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2/18/2025, 5:26:38 AM
bubu (bubu)
bubu is hella cute ngl
bubu is cute asf
lets keep threads active boys
Send it
i can cook memes/banner
#104001154 bet say less
i have a dex credit cook banner
lets send this
Go ahead. Let’s send it quick and hold the floor
this shit fireee
why do i feel like bubu is a cult coin
#104001248 i can work on a banner, then ill help with memes
og sendorr
With all the coins now. Bubu can take off.
go friends! Hold!
Eat the dip
adding bumps
Let’s go
Only hold
lets send bubu today
Hold brothers
send it
bububuubu top today!
This is gonna be Sendor of night watch
follow follow please
bro im in, ditsro looks clean. rememberd me with phrog at 8k mc
1000 holders
Go uppp)))))))
Send it boys
send it up
can someone make a banner
Send it
if you have blue tick X make a post then
Senders guys
#104002992 Bruh no there isnt but still lol lets send it
distro clean af
Fuk I raided x hard enough
#104003123 send post here, is ur x blue tick?
No just look up ticker on x. Everyone can raid btw blue tick don’t matter
Search CA on X I just made a post
Hold them bags bois we about to bond this
No sellll
Make a banner i got dex
Just keep thread active and raid x anything and everything. We’ll get a chad to update dex
koth soon boys
67 holders)))
#104003438 Coded
greedy mfers so many conneccted wallets
#104003633 Fuddoooor
Look at the big picture before selling for peanuts
#104003633 bundle so clean
Bro wants sub 10k entry lol
#104003721 yeah
pathetic fudding at this mc
so their just happens to be a bunch of top wallets funded by bybit directly?
#104003813 lol yea "fud"
Yeah it is all clean
you guys think youre smart by manually buying at different times to avoid the sscanners? haha everyone can see the funding to those wallets and can see for themselves
This is so memeable too. Someone pay dex at 20k this will fly
avoid fudderss
Dude you had your entry at 6k. This is clean now
Dude you had your entry at 6k lmao buy now
#104003771 Fake news
am i early for this
ez koth
hopefully its a worthy banner for bubu
#104004145 Early
like each comments
#104004165 nc
GO 75K
Very cute banner. Which Chad gonna update dex now
Dex need to be paid and we moon this shit
im adding my bag
Dex paid at 20k someone said HOLD
I can pay half of dex I like this coin a lot but just can't afford the full thing. I'm the wallet with 2.4%
#104004400 aight
just loaded up more. this is gonna send
or yall prefer this banner?
Send it
I said hold fools lol
#104004438 lets do it
#104004515 you down to go half half?
#104004400 Chad
half half?
lets run this
you wanna do half?
#104004566 CURRY
Should I make a tg ?
this coin has a real communitty lets send it
yes please, so we all could join
#104004591 @leciali this mine
Only if you’re ready to control it properly
Study conviction
#104004755 ty still waiting on someone to confirm they'll go half half with me
someone make a tg. i love the community here.
lets do it, fast
me tho, i said before
swallow that dip
#104005170 legit link. lets go. raydium!!!!
we eating those dips
#104004780 Join the tg
Anyone paying dex?
I joined the TG. lets go guys. organic community
can we send this already
super saiyan bubu
#104004780 whoever will we can do this rn
koth and it sends
bubu_nsol join telegram
I got dec at koh
so close to koth chads
#104005517 Make one with him in. A lambo
Who was asking for someone to go half with him for dex ?
everyone get active on twitter
#104005601 hes further up in the thread
#104005601 I can pay n u can send half if u like
#104005575 heres the rocket
organic growth, organic community. i will contribute by making a website once this hits ray
what else you need?
#104005733 someone to split dex w me
Paying dec at koh send me banner
almost there
#104004438 there is a guy willing to go half with you
#104005754 I can pay all of it and if u want u can send me half
M00n! bubu
This is gonna go nuts at koth watch lol
Fits so well with bad market too
it will just hold
Push boys.
