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7/30/2024, 1:19:28 PM
villain arc (villainarc)
good luck with the cto, don't fumble it cabal's gonna be on this
here's the banner, peace
when dev sells
I'm on my villain arc, get a proper cto and this sends
told you cabal was gonna be in
Who is cabal?
wtf just happend
Obvious farm you fuckers
cabal fud is pushing this coin ahah gg guys
pump it
what stupid shit is this
CTO link?
Do you think its a farm?
obvious farm
And… it dumps CTO
with nigga bought like 10 sol
This suit can send if we send it
Dev say something
Why I keep buying high selling low
Someone create a fucking tg this will fly on ray. Dev made this for the community wake up
Somebody who has money should buy this shit
He bought in just 1%
This will ray within 5 minutes
Okay I am creating a tg
My ass hurt
dev will rug, then we cto, wait for him to do it
dev got 1.75% why would he rug
wheres the tg?
Someone make tg.
you have to be stupid to be fading this
just wait and watch a few minutes this will flyyyyyy
oh and dont worry about the tg & dex it will be taken care of at the right time
High millions coin here
It was created to be a farm gg
support is strong!
farm for sure
Nah not farm, check distro and bubble maps, regular buyers. This sends
hahaha people calling it a farm have to be special kind of stupid
this god sol mfr just buys everything or he the one ruggin on the reg?
They are just retarded. They want someone to blame , to pay for dex and all the shit. Dont know what community is
is there a tg?
send it
Dev holding 5%, look at bubblemap
this will send hard on ray let's push it bois
If y'all want to make money with this coin join it's telegram group
Join telegram, lets pump it
It took 80 comments to open a cto tg, will launch a new coin when these third world countries are asleep. Be alert, it’s gonna happen sooner than you think
longest villain arc unfolding
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