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10/31/2024, 4:30:19 PM
Dog Shit Going NoWhere (DOGSHIT2 )
Don't buy this coin
Why is this sending ?
law suit coin
Someone sueing this coin or people involved ?
whales are buying big. i wonder what this will run to
i don't know why it sending but I'm in
look mah i made it to the evidence
just hold bro. this is a good coin
I'm holding and keeping an eye on the distribution, during the last dip a lot of the big wallets % of holdings went down which is good news the token is more distributed now and prepped for a bigger run up.
24M in 1 hour
interesting pattern rn imo has potential
This is not made by the lawfirm. This is launched and being bullshitted from a ct guy.
#97815102 Provide proof for your claim. There are fakes but this is the contract address from the lawsuit papers published.
pump it up
nice, when I refreshed it did that yellow flash thing and a bunch more wallets sold some. The more they sell the higher we will eventually go. They will eventually run out of tokens to sell. This lawsuit news isnt going away any time soon
yall proved them right lmfaooo idiots
this is real btw
this will be ctoed for sure, lore is too strong, just a matter of time.
moon dat
dex updated time to send to 1B
so much higher.
if anyone cares about the continuation of this place ya'll should be aping this
so much higher
ape here gents
ape hard bois, things are just heating up
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