Send it
#104005811 sure ill send after you pay
gotta run to ray
#104005936 Ok. Say less. Ill pay at koh
so close for koth
get to koth then we send
everyone go hit rocket on dex
Dec being paid at koh
Don’t forget link web and t…g
Just like the stupid ass frog and it hit 1.7 million
#104005811 pay all of it then
bundle is gone
Hold boys fomo going to be real strong at koth
jeeters out
just abit more to KOTH. T G getting active too.
stop jeeting and selling for pennies
#104006382 whats tg
thats the tg
#104006430 bubu_nsol
The path is getting really clear to send this. No dev no bundle. Nothing but a cute meme
Ty for dip got more
They're saying dex will be paid at KOTH 34k. Hold that shit so we can fly
just bought more at this dip
Same bought hella now
This dips result ganna be insane
It’s ganna pump like crazy after this dip
Yourl want it to move, but selling🤔
we can only send if you stop jeeting
snipers are now out
i think the guys are creating x and shilling now. getting updates from t g
i think the guys are creating an x now
#104007035 chad behavior
stop jeeting you little indians
the bundles now out
I can see the reversal now haha
Believe in bubu
#104006148 I have credit I can do it rn if you'd like, assuming you're down to do half half still
keep the comments going we need support
Chad behavior
#104007246 ill suck your dick as payment
Invest in Chad behavior
That guy that sold 6 SOL, hope you lose it all lmao
Ive gone and done it.
#104007324 lmao the guy who said he'd go half with me? fuck him
#104007411 yessir axiom is the best
Lfgggg dex is paid def send it
#104007344 link tg
DEX paid
dex paid lets run it
#104007347 send your half to this acc hahahha
no bundles this is a sendor
we good to go now mfs
Not even snipers in lfggggg this can run massive buy the base and shill
easy ray
No snip ers this will giga run
Let's push negga
pump is life bubu
organic community, dex paid, no bundles. THIS IS A GEM
#104007652 My bubu
Yup no dev no bundle. Just straight organic community growth. Every thing else is crap tonight till this
ayeeee bubu
lets hit koth
ive paid dex for the culture. lets bond this baby
Keep cooking
#104007830 Legend
so close send
Dex paid lfg!
Let's goo lfg
Im running some fast bumps
we on koth
lfg koth baby
Looks so good on dex!
nice we hit koth
we did it as a community! lfg!!!
this is organic. too my fakes in the space. bubu is for the trenches!
ray incoming
Going to start raids
can we send this already everything is clean
Buy the dip yessir almost bonded
more up than down, we will bond
dip gonna get eaten quick
Thanks fir entry
Ty for dip yall
Wow all organic too. No one can stop this from ourselves
We are going to get bonded guys!! This the last dip
#104008360 I agree not even sni pers in
lets eeat these dips
what a gem
Yea this is looking like play of the night fam
Eat the dip fast!!
Nope no dev no snipers no bundles no bmps. We just been shilling hard and keeping it clean
No dev, no sniper organic community let's build together
just taking out the trash
just some cleaning
this is the cleanest thing youll ever see
Cutest meme in a while
Yessir so close to bond
such a sendor
everyone make sure to join tele
Trenches are bored this should be the play
master bubu is here
Some dude pay for dex
#104008708 they aint gonna pay , curry cabal here
Missed having plays like this like the old days
whats the tele, i can make one
#104008729 Go away we fully clean not even insiders or early buyers we build here organic and pure community
#104008729 literally already paid lol
#104008817 dont lie bouyt dex dude
dex paid boyts
Literally an old school sendor. All organic. With a bear as the logo. In a red market. Full send coming
Best play of the day is bubu
This is nothing
Dex is paid guys! Tele also running
#104008839 its paid lol
Lets have fun again
We about to go to another level fast
dex paid BUBU's
different meme different vibes lets all cook
Shilling hard on x all night as a community we gonna make it
One more dip then bonding
last dip before bonding
hopefully this doesnt dump at ray
its like watching good food cook
bubu strong together!
