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10/25/2024, 2:25:46 AM
Truth Cute Terminal (TCT)
cute is correct, this is too known to not sendor asap
Too cute to fade
Too cute sendor
Truth and too cute not to send
We needed a cute ai coin , they’ve been getting ugly
send it guys
Run this up
Higher now
this will send. stop jeeting
Better distribution , hold the floor
I’ll buy up the floor on rhis
Impossible to not bond
up only now jeets out
Too cute to not make new highs
Just keep pushing keep commenting. Like all comments. We got this one
Now we send it ….LFG.
This gonna send …Stay strong and we will win.
any lore behind this?
This is gonna send
You all jeeting here are stupid. This can easily be on ray
feels like I'm in the right place at the right time with this one
#22200639 Yes. This is at least 500k coin
keep farming it like idiots
selling on every buy until floor then you buy back? F U and your couple pennies that you made lmao
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