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3/12/2025, 7:41:19 PM
fenty pose (fenty)
bro hit dat shit
trim rug this is a senderr
bro this is gonna send holy shit lmfao
distro fucking clean also, so early lmfao
crazy dancing moves? hjahaha
someone make a banner
Fenty pose is super fucking viral bro this is gonna send
send it back
#108743516 zero doubt this is atleast bonding, i actually cant believe none have bonded before
#108743701 ong this a good one
#108744134 Fenty pose is so fucking viral its insane
we are so fucking early, i swear this is a dex coin also, im fucking holding this shit nigga
someone cook a banner
#108743432 making banner now
lmao og
shit comming to moon
#108745518 its so viral its insane this is OG
ive played ihis games BEFORE
to the moooooooooooon
1st comment award
This might be the runner today
banner lol
aped more on this dip
#108746239 ahahahhahah chad
I just sold fentanyl to 2 underage girls
added bmps
this is so wrong
#108746239 fireeeee
i got at least look
theres literally unlimted fenty pose content lmfaooo
Bundled to death
gonna be hitting the fenty pose once we start mooning
Bundled to death
#108747092 you fucking moron no it isnt do some research
distro is clean, nob bundles also, no reason why this is not going to send to bond AT LEAST
send it mfssss
#108747365 Larp nigger check it
this is literally a gold mind this low holy shit
#108747437 distro is clean retard, largest left holding is only 2% lmfao nice try fudding for an entry
#108747437 youre a retard i checked it at 10k and it had 0% so stfu
buying dips
I’m literally giving the proff yall will die in the worst hell nigger faggots from nigeria
#108748042 thats fake theres no bundles left holy shit u are such a scumbag
paying trending now !
#108748045 the last thing im doign is listening to someone with 1 sol in their wallet
So fucking viral its insane
#108748235 LFGGGG Bro
we going higher guys
i paid trendings i can pay dex too !
lets send this shit , fckn viral on tik tok
now we talking right boys
#108748526 yo if you put a fire banner for dex this can actually run after bond the meme is so viral
Balin fish coin pump
#108748526 use the one higher up
banner clean ngl
will pay dex too!
so fucking viral its insane
Pay DEX let’s flyyyyyy
we bond here
pump is life fenty
Let it bond
if this rugas i might relapse
Just let it bond ffs
#108751623 freal though
man let it bond you fucks
time to call da plug
Who tf rugged it?
eat the dip farmers are out
ayo chart goes the wrong way
It's a rug bro. More indian scammers
fucking what a waste, just round tripped like 10 sol
Join the space guys @fentycto
Nice dip. Eat it
this is so good bro
#108753638 Ong hilarious. Needs to be on dex
It's cookin
Join tg @fentycto
fucking senddd
Join spaces guys @fentycto
It's gonna run hard watch
Let's go Chad's push it up!
Fortune favors the bold
no one paying dex lolo
fucking dead
send it higher andi ll pay dex too fck it
Join tg @fentycto
Bro pay dex and it will fuckin send
Join spaces guys @fentycto
Join spaces guys @fentycto
to the moon
TikTok meta holy insane shit
Push to dex Chad it’ll send by itself LFG
Chill guy number 2
Get it to 100%
only 14% more
10M energy
push this, it will go hard on ray
Just paid dex
#108757462 Chad
$PUSA to Mars before Elon? 🚀🚗 Let’s make history, patriots! BUY & HODL! 💰 #PatriotCoin #CryptoMeme
dex paid!
push hard boys
13% more boys, cmon
this will send hard
Lets get it boys
12 more
Geeked AF holy early shit
Hyped asf
keep pushing
they sold we hodl
dex paid, hodl
its dead boys no volume
nothings dead! narcan incoming
if it goes 100% im buying fent
LFG gang
Haha send it to dex it’s millions LFG
#108759460 I love fud.
Shame you Indians find good meme but ruin it with farm all the times instead of running it hard …how ever well played , got my initials out so hope this meme will make it anyway ,,, maybe you are good Indians after all 😂
we bouta 100%
#108760017 I feel it
Anyone got any extra fent?
if it 100% we gonna get loaded on fent trust \
I’m tryna see god tn
send it boyz
SEEEEEEND IT!!!!!!!!!!
this is coded, just hold , dont swing trade ike a faggot. out of the first 70 buyers only 1 wallet remains and 2 others that have sold half. this is gonna run on ray . get ready
#108759344 lmfao
Fuck yeah boys LFG millionaire in the making
This is going to go fast hold on tight gang LFG
Buy not sell
farmed to shit
Huge green soon
Just buy and hold
This can send hard asf!!!!!!!!!! lol so hard
Big opportunity
#108762083 Big buys going into too!!!!!!!
jeets are out lets rise again eat the dip and make the jeets regret!
Fat green candles
Hit that fenty boys LFG
Dex will run this to millions holy shit LFG
Dex will run this to millions no effort
everyone share the coin work for you bags tweet do anything you can!!!!!! lets send this boys!
Bond baby bond LFG
Bond baby bond
mooore fenty
Hold to dx 🚀 buy buy dev
To the moon 🚀 hold guys
Quit playing and eat the dip
Almost there chads LFG
There's not much left let her go Dx
Push Chad let’s run this to Millys LFG
Soon to the moon Dx 🚀
how are yall swinging this to dex when i paid dex the amount of disrespect is unreal
Market has me ready to take a lethal dose of fent
fent bumps
slow cookin fent
#108765762 green candle is here Chad don’t worry LFG
MOON! fenty
Someone cook a fire banner let’s run it
We can cook a big
Dex is already paid btw
Send it Chad LFG
So much meme potential with this whatttt
#108767994 Dude honestly best meme of the day. Just need folks to hold
Let’s fuckin go keep buying the dip!
Dex already paid all we have to do is bond it let’s go!
LFG Chad send it
Get ready to eat once we bond bc holy shit we hit the jackpot
Get ready to eat once we bond gang holy shit we hit the jackpot
Honestly this is the one boys
Reminder DEX IS PAID
Pump it up!
Quit playin we sitting on gold here boys let’s go
Let’s fucking GOOOOO
who doesnt like a good fenty pose.. highooor
#108771092 I see ppl doing it ever day. Very popular lol
Fuckin gold boys I’m telling you
Imagine all the memes and video footage we can use to promote this lol
#108772129 Dude so much potential
Holding strong LFG chads
Blow this charts to mars LFG
nice 6 sol buy there
Can't make a joke about 100-200k deaths/year get ready to be rugged
This is a banger
Let's break 28k
#108778916 yet we make suicide jokes all the time lmao
moon man
lets bond this shxt alot of holders, dex paid send it bruh
fent farm
Chart is a beauty
#108778916 lmfao the joke is the stance the stance doesn't kill them u moron they kill themselves taking to much
Buy Sflow huge upside potential
pretty hilarious meme
Who would buy these shit really
How is this still coasting yal tweaking off the fent
dex paid
High transfer rate in bubbles bought bundled wallets so u can't see them look for high transfer rate
Wow dex paid and everyone bitched out huh
We got that organic twitter clout xD
I think this makes a strong come back! :D
Will leave bumps on till a community forms, already seeing posts on Twitter about us so just a matter of time :D
Yea this should come back it’s perfect
#108824447 Seeing a lot tokens come back after the early dump I feel this can send!
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