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3/23/2025, 12:12:03 AM
Fit nigga season (Fit)
Fit nigga season
сrурtо mаd? get оn Теlеgrаm. @reloyta
This is the one
send it
Fat is 17m this can easily do 1m
sendor all the fat meta coin send today
is the bundle out`?
Running bumps
this one is kinda Og right
#111218742 yessir
Mils lfg
We will flip fat nigga season
mfers commenting dont ev en hold the coin fuck this
Why would you wanna be fat when you can be fit
Double meta mils
#111218917 people trading on other platforms
Holy volume
#111218917 no one is comenting with trading wallet just noobs like you
lets gooooo
Banner anyone?
Double meta pay dex chad
To the moon
Someone make banner
stop jeets
Imagine selling this before a milly😹😹😹
This is a easy mill
send thisssss
#111219477 this is a marathon not a sprint need to let bundle eat a bit
bundled as fuck
Jeeting for hamburger
If someone make banner pls
and twitter says no token yet
#111219745 wrong coin nigga
No token release yet post on X
A sendor is a sendor someone cop the dex this could go millions
#111219835 calm this is not bonding so fast as you thinking
20% bundled lol fuckers
#111220215 go buy one that is not bundled you fagg. Probably wont find
This is rug get out now just sold
Still hitting mils this is nailing the meta on the head
Check the twitter
who can make banner?>
#111220335 but 20% is little bit too much
There no coin out yet and the just tweeted 5 minutes ago this is a scam coin
#111220518 are u stupid this isnt an official coin retard
#111220518 on which x acc should be original coin?
Quit yapping you faggots
top percent are selling quick this is a scam
after they are done selling we cto this
this is not the real token check twitter
This is the coin now pussy
#111220745 Shut the fuck up
Send it so this faggot can shut the fuck up
If you can send me some sol it would be cool guys, I am not holder and it took me some time to create. Thx chads
You cry when right Ca posted
Let’s go top wallets jeeting ts is primed
#111220847 yes but twitter says there is no token yet
#111220920 who cares
you guys goofy twitter said there's no token yet and u gonna get scammed lmmaoooo
Sell on the bundle, then we buy back
I sold so now u niggas can fud
This is not real token
Don’t buy
Check x before buying
#111220920 which means the original creator was too slow to make the coin?
First come first serve this og
Fuck this retard x account send this
Ratwizard is in so I am out! He gonna farm this to death!
#111221281 yeah but the fact the dev couldn't even make his own twitter says something. obv something weird ab that
they wanna call their one fitfellaseason, this is fit nigga season stop using bullshit to fud, they got front ran they gonna cope now
Cry about
Fellas this is it
Am wait for zero lol
Its fucking fit nigga szn send this or stfu
Dumbass dev was too slow
Fat boys ain’t getting money like the fit niggas 🚀🚀 LFG it’s our season 💪🏾
Dont get farm
STFU all faggots, fit niggas in control
bruh if he didn't just link someone else's X there would be no fudd lmao
Claiming it’s a farm to spread fud for a better entry is next level sad 😂 just buy now and enjoy the ride 🚀
This will send IDGAF
Cant tell if this is about to fucking die or abosluty pump not looking good with this dip rn
To whoever is filling out the dex replicate fat nigga season and we could flip them
#111222313 fat ass nigga
#111222357 Someone paying dex ?
Mando a chad Will I’m already knowing let’s just push now and build a floor jeets made their quick buck now we just have to hold till mils
Once in a lifetime type coin don’t fuck it up for yourself
Fat nigga season sitting at 16.7 million market cap
Fuck it send this shit
#111222405 this is not the real token bro check twitter of this token
From y’all check the twitter y’all should sell the coin
Fuck that twitter we can make a new one
Nobody is paying DEX lol
That twitter token is ass, what the fuck is fit fella
It is fit nigga
#111222397 bro what
We gon sort it rn someone who knows what they are doing make the socials and replicate fat nigha season
#111222723 My brother in Christ we don’t care
if this was bundled someone would've posted a screenshot right? I guess now is a good time to get in
ty for rupees
#111222944 30 percent bundle
Bond this shit and the x account won't matter
Yes bro life changing entry but rn we gotta get our shit together and get dex and socials sorted
#111222978 make a new token for this guy called broke nigga
I already sold made 200 dollars wait on the real coin to drop then ape
we fit as fuck bitches
Congrats you missed out on 10+ bands dont come back buying higher
#111223017 oof I'll wait for the coin with socials to drop then
#111223326 join tele
Guys make new x and put it on dex. Community already forming here. No need to wait for his coin and get farmed by him. Easy play dont overthink
this is 30% bundled and not the real one
#111223468 fit_onsol
Community of fit niggas
#111223271 Nah a chilling just wait for zero
I bet he is fudding with multi accounts
Or maybe the real CA would be bundled.
The faggotry in these comments is off the charts
Dex paid
Form 27 to 23 bundles lol warning shot lol
LFG bundles and top wallets keep jeeting we gotta time to make shit right
to the mopon baby
dex paid!
I ain’t going anywhere. We’re binding this in the next hour.
