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3/22/2025, 10:42:23 PM
balls n balls (BnB)
balls and balls, do you have balls? 🔥
Let's go boys! Run this mother fucker high!
this should get to 100k at least
I've had a good day today so I'll get dex
#111202214 Well past 100k brother!
Send iiiit
Paying dex soon, 1M goal+
Running to the moon on foot!!!
#111202525 I just want to laugh when it gets to 1M... and nobody expected it
#111202525 pay dex
Finally got the bots out of here!
dev seems based tbh
Join discord, bullish dev
Keep them coming boys!
Keep the comments and likes rolling guys, work for the bond you ball lickers!
banner ready, 25k paying dex lfg
yo lets fkin goooooo
#111208970 hahahahahahaahah love it
Looks good guys this will fly no rugs in sight
#111202214 Let‘s get it done toghether
Hold strong don’t be a jeet!!!!
Sell 4% bundle first and after we send
All are very smart buying first with 5 wallet and sell in 20-30k mc you have 4% bundle and 3% dev is 7% on 9k mc
Finally the fudders out!!
is going to up
fudders are gone bois
#111210262 At least they‘ve shown their faces this early! Now let‘s send it!
Whoever is not in Discord, dev wallet will not ever sell! Come in discord and join voice call. 🔥❤️
Can somebody set up an twitter community so we can push it together?
#111212175 discord, in the link on the coin, join it we are there
is going upp📈📈
Every buy matters
i'm feeling real bullish rn
Some real hodlers in here. Push like you're constipated
sendd ittt📈📈📈📈to 🌕 moonn
Im holding!!!
Let’s go🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Is this a mooning slow cook?
#111215064 Dev locked tokens boys!
#111215361 Bullish🔥
Dev is a fucking goat
#111215496 More and more good news
Dex paid at 15-20k Can we make some big moves to get there????
#111215654 we are moving that way 🚀
send this to monn
Let’s keep it up guys to the moon
Im holding and holding!!! im gonna buy the next dip!
Lets fucking hammer this project! Can we make this the coin of the month?!
#111217839 maybe there is no next dip… 🔥🚀
Let's go
Buy, hold and let it ride
#111217839 No more dips just giant green candles brother!
#111217923 I plan on it oorah!
36% to KOTH! LFG!!!!!!
#111218050 100% sending
We got this guys!
nice holding a steady floor we can make it happen guyys
dex will be paid soon lets go hahaah
This coin made me spit my water out
#111217875 yeah it will be awesome
Paying dex at 15K & its only up from there! 🚀
Slow and steady wins the race. This is going to be huge, got that warm fuzzy feeling
DEX will be paid at $15k let’s go 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Based dev👌
is going up🚀
New holders buying. Awesome distribution
Work for your bags! Cover all social media platforms with the CA. This will fly!
Work for your balls
Almost KOTH!
Under 100k is early
#111220151 Its actually happening guys!!!!
is going team work
#111220206 team work is great bro
let’s gooo🚀🚀
is going up nice 📈
#111220195 Under 1M is early🔥
This is looking solid boys don’t stop now
Get your balls ready
#111221101 my balls are ready haahah
Patience friends, patience. Balls need time
#111221739 I grew some big balls but I think this might show me up.
These balls gonna get huge and huger until they explode. And there will be a big green candle cumming out
Grab a handful and wait
#111221739 I bet my Sack is bigger!!!!
#111222228 I only grab my own balls
#111222466 big balls brotha
#111222466 everyone feels like this, hold your bags and hold your balls we are on a flight 🚀
#111217953 it wiould be awesome
#111222466 Hopefully they‘re not getting blue
#111222466 Them some balls to be proud of!!!
let’s goo
It's not the size of the sack that matters. It's how responsibly you unload it.
#111223005 Looks healthy
LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀
#111222981 i never unload my balls.
DEX is gonna be paid let’s do this
#111224736 I cant wait for it to hit 15 so I can pay that dex cant lie
no nut march
This is a great community
Balls, balls, get your balls. A small handful goes a long way
We are in discord, great community. Join us and let's pump it even more!
We're trending boys! Lets get this moving!
#111225022 pump it until our balls hurt
2 balls are better than one
#111229338 always big balls especially
Chart is healthy, no fake botted chart! Let's go!
Share this everywhere, Comment on big X accounts with the CA.
Looks good, has a nice upward trend forming
The fucking buys are coming!!! Hold tight and no jeeting Bissssshes.
We are going to break all time high soon!!
Goodnight I’m holding fam
#111232368 Night dude, lot of us are :)
We have a real community on Discord. Do not miss on this one!
holder strong..potencial 100 k mcp , letsgo send it
#111237084 Join us on Discord!
Keep it going guys!
Fuck yeah guys this is gonna blow
Don’t jeet out, hold strong
#111230965 the jeets are buying back hahaha
If you jeet your sack won't skeet
this banner is waiting for a 25k marketcap to be put on dexscreener lfg guys
Put your diamond hands around those diamond balls
I invite you to personally suck our balls
Taking rips and eating the dips let’s go boys🚀🚀🚀🚀
#111239559 a lot of diamond balls in here can’t lie 🚀
71% king of the hill, the moment this hits KOTH 🚀🔥🔥🚀 big ballsnplay
BnB from deep balls to flying balls!
#111244334 Haha yes! Let’s gooo
Get those diamond balls while you can
CZ is buying BnB now, what about you? What are you waiting for?
#111248044 CZ buys balls n balls only
#111248597 CZ is balls!!!!
Wow thos BnB balls are so big!! My wallet is even bigger thanks to this coin! And it is only starting. Super bullish start, do not miss on this one. And join our discord!!
#111250414 yes they should come on Discord, thats where all of us big balls hang around hahaha
#111243066 😂😂😂😂😂
The most bullish pump graph I have ever seen 👀
No need to worry about jeeters, we eat this and pump more!
dev maybe get some volume bots going??
if you don't buy this coin you have small balls
koth is honestly not that far if we can send this to koth we will bond
83% to koth guys lets gooo! we have big balls and we're going to show them off at koth
Big Balls of the hill soon! Very bullish! Best organic growth chart since a long time. Real community on Discord, just join us and see!
let's push this shit
we need koth and we will bond
like this reply if your balls touch the floor
Let's keep it going, long way to go up!
Good vibes! Let’s do this
I bought because I have huge balls, buy if you have huge balls
This some alpha right here
Great project 🔥
Oh i love this coin tbh
Don’t miss this entry window
We pushing this from discord so it’s not gonna run the same as other projects. Slow, Safe, Steady all the way to 250k and beyond
Can we please just bond this bad boy!
17% to KOTH and we're not pushing?!?!? LFG BOYS!
You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x! You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x! You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x! You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x!You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x! You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x! You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x! You're gonna get 100x, You're gonna get 100X and you're gonna get 100x!
We are all in Discord. No bots, no fake stuff. LFG!
FOMO’s real. Don’t be that guy
Jeeters are nothing to us! We eat this for lunch.
Whenever a jeeter sells, I scratch my sack
Still looking strong. We won’t sell so get in guys let’s send this motherFucker!!!!
ez money type shi
Time to buy boys!!!
this gon shoot up so bad
#111415899 I can’t wait I keep buy small chunks at the dip
Huge potential
🔥🔥🔥let’s pomp up
This is still going, DEV didn't rug, bullish
10x from here
#111438695 dev still involved lets fucking send it, come join VC IN DISCORD 🔥🔥🔥
This is bullish (and ballish)
#111440306 big ballish
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