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3/7/2025, 10:10:48 PM
Wrapped Titcoin (WTIT)
Titcoin but wrapped
fkn genius
grey soluta volo terror curia
this is the most underrated coin
perfect meta rn
we can run this boys
CTO that shit
Let’s do it
It’s too perfect
anyone got some bmps? Think mine just died
#110979306 I wish
bumps on
this can send now LMAO
bots out now
this could lowkey go millions
absolutely genious as the first comment guy said lol
this will giga send just hold and get some eyes
and make a banner
created 14 days ago? lmao
#111007650 on it
#111007720 someone was ahead of its time hahah
bumps rolling lets slow cook this to a mil
getting some cto chads on this, it's literally wrapped coin of a leading meta coin rn
I hope yall realize the potential and hodl
dev is a prophet created 2 weeks a go lmao
holding onto this with life LOL
Chads we need to build a community for real
Coin hopping is stupid let’s just holdddd
ticker is fire 🤣
bro shill this shit it was created before titcoin too I think dev was on to something
banner here boys
Dev is a prophet let him lead us to millions
lets send this shit share at X bullish asf
this will send so fcking hard lol
bumps running, banner made OG send it
hype hype hype my shit
Wrap them titties
Easiest hold lol wait til we get some eyes on it
Community growing slowly
imagine jeeting this ngmi
jeeting this for 0.2 profits man, this can go to millions if right eyes see it
just look at the date this shit was created this is the ALPHA
#111009624 fr bro
let the penny traders get out once this is on right eyes it will get millions
need more eyes then will send easyy play
Let’s shill it everywhere. Get some eyes on us
like imagine, whats the other coin next to btc? its wbtc right?
lol you’ll cry when you jeet
Hold and shill
this is pure gold guys
man i wish this ppl would stop aping newly launched bundles, this is clearly a hidden gem just look at the fuckng date it was launched please lmao
#111009983 we are sending this to millions
bro what a fucking gem
after 10k fomo will kick in
#111010064 yessir
just hold it will grow organically, big guys wont turn this down
Shill on x
I’m shilling in other coins comments with tits lol
lets shill in other tits comments
Holy fuck this will giga send
keep it going chads this is generational entry here
#111010316 I think I came from your shill in the other coin lmao. It works
this is funny and og asf gonna send hard need more eyes keep pushingg
#111010458 can start wrapped meta again lets go
This is gold haha
Wrappppped titcoin I’m gonna keep shilling boys just don’t sell on me
just look at the date this was created, that's the alpha
You guys realize this is soooo fkn good that it could probably even go HIGHER than titcoin lol. Lfg
this has so much potential
millions coming
this type shi that makes you rich
pure alpha boys we so early
fomo will kick hard when this gets above 15-20k just hold
All you boys have to do is hold 🙏🏻
I’m still shilling my ass off lol
this will start wrapped meta again ı believe hardly send it
this is where it starts boys we so fcking early
hold it with your life, we get bondage on this
Im going to prefill dex on this, its pure gold
guys this is a 1 million coin, dont screw it
Definitely 1M minimum
#111011266 same been long time i didnt see a community like us bullish
#111011473 fucking chad
look at the date this might be more OG than titcoin no? or am I tripping
#111011632 nah it was made day after but still its og
respect new buyers
prefilling dex
This needs a killer banner dudes. This is going to millions.
Get this to king of the hill and it’s taking off, genius
Just hold boys
let the jeets take their small profit first
#111011677 yea ur right but it's still og tho
jeets out
lets send more X post famm
2x jeet bois are out lmfao
#111011934 hashtag with tits
lol that dip is eaten
Titcoin at 4.9m this can do better it’s wrapped lol
jeeter keeps fomoing back in lol
ok paying the dex now
oh this is definitely gonna bond see u jeets
Its og right.
#111012250 yeap
#111012066 dont pay it now fam wait for koth or 30k atleast
#111012250 yup
#111012250 just look at the date it was created
Easy send
millions coming chads
is the dex covered yet?
