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3/21/2025, 11:41:38 AM
doby (doby)
lets send this!!!
Is this an OG pic?
#110878859 Og and doug dev launch , which one went to 2.6M mc
Banner for the project :)
#110879050 I am cooking better one
#110879069 mfer its been 2 minutes lmfao
Pic is sick, if og it'll run. Got that dode vibe to it
I wish I knew how to reply - I’d put something witty dammit
we have a sendor
Yeah no site
Banner for the project :)
#110879772 that's awesome bro
best one rn
cant tell if you guys are real humans or not... haha
#110880080 i am sir
#110880080 I am real lol
makes me feel better haha. I will be here for some good buys on a dip! (if it comes)
Send dobyyy!!
Fk bundle in im selling
#110880248 fuck off dude this charade is getting old
Bundle will nuke on you lol just sell now take profits
Doby cute af
on axiom shows no bundle btw
My banner option
alpha dev
so this is doug dev who hit 2mil ok
#110880518 lol
hearing this might be some famous artist art
been done before. look up billion dollar dog
Ppl that listen to idiots will never make it and be rich
painted by some korean artist named yeye
pic is og i cant find with reverse image search
Wait for bundle to sell lol
doby kinda sending!
#110880918 link
#110880918 lol wtf those dogs are not even remotely close
U idiot #110881038
no bundle no bs This should do well
disto fire too
sleeping on this, send it to a milli gn
#110881099 lmao if I give link or ca the chart will instanuke. just dyor.
the art is clean af and lowkey
I can strongly feel this is the runner. will go milly omg
Someone make tele for this lets send it
#110881393 too early stay on here
#110881450 yes best to have the chat here until bonding
Nice eat dips work together
#110881689 i bought .02
Get ready for the ride
There is a 10% bundle according to trenchradar but if he starts selling at 2m then who gives a fuck hey
Eat dips dont let jeets get low entry
#110881890 ok says 1.78% now, things tripping balls
hope doug dev makes another achievement with this lol
Doby is strong 💪
If dex is paid now this will give more confidence to buyers and new holders and we will send by the way it is same dev for doug
Doug hit 2m, its still at like 250k, i dno if he sent it himself tho, wasn't in it
plz send this or ima kms
#110881352 hi there
#110882316 ok ill pay it
#110882488 DAMN BRO DONT DO IT
agreed. early dex pay shouldpush this hard towards bond
#110882316 stop spreading lies. Token is good, but it's not Dugg dev, everyone can see that. Your lies are what is pushing people away.
#110882545 dam
hi guy, im new, where can we see description of ticker
#110882545 dont
should i pay it now
#110882818 HOLD
dont pay dex early
#110882564 what it is you dumb fuck. Go the first coin he launched. It's literally right there.
now this will go to 30k then 22 then 40 then bond
ok im paying dex now so ppl stop jeet
#110883168 first boost on me then homie
wow damn bonding curve 70%!!! congrats
watch doby save the markets
guy, go boost rocket on dexscreener
Notice they don’t post the telegram boys
#110883405 THIS IS THE TELE
wow fuck all time high!!
#110883810 Tele after bonding, best to keep the chat here until then :)
Go check the smaller transaction we gettin farmed
#110883985 u retarded dumvit fag
#110884072 thhats bump
Pulling out the tablet to make memes, dont nuke on me
fud for entry is awesome
not og
#110884160 doby next to the mona lisa in the louvre?
guys why are you losing your position lol
run this bitch up
Pay dex
this will send for sure if you don't jeet
guys wtf are you doing
#110884777 done it seems
Dev doug lol
Oh shit
dex still not paid
#110884847 bullish
lets go
Why has this not bonded
Where is the telegram
#110885212 get in the community
#110885266 doby_cto is the telegram
Doby will send ! I believe in doby
get on thiss
Lets gooo
dolby a real G
#110885570 i mean DOBY
#110885570 hahaha swag
#110884958 He deleted my comment….
#110885570 Lmao this is dope 😂
on Telegram dobyydoby
Boys let him fly
Is the DEX being paid?
Get your bags 🎒
#110886232 join the real community
whats the tg?
#110886334 dobyonsoll
#110886334 dobyonsoll
Don't join those telegrams, they are scams
I don't think a official one has been made yet
Fuck tele and send now !
tele is honestly overrated haha
#110886710 200 holders and climbing
don't join any tele, just keep active on this thread
break out now chads
only join tele link from dex, tele link from thread 99% are scam
lets get dex paid
Dex paid?????
on Telegram dobyydoby
contact support
#110887900 Dex is not paid, why lie?