Eat the dip
ray on this leg up
get ready
there goes one top holder
Be serious guys lets bond it
jeets out lets run it
Eat that dip don’t let them buy again guys
this is the final dip before it bonds
Another golden entry fam
Who ever made the banner is a genius
bubu strong ape strong
Banner is golden ticker is golden everything about this is golden
It’s ganna send trust just keep buying dips
Jeets out send higher
big clips incoming, join the tele
Fuck all why killing this coin
KOTH is just the new time to dump, it used to be at RAY
gotta walk the trash
Buy the dip
guys, dex paid man. fml
Buy the dip
all the jeets out now its time
similar pattern to every 1m+ coin
#104009794 It is there it lit no other plays that is good
Last dip before ebond
Next leg bond
3.45 scalp
Look Chart so organic
Bubu on top
the real fun starts at ray guys
Millies coded think bubu can get there
keep the support going guys bubu cant get there alone
going turbo mode soon
Bubu is a sendoor
Send this fricking coin
Organic asf this will giga run on ray
Don’t sell untill bond!!
Tell me a story about bubu
Go ahead. Let’s send it quick and hold the floor
Bubu is a boo boo
Pushing to groups I know supp
Bubu is my besty
Then x post
imagine we get a kol to send this
$bubu to bond?!
Suchhhh a goood tickkerr and meme
This is it going up from now on
Hahaha jeets Everywhere we will be soon
Bubu saved me from a house fire in 1996
Buy all now push higher levels
Told you every dip is getting ate up. Pf is hungry for a good meme and this is perfect
Keep fading and get left behind
#104010489 I agree
In 1975 bubu saved my whole family from a bubonic plague outbreak , he good voy
Power of the people
almost KOH again
#104010450 BUBU got my GF pregnant
We push to x hard time
Push that isshhh
No dev,no sniper this is degans community
#104010627 Yeah that’s so fking true
bubu gonna enter valhalla soon
dex paid, send it!
Dex paid with socials
Shill to all your groups
#104010741 Which are?
in 1969 bubu saved three of my platoon members back in vietnam
Sendor in the trenches
What is happening!!
Fuck all , no balls to hold
#104010873 top wallet sold
#104010933 fuddff
Eating dip
We hitted 45k it didn’t break resistance and ppl panic sold
3% wallet is out. Send it back haha loser
Or I think it was two of them
Top wallet out no 3%
223 holders 16k mc means everyone holding is holding 40$ worth, meaning bundles are out. you guys jsut got fucked for 30k
Holders gonna look so much better now thanks for leaving now
avg holder value is 40$ meaning all big holders are out, you just got fked for 30k
Its dead fuck all
Thats actually a great thing
People just panic selling but one of the top coins on pf tonight
#104011230 brother this wasnt a top coin, this was pure stealth bundled garbage trash
bond it
#104011230 Itll cook now that top wallets are out
It's solid
banner looks great
#104011300 That’s true
distro is clean now
clean as it gets
BUBU needs a cuddle
You are either wanting to win big or win small. Take your pick
are you all stupid? stealth bundled means, he has more coins, he has enough coins to drain the liq pool multiple times, if you send it he will sell on you again
Load up every dip that you see till we hit a milly
Going for bond now
#104011459 BUBU merch incoming
Those that got scared don’t deserve to win
look at the dev posting from 5 different wallets lmaoooo
you're gonna get pig slopped in hell, look forward to that
Distro so good now
Swag swag swag swag
#104011568 DEV left 2 hrs ago
#104011598 that’s what you eat if you don’t get in at this level
Bond it bond it bond it Top wallet let's get rich AF not sell for a condo in Oakland
Send it send it
Matter of time jeets out
Start sending to twitter
$bubu saved me whole family from. Caitlyn Jenner
Bubu has big balls
Bubu bubu bubu bubu saved the trenches
Bond it God damnit!!!!!!!! Let's goooo
Come on bubu you can save the trenches
BUBU never sleeps
dev still making comments beware DO NOT BUY THIS TRASH
bubu will save the trenches
I'm not the dev bruh the dev is long gone
I have $30 dollars worth lol
Send it send it send it either way
#104012252 lol chad
bro is litteraly buying from his bundles at the same time, not even trying to hide it. what a egotistical lil dev
Chart going to look real good once we run past Ath haha thanks to those 3% wallets for leaving
Just put the candles on the chart bruh
I like boobs
#104012353 fudding + fag + shutup cunt let it bond
i alrdy made 4x on a diff coin while commenting on this garbage
Fag is an inappropriate word
Good boy Dev keep buying
bu bu
BUBU wants to blow up on RAY....this appeals to all 2 genders
save the trenches
We gonna bond this and this lil hater can suck it
what yall supposed to do is nuke it to 0 urselves so dev cant get all his bundles out at a profit
Literally the only one talking nonsense and expect people to believe him lmao
Stop selling the dip retards
#104012710 I think he is in the wrong chat TBH
Bubu is my boyyyyyy dawgggg
That's why FLOKKO moooned, so easily retweetable.
