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4/30/2024, 1:38:20 AM
CHPEP (chimpepe)
Pronounced ‘ch•ëm•Pëpe’. chimpëpe is the son of a monkey's uncle with descendants tracing back to the Pepe lineage. chimpëpe see his Uncle sharing the stage with the greats. chimpëpe wants to be great too. chimpëpe studies meme coins, learns TG vocab, Wen Lambo🏎️, Sir wen Marketing, price go up, sir? chimpëpe practices patience but is ready to trade his limp banana for a rocket. chimpëpe has been drinking protein shakes, lifting dumbbells & got tired. Woke up bought real gold coins from an infomercial that came on after Ricke and Morti late at night. chimpëpe, is now diversified. chimpëpe likes X better than twitter, and follows all local degens. chimpëpe got rugged twice last week. chimpëpe repeats to himself - Small gainz lead to heavy bags. Pigs might fly but Chimpëpe is determined to be idolized like Dogs, Frogs, and even Mogs.