Millions coded. How 14 days ago he knew about it
Dev from future or whats
#111012594 someone is doing it
#111012610 he was a fucking time traveler
lets send more tweets with tits hashtag this has to be bondd
pure alpha
1:1 size is buggin something I will cover it in a min
#111012913 tell about time traveling too
#111012610 yep thats the alpha about this coin LMFAO
jeets will cry
need more eyes and more tweets famm lets send
Start shillinh on x and send here. We raid each others posts🦾
created before titcoin too I think dev was on to something.
Wife this ticker is huuge
guys this might be slower than usual since it's not newly created let's be patient ok?
dex paid
#111013305 dont forget to use tits hashtag too
Everyone who is shilling titcoin they shilling it with wrapped version check every shill post
#111013373 they will love wrapped one
lets go, dex paid
still didnt sold a dime
so much higher
#111013569 same it will bond
Dex paid. No bundled. Everyone who is shilling titcoin they shilling it with wrapped version check every shill post + created before titcoin too I think dev was on to something someone was ahead of its time hahah as this was created 14 days ago
dex is paid
🚀 dex paid
#111013641 oh shit let's goo
#111013641 now we need to push to koth then ez senndd
If you’re selling this, then you have downs. This will go balistic
#111013725 fr
new meta, dex paid, 14 days old, no bundle, WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT? HIGHER
#111014191 yes zir
#111014210 Fucking loser, there is no bundles
#111013641 titcoins at 4m this is wrapped tits will send so hard
Indian fud already!?!? Bullish. Lfg
#111014191 perfect setup for a 10x
Lol. I just checked not bundled #111014370
Clean af guys lfg
#111014370 retarded indian
Og shit. Dex paid. No bundled. Everyone who is shilling titcoin they shilling it with wrapped version check every shill post + created before titcoin too I think dev was on to something someone was ahead of its time hahah as this was created 14 days ago Dev was fucking genius
dex paid guys lfgggg
#111014457 also titcoin is flying this will follow for sure
#111014468 just look to the chart
Buy and hold really simple
#111014889 Z fuck you , fudder
i contacted support to ban this mfer fudder he doing it on all coins
Lol run it back
#111015025 bro why the fud? dont understand
Next time dont pay dex too early this what happens
Ignore the fudddd
DEX paid see yall at pumpswap
#111015025 already reported you.
Big wallets out buy up their positions good for distro this lfg
#111015203 fr ik holding this gem, if titscoin flies we will fly for sure lol
#111015186 ofc I don’t get why you have so much time to fud under a random project lol so lifeless
#111015438 0 bundle , you fud on all coins around bot spammer
#111015574 wtf hahaha
#111015574 so you fudded for entry?
i lost my position bcs u
This is slow cook ppl will notice keep making posts and use titcoin and this as hashtag
#111015675 he waited to show what a bitch he is... And bundle out now
#111015751 lol wtf
I told you ignore the Fud
Buy in guys and let’s hold the floor this can do at least a million following the hype
Run it back 😠
He did it for entry 🚫
Send it
Let’s gooo
#111015873 yes sir
Keep up the vibe and chill, this will moon and in the meantime let’s hang
Fudder got ip ban lets goooo run it
i started bumps
this is funny send it
Dex done ✅✅✅
#111016199 Yeah I saw let’s goo pf team wants us to moon BULLISH
#111016226 based bro 🫡
Sending back 😀🔙
Don’t forget to like every comment
send it boyz
Make posts on X and engage with latest post on X let’s work
let's bond it titcoin almost 7m
nicee dex paid
#111016456 yeah Frfr let’s do it guys buy buy buy for the titties
One big wallet out buy his position
nice holder distribution
dex fr paid??
