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10/22/2024, 9:35:32 PM
MichaelToTheMoon (Moonwalk)
"Michael Jackson fans! Let's all walk on the moon together. To the moon!"
Dev out
Hehhheee ~MJ
Send it to the moon in moonwalk
First video of the moon walk on ray millions
Bundle 27%! I am out!!!!
fk dev farming us :(
#21084694 you’re an idiot. 27% bundle isn’t possible at this mc
Dont fud. Dev is out. check bundle
I checked the bundle and its 27% !!!!
look at the two top holders and u will udnerstand
like all the comments gang lest send this
man u dont know the new methods of ruggers
like all the comments
İts meta. I think go to radium
looks good bois
New Meta Fr
one of the most iconic video of all time
I’m in. This is a full sendor
First video of Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk on Ray why would you fade this 😂😂
Guys stop selling at 6k market cap brokies
New meta coming in hot
Stay active here chads
Make a banner
Moon walk to the moon
This is about to moon hard AF.
moonwalking to the moon
Moonwalk to the moon
Smooth criminal
LFG! this is a sendor for sure
Gonna hit millions first video on ray with the moon walk 🤩
by the way u guys are human right?
send michael to the MOON
if you’re gonna go to the moon, you better know how to walk on it
hold the line guys this is a moon walk
Selling at 9k for .2 profit looks broke
is there chad here who can run bmps?
Yes yes
Send michael...
The key making this pump is to hold your fucking bags and stop being god damn jeets for fuck sakes you fucking pussies
They broke look at all the people selling wallets and you will see why 😂
chads are holding and if we get bmps this thing is flying like a mf
bmps runnin lfg!!
This will be on ray 100% first video of the moon walk
Lets go, for king of the hill, after to the moon
If a chad can cook up a banner
farmers and ruggers !!! 27% bundle!!!!!!!
moon walking right now
Dont fud liar. Check it
Moonwalk to raydium
Scanned again. Current Held Percentage: 0.4662% Safe as fuck
Buy and fucking Hodl Don’t listen to any fud. People are fucking dumb on PF. We are sending this to Ray asap. Don’t be a bitch.
Stop the bot nonsense. Unnecessary. Will go to the moon
We gonna be moon walking literally
Banner ready boys first video of the moon walk on ray 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bro you guys sell off 😆
Listen to the video with volume on. Michael Jackson was a bad MF.
Moon walk on the brokies
Clean or jew farm?
TG open chat
hahah dev started to dump u all!!!
I just bought niggers fuck yall
No. Cowards sell
Again.. again
fuck you jeet pussies fucking bitches. I will find you fuck you up bitches.
ima hold this could do numbers
Fuck. Who is selling. İts meta
Dont sell. Dont cry
Clean my ass 7% bye jews, stay poor
LFG 🚀🚀
Buckle up we sending
Cowards who want to sell should sell now. Our road is long
Bundle fully out
Bundle’s out send iiit boiis
Now we clean time to send
Fucking PF is filled full of fucking scams
Why would anyone be so fucking bitch like and rob people?
Fucking bitches
Its a shame
Reverse it
Come on! This is a mooner bros
Buy and hold. No need to sell. This is going to Ray.
You’d be dumb as fuck if you didn’t ape in big here. Let’s go!
Pussie Jeet
Fucking send it
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