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12/4/2024, 9:01:55 AM
5x5 Doge (DX5)
Doge in pixel art 5x5
No bundle lol you can see the transactions , only like 6 buyers so far 😄
lol not even been done before, Pepe is at 70k
Someone run a bumpp bot this can send like pepe 5x5
No bundles at all, fresh entry, Pepe 5x5 just went KOTH and this is early
Is that the dog?
We will get more holders and giga send fr. We are early af
Lovely pictures
This is fieen
nuke incoming
Giga send incoming
literally the worst version of this meme, lol
not og
Don't lose your positions to fud, pepe 5x5 sky rocketed and this will too
Pepe bonded let’s see what this does
there is another DX5
This is sickkkooo
checkout 5x5 btw by the way chads
pay dex
Bundle only 1% left send it
eat the dips this gonna bond
Millions today easy this
Someone keep running bummps it'll help send it fr
This will giga send soon fr so much volume and eyes on this already
Get the threads active it's gonna send
New meta lmaoo
straight moon with this one
Everyone ape in
Let's go to the moon together
Eat the dip up every one
At least we Held above 20k for 2 minutes - thats a big achievement on PF 🤣🤣
No One wants to run bumps ?
Yall wanna chip in for bumps?
Someone run bummps again it was sending it fr before it stopped
new ATH come
OG real big player
Send it guys
sent it
Chads buys
Send it
bundle cleaned guys
now we can fly freely guys
whoever buys 5 X 5 PNUT now will be he 3rd holder, big opportunity
Fudders already lol
u people are RETARDED to fumble this shit, go die faggots
#51069324 thats why it's a great opportunity, this won't be saved, 5 X 5 PNUT is just starting
f all these pnut der honeslty its going to 0
pnut is cooked , send it to 0 , its over
its fine bro give it time
unless you buy and get it cooking...
#51069613 Dude id give my money to a pregnant crack whore who wants a fix before I buy your coin
lets go now it's cooking
og meme
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