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10/6/2024, 10:14:33 AM
November 5 (Nov5)
The most important day in history of our Country
Only holding a 1.23% so enjoy the freedom
Okie something unique let’s make it 1 billion till Nov 5
Please donate 10% to trump’s campaign NOV5 the final war
Okie if you are agree to donate Im in
Finally a real shit in the market Nov5 to billion
NOV 5 the final battle
The final Battle
This the next viral ? Has potential
Someone will ape this soon
I am only holding a 1.23% supply so there is no way to Rug Let's go to the moon together
5 nov
5 nov x taylor dev
bond coming this scammer aped this. Avoid and run. Join the movement lets spread it around!
This some fuckin bull shit
final stage
I believe in you dev. 5 nov gonna fly
hmmm this could rly send...biggest day in history soon
bubble maps fucked
#23329930 thhat person been holding for 10 days i dont think they are a jeet lol
November 5
Taylor deployer
Will Hit 10 mil
its coming just a few days away
give me a entry you fuckers
Fuck who’s running a Dev’s dead coin 😂
I will farm it to death
Beware. Happy Halloween.
I bundle all his tokens for him. If we hit 30k I will farm it.
Wtf is going on here 😂😂😂😂
Perfect timing BtW only 4 days to go 😂😂
Dev sell ur bag if you won't do anything
Do another Taylor with this one dev.. the same team is involved
#24486811 You are a retard. U wanted dev to sell and when he did u just panic sold😂😂😂
this is taylor dev? he’s not running this again or idk? did he delete socials ??
#24485510 oh dev replied can you push this please? perfect ticker for the perfect day
#24487594 lol
Check out Lerg the lion and Herg the hippopotamus
2BoSWHRy7MNXH2DpWsyDTpttaAB3fToqWEjSNs9ypump Guys, I'll see that this is a gem, we'll send it to millions. 🚀🚀💥
All the top 3 wallet need to split. Scary asf
Lets fckin bonding
Bonding soon for sure
Like 4 days soon
Slow cook and good comunity 100k mc lets go
Definitely a cooker
King's dev
Blessed are those who be loyal
Fuxk yesss
I am big brain or big retardo ether way this is a cooker I’ll hold to 100mill
We don’t need a telegram this is gonna send regardless
See y’all at 10mill
Send 1M
0xkoh will buy
dump again pepek asu lontee
mulyono is hereeee
5% and 4% trim your bags we sending this shit tomorrow
guaranteed 5-50x if ive ever seen one. see yall tomorrow
koth baby lesgo
Send 10M ayo strong
🤯 I just got 0.5 Sol here Don’t fade
Holder is crazy.. Send 100mil
I’ll join tele and chill
That was a scam tele lol I’ll make one
Lol I tried posting a tele to chill guess we just gonna vibe in the thread
dm my on tele if ya wanna vibe @ JAPANESEHITLERONSOL
get ready for ray
I am back guys bought 1% 😂😂
#25265070 Oh fuck bro love you man
Holding a 5% is too much
#25265657 I agree he needs to trim a slice off
Bundled badly
We need to fix distro
Can 5% and 3% trim please?
Those all holding for like weeks and I think they won’t sell
They think people are too dumb … cut your fucking percentage
Please fix your bundles Fam dev is back don’t be greedy
#25266917 Yes serr
Don’t be greedy
Chads been holding the flooor for a week they wont be selling till it hits millies🤣
That 5.8% please trip down
I've been here for 2 weeks, I'm not going to leave now because some of solana's usual morons come for their $5 profit ^^ I wait 1 million minimum
U own 5.8 that’s greedy
Devs back we need the 5% wallet to trim a bit please 🙏
#25268259 stfu complainer lol if you knew who pushing this on November 5th u would not being crying lmfao. Just be ready to send my guy
It will send to millions if 5% can trim just a tiny bit please 🙏
I believe in this or I wouldn’t be here fam 👍
They want a strong floor so it sends hard....
#25269229 Oke doke sounds good
Other guy sold now bubble looks good
5.8 u don’t sell some and this won’t send
What u will do with 5.8 if this won’t send and people scared to buy
Trim down asshole 5.8 is fucking greedy
Dev told top trim down asap
Dev re launch if that 5.8 doesn’t trim hahah that guy is here but fucking greedy
How can I swap to $NOV5?
Well done 5.8 u mfer killing this project
That’s guy need to sell 5.8 is too much
It’s scares people
#25275537 That 5.8% has been holding this for 2 weeks, I bet you 99% of pumpfun jeets can’t even do that
The fact that he’s been holding this for two weeks without budging is impressive
Doesn’t matter and he needs trim
Look at his tx he is a jeet
How dev push the project if someone holds 6-% common and this is commonsense
This will dump to zero because of the greedy one mfer
Pussy is that 5.8%
I already sold at 50k and bought again so I will dump again his head
#25286066 Also check out LUCKY. DEV won't rug. We are on the hunt for CTO. Join in and spread the word.
#25275893 that's spot on. Also check out LUCKY. DEV won't rug. We are on the hunt for CTO. Join in and spread the word.
I will keep buying dip and keep dumping unless that greedy mfer is out …let see how this bonds
Trump will be a president 👑 november5
nov5 coded
mulyono 3 periode yes or no???
we bonding today boys iykyk they almost ready for the huge push
#25277830 no its more like u will cry and wish you held lmfao. u got no idea whats coming hahahaha
This is the most lazy kind of holders I have seen. Nobody is going to spoon feed you. Go and sh'll your bags.!!!!
#25354559 oh it will be pushed very very heavy soon by the guys who want to send it.
Which guys?
5 nov pumppp pepekkkk
jeet kontolll
a lowkey alpha play
lock in boys lock in
elon notice the ticker
The dev behind this created the Taylor coin that went to 6mil mc
Aight fellas I think at this point we gotta get dex sorted out
Only one day away so we need dex
this is a bhog deployer so ray will get good eyes auromatically from notfications
Holy fuck we got two numbs running? Nice
dev kontoll jeett
team is diong dex at the right moment guys trust these guys send
never fade alphas all ima say
ngomong apa sih kalian tol
Start sh'lling from your end. Using the #nov5. Let's start as single warriors before Grouping.
November 5 is one day away and the dev behind this created the Taylor coin
and the oldest one always wins
i also sold mine an hour ago when i realized that its not the oldest november 5th
46VNZEMLkXDuSARGus9BFgcgjgxxzNFdCDKDTQpyGUYm thats the oldest
#25360571 you can ask him. he is also holding the oldest nov 5th. and is saying in pf threads that it is the oldest and will send
if you think this one will do better, then just hold, up to you. only wanted to let people know about the oldest november 5th
Less than 12 hours until November 5th
Less than 12 hours to November 5th
Let's get the party started 🙂
fuck this im aping the og one
top holders here are the reason it didnt bond fucking idiot dumb fucks bubble fucked
You will buy at the top. 🙂
Dudes out here begging people to buy in other coins threads that’s so desperate and cringe
Join and let's ra!d tweets.
I’m building the bat signal but for our dev to come back and help his unwanted children lol
Dev halp peas 😩🥹
Hey Dev! Are we still doing this with the 5%+ and bundle?
top 1 held 5% lol is so scary
a lot of bundled lmao, this is will be never bonded
i can create a stunning banner for it but i really really need $10 bucks, i lost my capital, currently at zero, if someone have a great heart... please...
While if Trump wins, write "on NOV5, the right decision was made".
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