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11/7/2024, 9:10:29 PM
Rayman (RAYMAN)
Rayman will lead us to Ray
unique ticker....let see it will fly or not...OG meme
6% needs to sell half though
Ray programmed for rayman
6% cunt out, now send
Anyone could please donate me with anything so I could buy this coin? Even 5$
Quick banner
damn rayman? this clever as hell
holy unique meme this might send low key
i remember playing rayman as a kid lmfao
Lets dev cry lol
jeet will cryy
lets work this is actually clean asf
Already a tg guys?
Easy Ray lfg
Bullish narrative guys
Nostalgic af lets send it
U will need it eventually
I spent too many evenings playing Rayman
#26448401 right this shit is clever cant believe no one thought of it before
hold to KOTH and we moon
#26441477 Coco (ticker: Coco) Coco - is cute and adorable Baby Palm Cockatoo just born in San Antonio Zoo
og meme and ticker
someone put bmps
keep threads active we can send this ill pay dex at 40k
Yo!! My childhood favorite game. Let’s send this for the nostalgic feeling
this game was badass!🔥
how tf did we not think of this before?
Yeah he OG af pure nostalgia we have to send this for Rayman!!
bruh this is sick
This will send when it hits Ray watch hahaha
i brought some more SOL just to add lol. fucking worth
Rayman to Raydium here we goooo
Lol they are idiot jeets sold at koth lol idiot jeets this is gem
eat them dips this is a sendor
i pay dex at 40k istg
this one gunna do well w heads over 30 that actually have money lol
Okay that's decent to bond is 80k so halfway KFG
shoulda had a TG linked.
Any social?
dont ask me no questions hoe im rayman
#26451512 i always say doesnt hurt to have both just let people flow where they prefer to be
Easiest ray of the ray, pun intended
tg is shit
Let's send it for Ray
We need a bunch of fire dank rayman memes lololol
eat them dips, these are entries
we really gonna let this die?
TO THE MOOOON 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Sending Mr Dark to all jeeters
distro looks nice
be carful guys there are a bunch of rayman tickers
Cn't fud here
nice dippp
just type in rayman wtf lol
Bro I LOVED rayman 2 the great escape
no rayman of this type dog, someone made a shitter one 4 months ago of the PS1 game which is different, this is targetting mascot meta, is unique
None on ray just send it
i brought 0.1 and it tanked lol
in a world of scammers having the same ticker as something is inevitable its about the name and content, ticker isn't overused is the key like dog
Buying the dip 😋
send it already
Wow jeets get spooked easily and bail. Real ones can hold this to ray
We will send this todayy!!
def bought some more
One hour ray mark my words
someone but a bmp bot on this it will fly
This is good.
cool idea, send it
Now people buying back watch
ok we here to stay and bond no other rayman bonded and none on ray this will fr send watch!!
We are here to bond
Can anyone spot me a little sol? What goes around comes back around may your bag 100x this month.
dev in live : FVj5oz36KmYJYt8yZ8ciaxyQbgAKwCpPz3sjMZ3bpump
Jeets out chads in
Fking jeets
holder circulation is necessary to improve distro idk
If y’all dickheads stop jeeting, this will send
Time to send it. Jeets out
Let’s goooo
Let them out before we can send
fuck em
All we have to be is retarded enough to hold. Then we all win
holder circulation at this level is good, needs eyes to get community builders, ray to quick and we just die after
This is fresh and new. Let’s keep the momentum
Us collecting SOL after we hit millys
is the guy still here who's willing to pay dex at 40k ? also say 'bmp' or your mressage will get deleted
this shit funny af lmaoooo
Juicy SOL after we hit millions
you can't fud for entry community too strong
Check my new trumpet token, it'll skyrocket!
