paid send it
Huge chill guy whale in
tis the season to send this banger
ok lfg!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ppl stop holding 3% of supply! That's why no bond! Noobi ppl
any bundles ??
this bundled coin boutta get rugged
ready for dex
rug incoming...
Chads are here stfu bro
bundle sell this dead
Get the santa bonded lfg
we got fud so bullish.
#44124984 nice try, but 6% aint shit and dex is paid keep trying to fud for entry
Let them fudders not take your position this is so easy bonded
bundle selling soon...
We GONA SEND THIS HARD fudders trying to take your entry SEND IT LFG
out lmao bundled
This is OG MEME right HERE BOND IT
just a guy changing wallets and commenting lmfao it is so obvious
stfu mfrs fudder
anyway dex is paid need tg
warning ya this boutta rug
great banner yes
A lot of chads pushing this hatd sendor here
one bundle dump its dead
okay I guess we are shakin out jeets before koth
Jeets out chads in don't get your entry stolen by this fuding retards we send it hard
This is a bodner seeend it
Fudding for entry at 35k when this is heading to 35m is crazy
Greeen mega dildo loading LFG
dex is paid
keep fudding for ENTRY guys, you will never learn !!! FAGGOTS
dev already sold check photon
This gona send so hard LFG
43% bundle?
65% bundles hell be careful
Hold and buy more this is an og meme massive green dildo coming LFG
This gona send so hard LFG
rug incoming one button its dead...
Eat that jeet LFG
We aim so big here LFG
careful folks
Real sendor here get it bonded LFG
boutta rug with 65%
Bros, I'll create a stunning banner for it with textures and fonts but I really need 0.1 sol, if any bro is up, please..
fuck indian
Seeend it
Full sendor here
Keep pushing this will bond
rugging bundle selling
let the jeets out lol this will send yall
Good let them sell we will buy
I like this. Im in
stupid jeets go back to the call center
bundle selling...
bundle send this to 0
im top holder, will pay DEX if needed
#44136524 you read it wrong bro. 65% were bundelt but Most of them sold and there are only 10% left in total which belong to different bundles. The biggest one that is left holds 3.5%
Bundle gotta get out
I’m not selling no matter what idc
no bundle nvm
i was wrong
fud to get better entry
I know alot of people are trolling but I actually really like it lol
#44139994 There is almost no bundle left. Highest percentage one bundle holds currently is a few percentage and the other bundle less than 1%. Might as well consider it one small wallet nigga
Did anyone make a TG yet?
Keep cookin memes of our lil dude boys. Higher
Has to be to the stupidest dev I've seen , how you gonna make a fire meme and bundle it that high
Distribution keeps getting better fam
oH SHIT DEX IS PAID its real...LFG boys hold your nuts!
Top holder is out
#44143718 bro there isnt a single bundle over 4% and dev isn't around. Your fud isn't even smart
We could actually pump this so high so easily but every one wants to make 100$
#44139930 ok im not the one who paid haha, so instead i will BOOST iton DEX or pay some ADs, whatever
Farm as fuck wow.
I'm genuinely in if anyone else is
fucking FUDD
Kinda want to knock rizzmas down lol
We are in this shit bro...we going to bond. Dex is paid and memes are being cooked. Lets push!
#44145054 And that was the last big bundle left, so there is no bundle over 2%
this image is unique too guys we get this shit out it will fly
We not leaving let’s run this up
LFG. How do I see the Dex if it’s paid?
Price is not moving except with new bundles every time
So what do we wait them out ?
145 holders steady
I’m not fckin leaving
I’m Not fucking leaving either as they sell we buy
Lfg boys sant up
You don’t understand guys that with no bundle we never gonna send this coin or whatever other coin is
this is a bonder boys which is a 4X roughly from here. Good money. Let ray buyers be your Exit Liquidity but until then chill, shill, vibe and push. Hold that hand this is a play!
