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1/28/2025, 12:37:42 AM
Deep Cheeks (DEEPCHEEKS)
Got one here boys
send the cheekssss
i'll smack those cheeks
cheek clapper
clap clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap
shawty got them deeps cheeks
awwww cheek cheek mf
deep cheeeeks!
I love deep cheeks I can’t help it
#95773051 i dont think its a bundle bro , might just be copy traders that bought on the same block
this is gonna do amazing on dex
This is hilarious definitely gonna send
it's gonna float in the green when it hits dex
ima bounce on those cheeks when we hit dex
Pump it up
those cheeks are juicy
the more cheeks you buy the more cheeks you get
ape the juicy cheeks !!!!
look at them buns
eat the cheeks !!!!
the cheeks cannot be stopped
deep cheeks will lead to deep pockets
ngl my girl got some fat ass cheeks
This is the best looking one I have seen
I think deepcheeks will be on the top 10 in Ray Ray
Your girl does have super nice ass cheeks! I agreee!
Price out the swing traders
you cant stop the cheeks im telling you everyone loves cheeks
send it
il ove cheeks in my face
higher boys
Now we send
cheeky cheeksters
steady lads you dont want to come back later and this is at 200k
chads coming to send this
This is a no brainer. Lock in homies.
we locked in boys , floor is holding up
what you think your cheeks looks like vs what they actually look like
The banner is incredible too.
good luck trying to stop those cheeks.
That last meme hahahahahaha
yo this sends fr
the cheeks cannot be stopped
bounce a quarter off them cheeks
Not sure if the dex guy is here or not still, but I can cover if he bounced
if you sell cheeks you're gay
If you jeet this you forever doomed with chicks with no cheeks
Yall know what nassatol sydrome is?
Yup dex at KOTH it is
jeets have no cheeks
Gonna swipe some more shortly
dont let swing traders shake yall out this will bond
i can feel my cheeks getting fatter looking at this chart, ape more
holders are growing
Send this cheeks to a milly
the cheeks will send i have cheekviction
Cheeks are primed to be a sendor
This is a slow cook but will get there sooner than later
Slow cooks are honestly the play nowadays. Everything else is sketch af
We got this guys
If aint it slow and steady then its a no go for me if it goes up super fast it comes down as well super fast
I mean it when I say I will pay for dex. I respect this crew holding their cheeks during the lull
holding my cheeks tight.
squeeze em tight
like all the comments for more bumps boys
When new buyers come (and they will come), respect them please. Profits are fine, but no full clip nonsense. We have the floor
The original cheek clenchers
chads will clap cheeks after we hit 1M
Welcome new clencher!
Definitely a cheek man she could have no titties and just a pair a cheeks and Im good
Slow Cook and will be Bond today
alright boys time to giga send
grab those deep cheeks and hold em
buy more cheeks !!!! this is meta !
these cheeks are just too good
these cheeks are juicy
clap clap clap
i just wanna bite em
lets go boys shill the cheeks
Banner again they keep deleting
pf deleting the banner and memes smh
Buying more cuz this group knows whats up
these cheeks are gonna look so fine on dex...mmm mmmmm
This is the type of charts that you jeet it and then check on em hours later and it will be sitting at 2mil
Never underestimate a slow cook
#95828377 - It is the type of chart that makes me think it could survive post bonding. Cuz the early holders GOT CHEEKS
such a beautiful mind whoever create this token
Clappp clapppp go Bond
clap clap clap
the one who holds the cheeks shall be rewarded
LG balls deep in them cheeks!!!
we deep in them cheeks my favorite place
Dex is prefilled gents.
These cheeks are deeeeep
Id give him some cheeks if I was gay hahahaha
Lets Pump it chads
My cheeks have dimples rn
Ate that jeet up like I be eating my girls cheeks
Flashing my hairy cheeks live at 1M
BREAKK it chaddd clapp clapp
#95834927 Lmaooo nice try us chads got the floor. This is still an amazing price
Volume isn't huge right now so it is EXTREMELY important that we dont fuck over new buyers. Again, profits are fine, but dont yeet the fuck out of them when we are slow cooking.
dex is prefilled guys push for koth now !!!
Ready to smash
sooo much higher !!!
lets make all the jeets cry
the world will adore these cheeks.
Clapppppp my Neighbor cheekkkk fuckkk
Cheeky chads in here im tellin you. Congrats on the ATH you sexy fucks
we are awesome!!