Oh yup it’s over wit enjoy the sidelines losers
#111223890 CHAd
Ca is out check x
Fit nigga season
Join tg
tried searching for the account I can't find it
This is the coin
A copy of this already bonded
#111224423 Fit_onsol
Join tg
let’s fucking go! Dex paid
#111224593 Yes
Add tele on dex
This is fucking retarded man
This is the real one join tele
whats on tele that can't be said here
Volume is crazy on this
Let’s push this shit DEX is paid, ridiculous
DEX is paid send it
This is the OG
do not go to the link it's a wallet drainer
Send it
#111224888 If you early it really don’t matter
I want to rip my eyes out of my skull
The other one on dex is a farm, all fresh wallets
New buyers getting the for a steal
Yk it’s good when people do fake copies
Like what the fuck is going on heee
Generational entry we will flip fat nigga season
Reversal incoming this sending
Faggot fucks
Fudders ruined it, other coin is at 70k already
Check X fitfella season now posted the real CA
The other coin is a farm lmfao
Lfgooo boys
This a mega SENDOR with a great entry
Makes me fucking sick
That other coin is an absolute bundled run this is the og
Dont talk about other coins we sending this
Someone add tele on dex
Fat niggers
the bundle is ripping do we stick with this? I think when the bundle version nukes this should recover?
The lore/doubt here is very confusing reading the replies lol
#111225643 This Will send this is og
Bro that other coin is straight up fake this is the real one we gonna do numbers
to get fit you need to pump
Unreal you paper hand pussies lol I’m holding this gonna send
#111225692 how is it fake? Genuinely curious
#111225692 I think that one nukes and vol comes here going to hold out
Bundle out let’s send
#111225875 No theres a bundle of this that just launched at 100k this was first and has dex paid
Ain’t over. We rebounding.
Shill on x
#111225970 ye this will send that bundle coin will nuke vol comes here fit niggas know
Patience fellas, this is the one
This gonna moon other one gonna rug simple as that
Hold this maybe the dev is a rugger. He hold 5%
The fake coin rugging to 0 rn this is the true sender
this aint pussy nigga season
the real fit nigga season
#111226496 That’s my secret. I’m always hard.
Moon incoming
that didn't end well
im in deep have to leave somewhere, just let this sht bond im tired of it
Now it’s time to prove its fit nigga season who the fuck wants to be rich and fat
literaly just hold we sell after bond get initial and let rest ride this is an easy play , dont fuk me guys
#111226643 Elon apparently.
This goes to show you that OG doesn't mean shit nobody gives a fuck because somebody just launched another one of these that's like 15 minutes old and it's fucking sending
Pump it
#111226780 It was launched at 40k its gonna rug lmfao
Actually crazy I’m looking forward to seeing people get fucked long dick style on that coin
Never fade on F N SZN
Dex paid
I hate you guys
Okay one of you is fking me. Enough. Stop being poor let it bond. Be back in 2 hours. Got .2 in there I’m in big. Stop fking me
True OG
Supposedly devs tokens are locked on the other coin, can anyone confirm
Join the tg
True OG Fit N SZN. We building.
Real fit nigga season sitting at 10k is this real life
May god murder the people who killed this
damn I was too slow to notice the other coin
Even if the one on dex got rugged, it would build back up because it is already on dex. Why are you still holding this one on pump
#111227454 this is bonding whether they like it or not got .2 in this sht last gamble lets move
We’re coming back. The bundled imposter coins blowing up, everyone’s coming for the OG.
This gonna come back the other one gonna insta rug
#111227671 smart man, first or second this needs to pump cause this is all im in
Mauahahhaa we about to send
#111227751 you called it, but I don't know if they will trust this one or even see it because it hasn't bonded
hold down the fort see you in 2 hours boyssssss take initial after bond then we let rest ride easy play
#111227906 ive got faith, if we bust oh well the other is just manipulated and bundled this smells organic
DEX is paid here too
This shit’s about to rebound in a big way. Keep the smol buys flowing.
#111228100 true true
#111228240 thats what im talking about build this community on pump fun we got this one
Literally unbelievable type shit. Market is so fucking gay
I’m sick bruh how did we get fucked by fudders and a fake coin
#111228635 We gotta keep the smol buys coming in. We’re the True OG Fit N bruh.
Someone deserves to die for this
and if we bust oh well fuk it , games been manipulated and garbage lately so not expecting much. just rugs and bundles lately that rug below 200k expect nothing , hope for gains
buying more
#111228896 comeback will be tastier
Game is fucking garbage
lfgggggog send IT
#111229278 Fuck the fakes bruhh. We’re gonna rebound. We fucking got this. Keep the vibe up homie.
#111229278 yea no liquidity left , fking thieves everywhere from the big cabals to the little thieves they ruined our momentum
send IT
gem og
primed for take off
GG bros crypto is fucking gay as fuck right now
fk you guys my .2 is .07 sigh not your faults, if theres no manipulation sht just wont bond anymore. sick of this sht ggs boys
Ima go beat the shit out of my wife, take care fellas
#111230737 not even a joke im pissed exhausting, best not to touch the market until things clear. 0 liquidity left
check out Milcoin MILC dev wont sell
I went from 2 sol to 12 to .2 to 0
#111237681 next time take some profits
This already created and now it is trading on Uniswap. Get out of here
This dev has rugged us many times , get out before too late , check the real $Fit already on Uniswap
#111223051 ty for rupees curry mustache give me more
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