#110888115 it's a spam bot ignore him
#110887026 you called it mate
should pay it though fr
dex is not paid
Search 1992 space movie
#110882818 yo dex now yes
#110888437 dex is not paid
Doug deployer this will send 2m+
Doby is art
this gonna rug im out, lying about dex gives no confidence
#110888762 wow great shot! well done lol
cmon dev pay dex. timing couldnt be better
This a hard sender chads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the painting
This doesn’t need dex
We need dex at 100k
I think I have a credit actually. give me a sec
#110889237 chad
chart this healthy if dex is paid and it migrates it will keepgoing
Memes are fire
this is unique gem, dont waste it
on Telegram dobyydoby
dex done
Big bundle
Ansem loves doby
#110889693 love u man
#110889724 yooooo HAHAHA
#110889633 can you drop link?
Dex paid
dex paid!! chad!! we are ready! so ready
whoa dex paid, banner is good
holy fuck.. banner is fire!!!
Holy shit doby is on fire now !
Any socials?
Send it to 3m
looks good on dex, thanks for banner, millions banners ngl
#110888889 gtfo
Tele group?
if someone starts socials just share them here and I will add to dex
#110890433 lol real socials
#110890489 yeah retard
#110890399 Chad let’s goo
#110890433 scam tele
repost the tweets
who tf sells before bonding lame ass mfs
bonded!!!! FIRE! LET FKING GO
Send it to a mill
any socials?
#110891291 doby_cto
It hit the bonding curve why isn't it migrating?
500k next leg
#110891372 legit tele
#110891386 just a tease
#110891386 to pumpswap it did
seal it to millions, chad
#110891432 quit lying you goober
I made an X @dobycto
posting everywhere rn
#110891648 join the tege
posting everyyywheree aswell
#110891648 scam tele dont join
hit those rockets on dex
This shit easy 10000mcap
this going to 1m market cap, yall js gotta hold
cutie doby
on Telegram dobyydoby
Lfg 3m
#110892323 Dobyonsol
#110892384 we have a real community guys
Let it run 1m
#110892501 just joined bullish
#110892384 scan tele, dont join
bros, press that rocket on dex while migrating
This is going to 1mc
million dollar ticker
What's the tele
#110892855 dobyonsol
#110892885 scam tele dont join
we have socials?
#110893079 dobyonsol
Runner 🏃♂️
contact support
Runner 🏃♂️
primed for breakout
Add socials create telegram let's push this 💪
contact support
buying more
holding nice already
by the time we hit ray, it's already 500k mcap xd
the guy who paid dex add some socials so we can shill
DCA doby xD
Is there a tele?
Its already in pumpswap, will it go to ray?
#110893553 THE TELEGRAM
contact support
#110894811 lol give it a rest dude
has anyone made a real tele - need to start working to send this
only join tele that shared from dex banner
no links on banner - not even PF link - need to add that and setup tg
#110895389 tele is overrated
We doing this @doby_ct
We live @doby_ct
Where is the tele
You'll thank me later
Dobyyyyyyy @doby_ct
lets send this
We in hereeee @doby_ct
Hold the floor boys
and this is how coins die
Send it 3m
papers are out its time folks
Let this go to 1 Million. Come on dev
We flyinggggggg @doby_ct
We vibinggggg in heree @doby_ct
Run it past 100k
Lfg millions
Let go
We live chads @doby_ct
Someone please pay dex
#110899300 it is paid!
Strong motivated community = W. Jeets neda hold for once
We vibinggggg @doby_ct
contact support
#110899501 i don’t think so
runner of the day typa coin
Update tg
We bondinggggg @doby_ct
Let stay active on tg
Dobyyyyy @doby_ct
We hott @doby_ct
I hope someone will sponsor ads and boost on dex
We flyinggggggg @doby_ct
Hoping to have boost and ads on dex and press rocket on dex
Yall press rocket n hold the floor
Update tg
Let stay active on tg
Let stay active on tg
I'll pay for boost
Someone send link to tele
#110901932 tele is overrated mate. just buy a lil doby and chill
Hell yeah its sending
in next our we should hit 150k
dex socials need updating
#110903706 socials are overrated
Art + dog = doby
Keep it pushin dont sell
Lets go past 150k
#110899778 lol yeah clearly you don't think at all.
We need boost or something
we need indians
Need patience fr
Yall are jeeting for pocket change
Send it to zero. They farming hard.
if we hold at 200k this will fly
#110915189 lol this isn't going to 200k mc
#110915264 -_-
Dev please DM @fjhjhjg, I propose cooperation, we need a developer for the project
1k holders and only at $59k MC.. 🧐
i'm fucked
can someone help me with 4 dollars
keep it up
thanks for the RUG
bony bony same great DOUG DEV we running it up now.. BONY
#110901932 dobyonsoll
Let stay active on tg
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