#104012626 are you secretly dev wanting back in
Panic Sell is for chums
Bubu is a gangs from the hood
bubu 🤝
#104012961 Sorry you missed your entry keith
#104013064 bubu is gang
Pamp it!
Entry is anything before bond though lmao
Consider it your lucky day
Let's do this for Harambe Bubu can save the world
No dev no sniper no bundles no huge cabal no bmps just organic growth and the perfect meme
Okay where is the fudder you get a better entry now
Entry time
always entry b4 because bond
Bubu could easily trend on phantom tonight
Community twitter got made btw so what’s the next fud??
#104013552 yoooo bet that
Im telling you a twitter would save this coin
A good tweet everyone can retweet
why yall selling at 20k?
Bubu gifted card for holder
#104013637 There is no TG
Need telegram
I like bubu because he has huge Balls
Join telegram
watch out dev has hella bundles, did that with his last coin
Stop jinxing it
Where's TG
bond it
#104014026 he gotta be out by now
Dev don't do it bro ! Save the world and let it run
aight im in, i was just playing
bubu will save the trenches
You got fifty other coins I'm sure dev let this one run to the heavens so I can eat filet mignon with Stevie wonder
bubu will save the trenches
bubu for president
Bubu has 9 inch hog
bubus world we just in it
Tell everyone what the ticker is boys !!!!!!
Bubu is a God
Bubu. To bond?!?!
bubu will save the trenches believe it
Bubu is a savage
Oh yea the perfect meme for pf bois let’s get it
Bubu has 4 wives and 3 side hoes
Entry is still now
bubu will send ascend the trenches tonight
Keep pumping it
ascend the trench bubu
lets bubu this shit
Let bubu pump like Ray j did Kim k
We got a runner it's a track star
$BUBU will melt faces
Bubu is the one , the only the fucking savior. Dev let us rock this Coin don't sell for red lobster
the community grows, bubu
letsgoooooo, run this up dorks
I love my boy BuBu
This was a gift from the bears bubu is the Jesus of these red days
He's going to hit da moon
bubu the bonder in trenches
Buy Bubu now
Yum eat it
bubu cookin
Everyone on pf is here let’s get it x going hard too
Every dip getting ate up like cheese
Deeeeez bubu nuts
praise bubu 🙏🏼
Drop it to 20k Mcap at least please
We lit all night in on bloody night
Bubu is my boo
I might have to go to sleep but bubu doesn't sleep
Everyone in the USA in here or are we worldwide?
Bubu is international Mr workdwide
bubu mountain
bubu ahead of his time
Next leg is bond posting on x now
Hell ya bubu you like dinosaurs
class is in session
Buy the dip
If dex is gonna be paid this will bond in a jibby
take out the trash bubu
#104015548 it’s paid already
My $30 entry gonna make me rich 😂
#104015548 It’s paid
bubu 🤝
super bubu
bond it already
Super bubu!
bubu was in star wars
You if you buy bubu now before its on the news tomorrow
$bubu might run
Giga sendooor
Breakout imminent LFG
just a bubu
Bubu is gonna save the damn trenches and revive Solana
Epic fucking coin
let’s revive the trenches bubu
Is there a telegram?