#111016456 send it
#111016599 yessir
#111016599 yhhh brp
Yes Chad paid dex at 17k
push to koth
#111016716 koth? push to a MILLION
this can easily send jeets sold their bags now let's moon it
Then Fud happened
Ignore Fud this coin is clean, hold the floor
I’m gonna shill on X make sure to engage with recent posts
#111016797 yaa sendor
The dev is a prophet for godsake
niggas its 14,day hold gonna send
nice entry boyz
dex fucking paid guys let's gooo
bought some more here
#111017041 nice bro
send this s
big jeets are out now send it
Hold the floor chads
bonder fr
send it!!
Why are you selling?!
dex literally paid
how could you sell such a gem at under 10k lmao
Eat the dipppp
wow dude farming at 10k is crazy
Look at transactions. Botted bundle buys and sells in groups. Just gotta build this
price those jeets out guys
#111017310 yaa
this can easily send
send it pls
buy dip, volme booster on + dex paid. no brainer 100x
Guys I made couple tweets, search the hashtag or ca on X and engage with recent posts
yeah we need more eyes shill everywhere
buy dip, volme booster on + dex paid. no brainer 100x
#111017510 yeahh
#111017475 ok
Let’s gooo
push on X
outprice those farmers no we will win in the long run
we are getting more and more eyes
i saw the tweets
send thissss
I’m gonna spam some tweets raid all of them let’s work 🫡
#111017949 nice work man
titcoin at 6m rn this will follow easily
I liked all the tweets with the ca now let's work for our bags LFG
Nice bounce
lets send this guys
push this gem plz
hold your tits
1m soon easy!!
red vilis esse talis urbs
like all the tweets with the ca guys
Made more tweets engage guys let’s gooo
#111018414 lets goo
raid all on X work for your bag lets follow titcoin we can do it pls
i told u boyz this is good
#111018414 I have blue ticks so smash it
It s gettings shilled hard on X
#111018521 okser
Let’s goooo
#111018702 my bro 3wzayk is doing it
Dex is paid already huuge
#111018810 send it
push all lets help eachother by holding and pushing. PVE baby!
yes dex already paid LFG
raid all the twitter posts guys easy sendor
dex already paid LFG
Will run fast at koth
cant buy this token on phantom
we need to push harder and hold thats important
titcoin 6m rn LFG
#111019083 jbuy here on pumpfun
this will send hard af on dex don't fade at those cheap prices
#111018846 lfgfggg
f#111019186 frr
guys raid on twitter
Buy and hold
bumper bot + dex paid = 100+k
Engage with my latest post it got some good eyes already
guys make more posts on twitter I want to raid them all
This quite possibly go higher than titcoin. This is fkn funny and genius
yea we need to push this, dont be pssyes all
#111019463 I'm posting @faeofcrypto
I'll do a 500k token giveaway at 10 retweets from x
Bro this the OG
#111019637 ok liked them all and reposted them
also raid my friend querty031 he have blue tick
we are growing nice and steady lfg
What yall this of the coin I just made All buys matter? 🤣
this is unique too no other coin on pf
imagine selling this below 1m mc
unique, funny and META rn. all green flags, dex paid, volume booster, bundle low
this is nice boyz
imagine selling this below 1m mc lol
if titcoin goes to 10m this will absolutely giga send just saying
Guys ppl on X noticing keep working like this and will be rewarded sooner than we think 🫡
Let’s goo one 3% is out buy up his spot
distro looks good now
let them early jeets out now so they can buy their happymeal while we buy our lambos
fr distro looks good now , 3% bundle out, now we clean, if you buy quickly before them!
Keep raiding and posting on X
@gake on x he might like this
#111020578 will raid thx for the tip
He's the 72k follower guy
Guys there is a spaces ongoing join
cheap entry boyz
#111020605 nice
I aped mroe lets go I will hold until 1m
easy sendor imagine selling at those low prices rn
this is a sendor
nice floor <333333
#111020683 Aight will check bro
don't fade at those cheap prices
go raid on X plz and ape every red candle, we can win this
If we break 50k I can pay 500 for a mtn call
raid the posts on x guys
#111021093 yooo chad
Raid latest post, is a post under @gake
It's a gc of whales but there's requirements for coins to call em
lfg bumps running again
#111021093 based broo let’s do it 50k is nothing with this narrative
live on space is up go check Wrapped Titcoin space on querty031
#111021102 sureee
#111021287 i shilled at 7k
#111021093 next goal is 50k guys let's do it
Wrap them titties
send this fr
#111021336 ya bond it
I go sleep, tomorrow I continue raiding, this is 2 weeks old, dex paid, volume booster paid.. all green flags guys, bundle out also!