mega bullish ticker
dont trap by worf farm or bundle...always is clesn
it will run to millions....mega bullish ticker
imaginary violin. cry me a river hoe. ray. don’t. play. 💯💯💯
Ray man what a sendor
Fudded for entry
its so obvious of a meme lololol
Nice send it now
Rayman og 😍
Listen I have a dex credit
send rayman to ray man
Send it
send it brah
Imagine how good this will do on ray
Rayman to Ray man
make it rain with htis DtwN3PHiKEpK1MSekViVC8QifdRJCkML6HG16sXHpump
#26459540 Bro pls pay DEX now with your credits so this can send. We need to teach these jeets a lesson
look mama, its a bird, its a plane.... awww its rayman
I really want to see this on ray not been done before og and based Raydium I feel a big sendor cooking
Someone do formatted banner ready for dex
this one could rally a ton of memers and millennials
rayman to ray man
when you hittin that ray from the back
rayman on the n64 was wild times bro
This is cleaner
Very very weak the Indian jeets in here. Just hold your piss for once!
#26462062 I was just making other options normally green is a better colour to use as you know …
Jeeters out now. Let the games begin 😈 Rayman to Raydium
I’ve done art for multiple projects I know what people like to see
#26462311 let this some time for people ape for zhe narrative on the coin and this needs some time for fifty new rayman people
When RAYDIUM realizes this, everything will be very different. Send it.
ngl this sendy AF
the banner is of the highest lore... its fuck time
It’s Dex paying time we will bond instantly
see more chads coming for this narrative it just need some time to build up a chad rayman community
Added text
Let’s gooo
So nice
Jeets will be in disbelief
nice banner
Jeets will probably die looking at this one later..
micro buys poppin rn
rayman to ray man aped some dips
too much raymuscle
indian cant see we're cooking banner? wtf hold your bags when we have this insane ticker
it needs some time for rayman, fans dont know this coin exist it needs some time for more raymans to see this or waking up
We're holding good raymen
memes cookin up yall chads bc we love rayman
gotta have the rayladies
Even rayboys allowed
Rayladies more than welcome
Ray dont play the bullshit
RaycatLike fr
Jeets may be out now
POV you sell / boom 30k
fuck it
Lets hit raydium, this is an easy sendor!!!!
this sells doesnt have any sense lmao, keep pushing comments
Let's also create a tg and share it here chads
shit on em Ray
Rayman to ray man
Lets go guys sending
Is dex gonna be payed? fire meme
This will be the play of the week - raydium then we bounce into the millions.
Holy shit nice guys
Lfg raymaan
Moon shot income gonna buy more
let ray do work
F the jeets
Rayman will get em
someone make a proper TG THIS IS A SENDORRR
telegram needs to be made an some raids
It's sad seeing this one dumping
Hold you jerks
Regardless this narrative is too bullish - somebody create a tg and I see jumping onto raydium imminently!!!!
I wouldn't say it's dumping, we have a good floor
Everyone share around Tg chatrooms
This will send on ray 100%
bro like plum juice too much
Rayman’s ready for his adventure on the Solana network
there's not another rayman lmao
Let's get that SOL
Is there a TG yet? Some raids and a twitter account would send
i bought more ray
Whats happening ppl
Lets send it.
Lets send it.
Idk but I’m in
are we still bullish guys? plenty of memees cooked, bond it cmon
fuck yes
heck yes
just don’t be surprised anon.. that’s all I can say
What’s the plan for this? I still think it’s an easy sender.
Let’s have it
is anyone still alive ?
#26599691 I can handle dex if we can breathe some life back into it i feel like its also an easy send
lets bring this dude back and onto ray before new years ??
lets send it boyss !!
im determined as fuckk
we gotta keep the momentumm, we can do itt
This will send now dex is paid this will moon so hard in few minutes we are koth
#68186316 yup only way to get eyes is like every comment. keep hammering these threads and also ill start the volume bot now
Rayman crazy art this must send chads must enter and we fly
yuuup wake up fellas we're goin to rayyy
#68186099 lfg
Bunps needed
guys we need a tg, then we need bumps and someone who can put some money on this then in a few hours we are at 500k
such an easy sendd come on boyss we can hit koth easyy
guys keep the chat active and like every comment
any memelords lurkinn ?
lets keep it movin uppp theres too many lurkerss
we can get out of the trenchesss i know we can loll
anyonee ?? stay with mee boyssss
guys tg, bumper and put some money in it then it will moon
how unfortunate lol all that momentum..
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