Giga send
I feel like we need to get active on Twitter. All the big runners post on twitter every hour or so
bubu is hella chill too. Way better that chill guy dog
Tweet hard now
#104016292 the twitter cookin
Send it higher
#104016296 buddha or bubu
More eyes more buys
Fomo ain’t start
the next michie
I like boobs and bubu
#104016381 bubu
#104016406 trench combo
bub hella cute
Needs to bond fast
bubu loves all
bubu buys bubu so you should too!
Bubu has a 11 inch hog
#104016247 yes
Bubu has 4 bitches
proof of dong
I will pay Dex if it’s not done
Do you guys really believe that some coin will up? Stop, get out of your trenches and look around, no one, everyone has gone
Let it bond main wallet pleaseeeeee
#104016801 it’s paid
everyone jeets
activate bubu
Come on bubu you da man bro
We eat dips like chips and dip
Dex paid dex paid dex paid dex paid
let’s go bubu
Dex paid screen shot
study bubu
Let's gooooooo
bubu gearing up
believe in bubu
Go get a coffee or a red Bull we gonna be here for a while
the trenches needed bubu
Were six feet from the edge of glory
trenches called bubu answered
Bubu is the GOAT
bubu has arrived
$bubu is also a chill guy but tough when needed
bubu is the moment
Dex already paid
#104017828 will surpass chill guy 🤝
#104017866 yes indeed dex is paid
Dex been paid and bubu has nine inch dick with long balls
almost there 8% to go!
And also he banged Carmen Electra
Bubu could beat the shit out of Jon Jones
#104017964 lmao
Bubu once knocked out Jake Paul
Bubu is the reason Chuck Norris went into hiding
bubu fucked hermits wife
It’s happening bros
With or without you
Us in like a few minutes
$bubu will bond, James Bond
bubu got a feature with kendrick
BuBu can make you rich
trenches needed bubu
Organic growth love it
wow look where this has come! what a gem!
Bond time bitch
Main wallet let's do this right man ♂️
you bitches better hold at ray and send this shit
Go ahead. Let’s send it quick and hold the floor
Bubu save trenches
if everyone hold to 1 million we will send this to 10million dont jeet guys
Bubu to BILLIONS!!
the trencg savior
Bubu once beat the shit out of Chris brown
Bubu banged Adriana Lima
#104018671 oh shit
This bubu is fire ngl
bubu said catch these hands lol
Heavy bundled dudes
#104018751 nah we organic
Lets put this shit onto raydium
get in bubu sending
#104018769 nah bundle has 121.2m tokens. Good luck
started from the bottom, now we here!! organic community, DEX PAID, LETS GOOO
Anyone wanna donate to send this in 3 discords lmk
someone salty they didnt get in early hahaha
Lets donat3 to send in 3 disc0rs
The main wallet is not gonna fuck us. He loves me now. He is reading this I bet. Love me bro. Let us eat a lil
We in this shit
bubu only sees green
We need that bubu telegram frfr
bubu ascends the trenches tn
Let's meet up in Vegas Boyz See you soon
#104019051 see you my brother
bubu 4Life
I'm gonna smoke a joint in honor of bubu real quick since I'm not sleeping tonight
lets keep threads active boys
i lub bubu
thats crazy
Straight fomo to bond! Top blast it some more
Push you penny grabbing jews!
We didn’t update dex first
Send it
#104019251 it is
Go ham on Twitter really ham
can we not panic sell after bonding this time after people take profit?
Don't stop sending and post the CA everywhere
Hold this shit bros!
bubu mountain
We got this
I wanna wake up to money and not pennies again lol
we will be front page dex 🤝
This might 50x
Just hold
ORGANIC COMMUNITY FROM THE BEGINNING. i love this meme. LFG been here since the beginning. dex paid
they pvp a not bonded coin, well played 👏
Go bubu
We are not even im raydium and we kept the sell pressure, this fr is big
Millions on dex
bubu a trench savior 🤝
All ape a little more we can bond now
bubu lead us into battle
bubu billions
push you sword swallowing brown bacon jews!
