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12/28/2024, 5:42:30 PM
Post Trenches Stressed Bear (PTSB)
Got out of the trenches, but at what cost? The days of -90% PNL are still hunting me. I wake up in the middle of night, screaming that my stop loss got hit. I'm just a bear that wants to live a normal life Lets try this again for fun. I will not sell any of the initial money invested unless the chart is not moving for 6-8 hours so get out before then and I will post in here when I'm thinking about exiting, I don't have a lot of SOL and can't let it sit for to long I have other plays I need to lose them in. If the coin does hit 10 mil MC then I will take profit nothing to crazy. and I will take out a .04-.05 position on launch. I may need help if this thing goes to graduation with dexing and a banner I will pay you back here's my x account @jf152253, I'm fairly new to memes so I know only enough to get in trouble. I like this MEME and I think it could go if it weren't manipulated to the extent it was. Side story I've lost a lot of money the last 2 months learning and I finally had a decent play $BEN HDCRVQJ2cEJojXJwcHQJqqqpcLdK31efUNMHc5MMpump was in at 40k with $170 not much didn't know what I was really in until I started reading the and if you don't know give it a read I never sold. "MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING BUT I DO RANK IT UP THERE WITH AIR ITS HARD TO LIVE WITHOUT" Zig Ziglar. I've been saying it so long I had to look it up and see who first said it, I thought I may had created it. Broke people can't for the most part help other broke people its my duty to be my brothers keeper. here's my wallet if you have any doubt 9wndM8DmoYM1w68wo6ZNxMpMSDnMxcmwaMFsY6k23GXd well good luck everyone if you have any questions let me know ill be in and out of chat or hit me up on X.
how winners rise
22% looool
No one buys a chart like that you fucks.
trust me
whats the worst that can happen?
#67151469 burn 15%
Wtf sell bro
#67151608 I won't sell
Ok bye
#67152046 go read the chat on them coins
#67152319 I wouldnt do that
dev sucker sell rn
#67152375 i'm doing this so it can't be farmed
I’m out fucking stupid ass 15 yo
#67152426 Nobody buys with 22% so yeah what’s the point of holding that much
#67152675 on my other failed coins
Bruh sell and keep 2-3 percent
Really you should hold any but the percentage you hold is outrageous
bruh has the perfect sendor but has 22%
#67152831 just turned 40
#67153497 I know
Eh copy anyways fuck you dev
22% hahaha
#67153798 thank you
Just ruined a possibility of making money , dumb ass
Just burn lol
#67155253 it would suck if this thing runs and your not in it
#67155722 i swear to you
#67156040 Nigga whats ur plan held so much supplies
#67152795 It's not going to go up, even if your intentions are in the best interest of the token.
#67156198 somebody will
#67156325 Burn now
#67156271 were both going to find out
Bro trust that won’t work, let’s all make a bag.
I starting wrong, but let’s go people getting tired. We waiting for u let’s go bro
#67157596 please throw a couple bucks in this thing so it can go
#67158090 its appearing that way but what if?
lets do this, help me help you out
Stupidest dev of all time goes to you I swear
#67158267 4% wallets crash coins all the time. Why would you think they'd a buy 20% ?
Im going to release the coin again
Lol this is a copy the og one is 5 hours old lmaoooo. Dead coin
lets do it!!!!
I guess it didn't work everyone get out I'm going to shut it down around 8 and retry
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Post Trenches Stressed Bear (PTSB)
Got out of the trenches, but at what cost? The days of -90% PNL are still hunting me. I wake up in the middle of night, screaming that my stop loss got hit. I'm just a bear that wants to live a normal life Lets try this again for fun. I will not sell any of the initial money invested unless the chart is not moving for 6-8 hours so get out before then and I will post in here when I'm thinking about exiting, I don't have a lot of SOL and can't let it sit for to long I have other plays I need to lose them in. If the coin does hit 10 mil MC then I will take profit nothing to crazy. and I will take out a .04-.05 position on launch. I may need help if this thing goes to graduation with dexing and a banner I will pay you back here's my x account @jf152253, I'm fairly new to memes so I know only enough to get in trouble. I like this MEME and I think it could go if it weren't manipulated to the extent it was. Side story I've lost a lot of money the last 2 months learning and I finally had a decent play $BEN HDCRVQJ2cEJojXJwcHQJqqqpcLdK31efUNMHc5MMpump was in at 40k with $170 not much didn't know what I was really in until I started reading the and if you don't know give it a read I never sold. "MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING BUT I DO RANK IT UP THERE WITH AIR ITS HARD TO LIVE WITHOUT" Zig Ziglar. I've been saying it so long I had to look it up and see who first said it, I thought I may had created it. Broke people can't for the most part help other broke people its my duty to be my brothers keeper. here's my wallet if you have any doubt 9wndM8DmoYM1w68wo6ZNxMpMSDnMxcmwaMFsY6k23GXd well good luck everyone if you have any questions let me know ill be in and out of chat or hit me up on X.
bonding curve progress: 1%
graduate this coin to raydium at $55,196 market cap.
there is 0.004 SOL in the bonding curve.
there is 0.004 SOL in the bonding curve.
king of the hill progress: 0%
dethrone the current king at $26,670 market cap.