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2/12/2025, 3:55:54 AM
carl (carl )
carl is here.
Send carl
carl seems genuinely fun
Wot is carl
duh hail carl
hi carl
30k in 6 minutes damn fuck
all hail carl
25 percent bundle
#102609962 allegedly
Holy fuck Carl! GOOOO
ima make banner
How I get rinsed all day and this nigga Carl come along lol
love carl
carl chill asl
I’ll buy but only with pocket change
gake literally would buy if this bonds....
All the homies love carl
Still bundled
W E B S I T E in a few minutes! LFG
4% trim and this sends
Carl wants to ride the rainbow
#102611514 those are bundle wallets
#102611514 Nigga they’ve held the whole time
#102611791 They don’t buy in cuz distro is shit retard
First fucking day ? 🤣 u need retail at 10k
Send Carl, he deserves mills
carl does deserve millions
we like carl
Carl is the man
One big wallet out
he needs us
Carl time
carl needs us
Carl wants to fuck, let the boy fuck
Carl is here, he ain’t goin nowhere
carl just wants to be loved
he's scared
Poor Carl, don’t be scared bro
how can we show carl some luv
Carl curl coming
Carl to miliiiiiiiiiiiiiii pls
#102614163 Carl can taste the colour yellow
carls has story he needs to live
carl is going to send. i believe in him
Carl be carlin
it's ok carl
Fuckkk sellers
We will get u there carl
Carl needs frens
Year of the carl
we're here too carl
Carl got some frens now
Welcome Carl frens, we need to halp carl
Unleash the carl
Carl wants to taste the rainbow
All for carl
Carl bout to do some work
carl says hi
pigs can’t fly but Carl can
carl is the type that shocks the meme world at millions
Karl haz frens
Carl startin up his engine
Carl forgives all
Carl just sampling, about to eat
Carl the main character
We just livin in carls world
Carl go boing boing
carl gets nervous, not sure he wants to come outside, big world, scary
#102617250 We need to make Carl feel safe
Carl needs a TG
what do you need carl? what are you afraid of? we are here for you
taste that rainbow carl
#102617579 Carl needs to feel safe
#102617976 Rainbows
fook it we send carl
we here spreading the word of Carl
who is carl
Here’s a banner can a chad send .04 I can make memes too
#102618173 carls that guy
The ultimate chad
Another banner for you guys
I can make memes too if a chad can send 0.03
carl might come out, but world so big, still not sure. safe yet? maybe need more frens, carl think. not safe without frens.
Carl just working the stairs
Carl needs frens
Carl want to come outside but he scared
hi carl
Carl like boing boing
Carl bouncing like my grandma on a jackhammer
Carl to da rainbow
hello, carl
we found carl a home
it's ok carl look at all these frens! we make you safe.
carl got homies, he might come outside
we got u Carl, do ur thing bro
We got you Carl, safe space
aura = carl
carl gon be dancin long that rainbow real soon
tender chads
People pretending to be carls friends. They better not get Carl mad, they won’t like him when he’s mad
Carl don’t liek fake frens
this why Carl scared, he don’t liek jeets
Its okay carl
Anyone can help me $10 brothers I’m so sad and poor lost my whole wallet
Carl loading
ngl id fuckem
the skull fuck would go crazy
#102622523 Carl got $10 for you at the end of his rainbow
#102622869 hope Carl hit millions and someone bless me
#102623157 the one singular faggot posting?
#102622523 sent u .2 sol cuz that's what carl would do
Carl need help
#102623397 you got scammed dumbass, they post this shit in every thread for over a year now
He not a dumbass, he a Carl fren
#102623397 Thank you so much bro ily I swear i was so sad now I will buy Carl and hold
All sol goes to carl
#102623546 Bro u toxic, Carl don’t like
maybe they scam, maybe they learn from carl frenliness and become nonscam, carl special
Carl got a big heart
#102623546 Bro I’m not scamming I swear on god I was so poor and sad lost my entire wallet
Carl deserves better
no we holding it down for carl
#102623960 yeah yeah stfu faggot
careful you scare carl with yell voice, he timid
The bots are so goddamn annoying
#102624130 Carl don’t liek scary words
#102624333 carl going to zero bye
Dont let poor carl go to zero
You clearly don’t get carl
Carl’s a grinder, not one of you flashy trash coins. He’s a pillar of excellence
Carl in the kitchen whipping up something nice for the frens
carl knows a guy
Carl is the guy
carl wants to see the world
he keeps tryna climb the rainbow but the jeets keep scarin him
carl wonder about himself. why he not like others?
Carl built different
Ready for that carlversal
carl alone in carlverse, need carlversal to reach omniverse
we are jus livin in carls world
Carl just needs a little motivation
Carl just a bit scared but he’s frens are slowly comin in
carl need go past rainbow, frens waiting for him
you guys so nice
Carl needs us
we're still here carl. you ok?
carl wants to be held
i hold you carl, hope others hold you too. sleep time carl, see you in the morning.
We need to hold carl, cant leave him alone
#102618411 leta cook
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