We did it
Go viral bubu I'm holding all night . 100 x or dust
I swear if we just keep together and comment like crazy we can push these coins organically
99% bond hold on tight
I shall take no profits right now and go to bed and pray I wake up with money loll
Me to me to
I believe in bubu
BUBUTOBILLIONS. talk ab bubu on twitter!
now dont you little mincing penny grabbing 3rd world jews sell
bubu is the truth
bubu billions believe it
playing around the bonding curve
almost 700 holders
when the jeets are out i'll do a lil something :)
Bubu will save solana and bring it bulls back
This is a easy sendooor
Bubu went to Dubai
$bubu once beat chuck Norris in a pushups contest
Go go go
10 years later
Lets send not bundled
#104020124 sheik bubu
Pump it
Go bubu go
bubu billionaires soon
penny grabbing 3rd world jews PUSH
Bubu is going higher than fulllsend
stop acting like retards and selling!
bubu will reach the apex of society
#104020322 top holders flipping for burgers
class is in session
shit is getting annoying
Top holder is gonna be cool I know it. Fuck with us dawG!!!! We love u
Bubu time
bubu billions believe it
bubu billions
This is going to be a long term coin
No it won't
we are organic as it gets
Bubu looking as a great meme, dev gotta work in X page and a gram to make it even more fire
Best distro by far
Dev might be low-key cool
bubu billions
so close
just saw bubu on a rocketship :O
I want you all to be on those posts on twitter where it shows people who turned $50 into $100k. Every single one of you 🙏
And you all can buy lambos
bubu made mike tyson hop out da ring
Dex long paid about to bond
bubu is trench certified
Bond baby bond
Bubu is the savior of Solana
Dex long paid ages ago
make a bubu twitter and this is the next phrog its very simple and easy
why you useless human beings selling at 99%
Bubu just wants to BOND come on main wallet We need u
Bonded, let’s go 100mill cap
Hold and hold and hold
Buying and holding big time
Buying and holding big time, something big is coming
Hold the floor fuck the ray dump hold the fucking floor let's be different
finally holy shit
Bubu shot Abraham Lincoln
BUBU with his lambo when he transcends reality
Let's goooo
Top 10 holders be lookin a LIL too high
dont dump it fuckers we are flying
Let's make some money ogs
we are so back all the top holders and insiders sold this is it
just hold it'll fluctuate then go back up
What just happened with the graph xD
Holding for bubu
Bubu bonded!!!!! Just getting started
#104021510 mine too had me scare but hodl
trust the bubuccess
This is where boys become men
We just bonded we all goood
#104021544 I think it was raydium bond, thats why graph burned out
There are almost a thousand of us!!!
use gmgn.ai stay in thread tho guys
Bubu once are 300 Ribeye steaks in 20 minutes
Bubu once killed two birds with one stone while stoned
In 1773 bubu wrote the star spangled banner and Francis Scott keys stole his swag
Bubu can believe it's not butter
Bubu next god tier coin let's make it happen
Here we go, brothers and sisters!!!
i luh this community bubu is the next up
Are we sending this
look out
hell yea send it
Yes Yes Hold Bubu only dates bad bitches
Swag bubu
Bubu is cooler than Dave portnoy
meme today!