Sant og here still here
I’m loving this chat rn. Let’s keep the good vibes rolling
Literally every big runner had a one at first
Rise up mfers the memes are golden
Don’t care didn’t ask, plus you’re white
The bundle isn't even one bundle. 8% split between 4-5 is nothing you twerp. Learn to read a scan noob
We have to push through boys. Keep the chat active and the memes flowing
i'm not selling 0 or millions idc
Sant is a sendor good ticker and art HIGHER
This is safe and can be send
Zero doubt this bonds and runs just lock in
Im not buying wif this fkn bundle who’s ruining the momentum
#44158119 Bruh this mfers are selling each time chart reach 10% lol how do you want to make us buying this shit
K ill have it ready also is dex actually paid?
We need bmps going
#44158644 bahah you can get rekt at your own cost - we are sending with or without your ass
#44159753 guys you have small dicks or you are stupid ? When u relaunch what u will change? Theycan bundle your coin as well . Just trust the people here and DONT MAKE FUD and JUST HOLD FOR FU.CK S.A.K.E
Sant at koth is gonna go hard af. Push chads
Only a few good coins flashing the board on PF right now. Sant is one of them AND dex is paid. Much higher boys. This will bond if we want it to.
#44162597 Exactly bro. Never fade a good pf thread they are hard to come by
There is no relaunch douche lol We are 200 plus holders strong. Dex is paid for THIS. gtfo
God i have jeeters soo much
#44162906 get a life bozo
There is no relaunch douche lol We are 200 plus holders strong. Dex is paid for THIS. gtfo
#44164066 Bro is acting like thats something we are strong enough to fight him we got good top holders everything looks sendy just make some noise and thats it
#44164066 Hey why are you still here? Just ape in another coin if you dont like this one . LOL
Sant will bond and run. We are 1:1 with 200 holders already. It’s that simple.
Idk if I can tell my family on thanksgiving that I lost my last 1sol to sant:( please boys I this
Stfu. Your picture is still there and yet no one cares
#44166718 Don't talk nonsense, it's safe, check your scanning tool carefully, you don't even know how to view the blockchain
Keep buying and hold we got this it will fly on ray
DEX is paid btw
Tg ?
If you have buy animation send it through straight away
I’m buying more. I’ll buy the dip, peak, whatever I don’t care. This is going to fly
a BIG fuck you to the fudders haha. We climb higher without you. Thanks for playing
Sant will bond and rip. 1/1.
240 Holders and ATH Lets go chads
Holy rip city
Sant aint for selling this is a 1/1 runner. Everybody looking for this coin and this thread. Lock in chads
Chill Guy whale with over 100K worth is our top holder boys. You have no idea how much higher we are about to RIP and he just came into the coin. LFG
need bumbot back and tg!
That’s sick abt chillguy whale. How do you know that?
If you want I can make a tg?
Our distro is INSANE and with 250 holders sub 50k. I’m so bullish
Next Floor 65k, Then bond
Still 7% bundle get it to 4%
#44189274 its not all one bundle moron. Its split between several and is nothing. HIGHER
insane meta memeable coin huge potential in ray aped hard
So you want?
We need some good chads for this
We need raiders and mods asap
we also gotta prepare for the post ray sell. gotta keep the volume high
#44194187 Beta for life
distro awesome now chillin big wallet out
We've got good distro and a chad top holder Chill Guy whale. 500k today!
Top holder out SEND it
top holder out lets gooo
Good sales here by big wallets giving us more holders, better distro, and a stronger coin. Beautiful to see
sendoor of the day programmed
LOOK AT THE DISTRO OF THIS COIN my god and the holders at this MC. Bullish af this will send boys
Perfect distro
We got a tg?
I’m only buying more
Here come the traders . Price them out
dont panicsell after bigsells and stop giving entry for swingtraders
And I know for a fact everyone in this chat is too. For the ones who been here since the FUDers, LFG
lets gooo
Anyone know what the bundles are down to?
Dec has BEEEN paid
300 Holders
jeeters are leaving lets go guys
dex is paid everything is okay just chill and conviction. trust the process
wow dex was paid
lfg moon
bonding any min perfect holders and clean distro
Keep chat active guys
Like all the other threads 🧵
Who is running the dex? Need to update
add TG
hold your bag
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