#111021487 fr bro will hold my bag till million titcoin is flying thus this will fly
yo wtf - someone stole the idea and launched it straight to dex
og coin always win bro, dont worry
#111021579 It’s a scam. It’ll rug. Happens every day.
og coin always win bro chill dont worry
dex paid, bumps running, spaces running on x everything ready to send this
#111021669 yeah fr OG always run and if it rugs ppl will come to here
how could you fade this at 13k mc lol
The other project is just more eyes for us just don’t get shaken out and vibe
free marketing, lfg hhaha , gn all, space on querty031 is live on X go check
guys why is there 6% bundle rn? there was only 1%? wtf dont fik this upppppp
#111022015 just regular buyers nothing to worry about
This shit ain't movin I'm out
the chart just made THE WTIT PATTERN
#111022158 wait lil bit i will too
#111022176 lol fr hahaha coded
lol, dip got eaten so quickly, I will hold and go sleep. this can be the one, good luck all and good night!
Keep engaging with postte on X
I think we priced the farmers out
#111022381 Yeahh solid floor here so early also
#111022015 bro 6% is like nothing still
#111022381 we need to keep pricing them out
buy all their supply guys lfg
dex paid everything ready to send this bitch
cheap entry
bundle out again, ape quickly.. lets ape every red dip so they lose position and we build higher floor. lets push this gem!
there are even running some spaces on twitter rn at literally 11k mc lol
Let’s gooo scoop up this entry
c'mon guys price those farmers out
bundle out again, ape quickly.. lets ape every red dip so they lose position and we build higher floor. lets push this gem!
we need to fight them harder
now best entry
Hold the floor
told u at 7k this good telling u agaim
Send it ppl will come 🫡
Sleeping gem
Already 500+ commrnts
bundle out, now you need to buy fast all, I will too now! lets build higher floor
Keep shilling
this is a fucking gem stop fading and start buying lmao
Distro is juicy
Gonna shill a bit on X again snags all recents
yea its good af
someone turn volume booster please
Hold the floor chadssss
Hold the floor plzzzzzzzzzz
Keep shilling
guys so many posts on x this play is so obvious how could you fade tf
stop jeeting and start buying this is a gem
titcoin at 6m rn this will fly on dex
push this I go raid and sleep, good night!!!
Hold hold hold
good night all!!
gn all!! <3
Yeah this gonna fly on dex!
Hold I need to sleep to but I’m not selling so please don’t sell on me guys
#111024821 not selling brother!
#111024821 same bro same story haha
I will sleep with this bag I don’t care narrative too good
#111025057 and I made more tweets, smash them
#111025081 lfg
Lfggg chads all holding strong were the community boys, gotta form a cult for wtit
Spam threaddd
We pushing for millions!! Dex paid! Buy and hold
Top holder can bond it solo))) Buy supply till bonding then deposit it to liquidity pool and get profit from transactions) Stonks
This will fkn send sooner or later. Titcoin will keep mooning and this will flyyyy at any time
Guys engage with latest posts on X when you search $WTIT LETS WORK!
Hahaha lol the fake one already rugged hahaha this only OG $WTIT
Good floor we outpriced the farmers lol let’s goooooo
#111026321 ofc it rugged we are the og
#111027028 yeahyeah
Good job with liking every comment can anyone check if we in featured already?
#111027028 you’re a chad man. Keep working hard
#111027513 page 3 now. We need some bumps maybe) I liked all comments
#111027851 same already liked all comments
we are holding good tho
Let’s goooo
#111027851 lets goooo
Keep like all the comments. And smash the tweets
Search the ca on twitter and smash tweets. This is gonna fly on dex
Guys good work with the tweets I see you guys
I see bumps running again let’s goo keep active here let’s get featured on page #1
Raiding on X works guys let the ppl see what they are missing
Keep smashing those tweets chads!