Break it chadassss or I Cheek ur assssss
distro looks amazing good shit boys
How do my cheeks look?
dip got ate upppp
Break it chad
Slow Cook butsure
we should keep chat active
pamp those cheeks
Always keep this thread bumpin
i bump to the sound of those cheeks clappin
Gooooo Bond this shit cheek
thats not the real TG
Dreaming about the cheeks
seeing how big the cheeks are
diamond hands boys! LG!
diamond cheeks!!
diamond hands boys! LG!
bye bye jeets !! hahaha
this is gonna go insane on dex
finger of God
Sprinkling another buy on top of the new mega chad who aped in.
Gooo chadddd or I slap ur cheeks
Slow cook while I slowly clap my own cheeks
whole lot of chads trying to clap cheeks here
gangbang those cheeks
Let the cheeks be free!!!
cheek masters
Steady lads hold your cheeks slow cooks we will send dex at koth boys
Clench the fuck out of the cheeks. This will never get under this price again.
Organic shit and I am here for it. Bricked up!
Goooo clap ur cheeks this will be bond
Go higherrrr chaddd clap your Neighbor chheckssssaa
Sooner or later we gonna send guys
Clap clap clap clap
No one can fade cheeks
1M or gay
Keep clapping fellas
like all the comments boys !!
round of applause for those new cheeks that came in
Respect new chheckssss
We love our new cheeks!
Pump it up
these cheeks will be sitting on top of Ray
We hit 1m and ILL eat a can of hormel chili out my girls cheeks
they way this community of chads in forming will giga send us on ray
Cheek cult
You sell your cheeks you my friend are 100% gay
all the jeets selling the last bit of cheeks they got left
Eat them cheeks upppp
Bro eat the dip like my dog eats peanut butter out of my cheeks
Cleannn cheeks nowww sendorrrr
replacing the old cheeks with some new cheeks hahahaha
Cheeky chads arent even flinching
Pump! Baby pump!.... Keep thread active to send
nice cheeks
cheeks cheeks cheeks !!
Clap them cheeks guys
I love the deep cheek energy
lets go cheeks clapping everywhere in the tg
jeetin cause they aint got no cheeks
this crew has been here before. We big chillin!
sitting my cheeks chilling
pamp the cheeks
I think we should bond her fellas
Best cooks are slow cooks
Slow Cook but sue
Letssssss BREAKK the cheeksssss
Send the cheeks deeper and higher
Bring the cheek slappers in
Clap dem cheeksss
clap clap clap clap
When in doubt, just zoom out
Clap my mom cheeks
Breakkkkk like we do beforeee
oh man I loe your moms cheeks! THE BEST!
pushhhhhh lets break ATH
Ahhhh fuckkk I love my mom cheeksssss sendorrrr
what a cooooook!
We Holding!
conviction play.
Real chads here
That dude has no cheeks
Let’s push to koth guys
Obliterating that recoil
Next leg will bond
We are the deep cheek slappers
guys we are almost there just a little more for koth then we pay dex and fly !!!!
jeets and swing traders will get rekt , we will make sure of it #CHEEKCULT
Goooo bring this cheeks to heaven
If this shit was on a good volume day it would’ve of already bonded
i will run bumps all the way to ray idgaf
I slapped the shit out them cheeks
Fellas recoil of deep cheeks is best thing a guy can ask for
Crazy what happens when a group gets together and says fuck selling
Deepcheeks giving me the vibes of that shit that takes 4 hours to migrate and then shoots to millies
Them cheeks go deep
Dex when? It'll send once it's done
Yeah guys keep holding a strong floor if you see somebody sells don’t sell on top of them let’s try to keep the chart healthy please
fuck yeah
Great ring to this
Best looking chart Ive seen today frfr
Bring us home so I can get this dex paid for already haha
Slowly but surely
New cheeks! Love that
push to koth !!!!
KOTH is imminent. This group has diamond cheeks
What happens when bond?
soon escape velocity
sendorr this cheeks
Cheeks 👀
Send these cheeks to VALHALLA
clap clap clap
Clap clap clapppp
Cheeks clapping
Just about time for liftoff. For those who have been here grinding this shit out since the beginning, remember that we love our new buyers.
clap clap clap
It's time for the cheeks to clap and fly away senddddd itttt
Clappity clap!
Time to eat some cheeks boys
nice entry
god had blessed yall with entry , dont fade it
That is the hardest I have been fucked in a long time
Clapp back, good entry.
Chart looked super juicy 🤪
Run it back
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