Bubu is a g
6% ain't so bad
We can eat that shit up easily
They be sophisticated at the Whitest of Homes
HOLD GUYS ITS FINE THERE ARE 1000 dollar plus orders buying in
cap 100k
bubu to the starzzzzzzz
Bubu to 10 million next stop
Bubu is a g
love bubu
bubu for my heart
#104022581 bubu2swag
Bubu the sol savior
Bubu is the reason they lock things up in CVS
Bubu caused the hindenberg disaster
if bubu hits a dollar i will live stream me robbing a cvs in bubus honor
$bubu runner of the day
bubu is a certified hood astronaut
Bubu is a g
Bubu is indeed a hood astronaut 😆
Run it up
Go bubu go
Need to buy a boost and promote bubu to the masses
Bubu has to be great. 3% bundled and already 700 holders
bubu is the savior of our Sol
#104023070 llove this
Bubu banged prime Pamela Anderson when she worse makeup and had honkers
True bubu has saved Solana
bundles ~12% btw, this trash needs to go they're gonna continue eating up the chart lmao
Tyrannosaurus bubu
Bundle be gentle
This can make people millions keep it going bubu
it's pretty clear there's a group of friends hyping this thing and taking all the bread, this would've send by now. nearly 15% bundlers now, y'all are playing
brothers 200k
200 baby
Seriously let's go to 100 million
1500 holders w this engagement, this should be way higher be fr rn
twitter incoming
200 was nothing just wait
#104023343 bubu's market is breathing up and down is okay
Viral bubu
anyway, didn't put my money on this thing anyway. gl out there peace
#104023547 you will regret it
Yeah let’s run this up, no reason this can’t be the top trending item on phantom and dex
doubt it, even if it moons, i'd rather not create a habit of investing on stupid stuff lmao get your bag tho cya
for sureeee
Don’t be greedy we all got in early let this run up and let’s all eat
I'm holding i ain't no whale tho
Dudes hating while bubu is moonin
Coyotes howling at my window wheres bubu
bubu just stole my girlfriend :/
bubu is awesome
bubu might actually make history here 2k holders nearly
i must sleep now goodluck to all of you
#104024333 just dont fucking sell
i want to sleep but i suffer from fomo
#104024419 me too so im on 400mg of thc and 6 coffe
dont sell guys regret is a real thing we are headed to a mil
what a beautiful dip guys hit that
But amber heard won't poop on bubu bed
#104024735 LMAO
I like turtles
We all need a bubu to sleep with at night
lets fucking go bubu
gogogogogo up friends! Hodl!
Dino bu
Bubu has a girlfriend
these are the kinds of things legends are made of guys lfg
Bubu is low-key kinda badass
This is not the end yet, but only the beginning!
He lives in big bubu mansion
liftoff incoming
Just hold this shit, bubu is holding the globe lol
Bubu is king of Solana , Dave portnoy won't fight bubu in octagon
Bubu cause chaos
bubu goes to the gym daily
1.9k holder holy fucking shit
fam 400k
Hi do you know bubu?
Bubu is that nigga he gets n word pass from Wayne Brady
Bubu is dating bibi
2k bubu enjoyers LFGGGG
Tyrannosaurus bubu
#104025510 bibi is coming for bubu
hold your bubu for a trip to dubai
Bubu is a frickin legend
Bubu knows things about stuff
hold your fucking bubu dudes
This coin will go crazy when people wake up in USA in a few hours
Bubu in volcano
2k holders now
I want 2 million holders by 2 pm, make it happen
Hold and buy more bubu
Make it happen for bubu
Bubu has big plans for future he is that cracker
we need big names in this and huge purchase volumes
Big names like Denzel Washington
hodl guys
dont be stupid hold your bubu
Nope we eat dips
Hold and Buy the dip
Hold and eat dips
bubu dead. go to muu
bubu isn't dead
Bubu just got started
I think we fucked, but I’m not selling anyway
i believe
Go higher
Bubu just getting g out all the papers
Let's go I'm holding
desperation setting in
I'm holding
Bubu is long term
i will hold for weeks, days, months i am a loyal bubu believer
Let's go bubu
this would've gone 1 mil or more easy but not with this trash going on, greed is crazy
Let’s pump Bubu’s girlfriend
give bubu a chance man
Oh well, lets find another stuff…
ik the crypto space is crazy but keep acting like God isn't looking and stay acting dumb and stealing from ppl... parasitical behavior
We need social media presence
fufu is next ppl. dev is a goat
have the retarded farmers stopped yet? is someone decent running the coin?
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