Wrap them titties
made a new tweet in the titcoin communities on X smash it maybe titcoin whales will join👀
$TOP please don’t fade, DYOR and see that it’s legit as well
Let’s merge communities!!
this site is so dead... only people left are curry scammers. good luck retards
lol stfu hahaha
I really like this thread. Let’s get it jumping again. This will be huge on dex guys
Guys I’m gonna make dinner, make sure you smashed every tweet speak to you in a bit and keep active here
#111031928 yes sir! Smash the tweets
yo guys I'm gonna sleep on my bags gn everyone and let's push this to fucking millions
#111031928 tweets smashed. Will take a nap on the bag
Good night homies. We’ll run it again tomorrow
Buy the dip
No telling how far this will go on dex
good coin
titcoin at 6m
Guys hold and shill this will run 100% no doubts
I will sleep with my bag, speak to you guys Tommorrow! Let’s gooo
And make sure you smashed every tweet on X
And keep active here if you can 🫡
yo, this is hugee
The meme is worth millions. How this is not bonded and sitting high right now is beyond my comprehension. It’s coming
#111036116 why does it say 14 days old
#111038609 bc it’s 14 days old OG coin crazy eh
The guy who made this is a time traveler
Just hold your bags this will runn
Alright goodnight guys till a couple hours lol
titcoin at 7m
Hold boys I’ll keep shilling
im shilling too, lets send this
this dead or i jst wake up
youall sold on me while i sleep ty
I will push this alone!!
Yoo im also still holding
Let’s send it again
Titcoin at almost ath lol this needs to follow
I will make couple more tweets
Set up bumps
Someone needs to set it up yeah
Check Monald Dusk gem haha
run it back pussy ass tits
I will pay DEX at 25k
#111100447 Dex is already paid
This will send guys ppl will search for a beta play and this is OG and will run with titcoin
This is going to giga send.. it’s too good
Can a chad run some bumperooskies?
some tits look better wrapped
this will follow titcoin! OG
#111112015 Bro, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I know the right buyer.
keep liking reply 4 likes on every reply we trending
push thiss
shll harder
how is this below 10k lol
#111130746 idk why they sleep
This will soar on dex
yea if they push to dex
The community is strong, and the potential is huge. ADD ME to stay in the loop.
#111136239 wym haha
this will explode easly
send this and also send Monald Dusk
Send it
Join x community guys /communities/1903502890247033006/
bumps running rn
For those of you reading this who are a real human, would you like to work with me to have a community of real holders? I've already lost money here on several tokens that came very close to 100% of the bounding curve, and then started to fall drastically, are you having the same problem? My proposal is to bring together at least 1500 real people and launch a new token daily, allowing everyone to acquire the tokens at the beginning. I created a channel on Telegram and we are very close to 1500 members, on Twitter we are almost 100 followers, our next launch was scheduled for this SUNDAY, March 23rd at 18:00 UTC. If you liked the initiative come and be part of our community:
Let’s send this
send this and also send Monald Dusk
For those of you reading this who are a real human, would you like to work with me to have a community of real holders? I've already lost money here on several tokens that came very close to 100% of the bounding curve, and then started to fall drastically, are you having the same problem? My proposal is to bring together at least 1500 real people and launch a new token daily, allowing everyone to acquire the tokens at the beginning. I created a channel on Telegram and we are very close to 1500 members, on Twitter we are almost 100 followers, our next launch was scheduled for this SUNDAY, March 23rd at 18:00 UTC. If you liked the initiative come and be part of our community:
I will just hold my little bag
me#111155391 me2 bro
guys check Monald Dusk I am working whole day pushing it, 4k marketcap its 0 bundle 0 snipers, please help me!
dont fade, twitter community is up
chads are joining
community is up , join!
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