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3/15/2025, 3:59:27 PM
imagine if this a 100x (100x)
imagine if this a 100x
this gonna crazy if we ape and hold
let this cook
Imagine chads hold
imagine this is ... X
imagine if this a 100x
loaded more bumps
Imagine no one takes prof at 10k
easy sendor
imagine next leg 50k
Imagine Sydney sweeny big booty in ya face
keep spamming chads we need more chads
imagine if this a 100x
spam threads chads
Imagine you've made it
imagine if we all hold and work as a communtiy
imagine big caller give a call
imagine elon tweeted this
Imagine u hold like a good boi
imagine is ansem bought it
imagine nigga #109505373
Imagine my nan was my grandad
Imagine we hold till 1mil
imagine and holddddd
Imagine at 1m, you was starting 100x
Send it
#109506106 imagine fudders ape with us
easy sendor
imagine if we all hold till millisss
not og
100x by dinner time lfg
#109506479 another fudder haha
ignore the fudder
#109506479 FUD looool, higher please
Thread going crazy at 8k mc haha
bond for sure
Not og
#109506984 fudders hahahahah
Been done million times but shit never gets 100x
Nobody like the fudders comments, so ppl know we’re real here
this is what the culture needs rn
front page featured rn
Lmao so gay and broke to nuke at 8k
bumps on
like all commments and keep it active here
They’re all bundles buy the dip
last time to ape
this is the floor
Look at that
We need bumps
Im in
#109508260 bro i see the same comment every chart gtfo with ur scam site
someone posted that solgrade bullshit on pwease lmao
Fucking let it bond
keep chat active, were front page
were not giving ur shit scam website clicks bro
all u pumpfun niggas retarded if ur gonna sell before bonding go play slots broke nigas
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