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4/21/2024, 3:11:06 PM
ANA is the first Ai gaming ghost existed since 1980’s. Now that ANA is in Crypto-Land, she will revolutionize the world of Crypto in her own way by revealing her existence! Let’s welcome ANA to the Crypto-Land! $ANA WEB - http://anacoinsol.com $ANA TG - https://t.me/anacoinsol $ANA X - http://twitter.com/anacoinsol
10.00% dev wallet nah im good fam
Is real pandacham dev ?? Aped
based dev with youtube channel lfg
Keep those gas fees low and those slippages high, looking forward to my bot front running your transaction's with my bot https://t.me/+FDfVmeCuQ8wzMTY0
Real officialy launch pumpfun ,letsgo
Dev is based, just join and ask anythg
Dev doxxed bruhh , send it is legit
based dev?
based dev LFG
Dev is Super Based
love the dev!
based dev! join tg
Dev is so based she really wants to send
send this to koth!
base is deved
ana coin in youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgpbgeWvitI
join tg for vc
doxxed dev. we simply bid
dev is in voice chat active, has big plans for this one
dev is doxxed? say less!
Just spoke to the dev this one looks promising
send it !
Looking good
join the TG if you are not in there DEV super active in VC
vision exchange distinction tone hospital flat feature centre programme sport love street right settlement baby effect contact fear doubt household map
lets gooooooooooooooo
Telegram link ?
So close guys lets push to 100! I know the devs will deliver something big. Share with all your friends!! ^_^
pump it up guys to the block chain
ANA COIN IN YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgpbgeWvitI
Dev rugged last token and has 10% supply of this one... Just be careful
Did a 6 year old write this ?
#1266528 Thank you for your advice and because you want to save the world.
Lets goo
this going very high ser
#1266956 It could be, but what do you getbignibvokta that you do useless FUD? Are you satisfied with your life?
Dev is noob. She will dump 10% at Raydium. Sell now!!!
send it lfggg
Dev is farming!!! Sell!!!
Don't fall for her trap! Sell now!
Dev farming. She will sell 10% supply. Skemmmmmmm
Dev skem Folana and Pepeoil
stfu dev bought first and sell at last after comms leave her
Search foolana and pepeoil. Dev skem both projects. Don't buy
#1267879 stfu bro she just made pepeoil, and sold at last after comms leave her
Skemmm. She skem foolana
This is the type of project that $SKID Script Kiddie talks and relates too lol
serious project here
shycat Dev so based, he'll gonna burn 1M token wtf
lts goo
#1267583 You too, interesting as you only know 2 words... Poor man
Let’s run it up bullishly
Poor dev. Can't even pay for dexscreener
So people deliberately try to sabotage with fud after they sell for profit and don't wanna see it succeed cause then they'd feel like idiots?
Hello, thanks for the support who stayed. I will be fully funding the creation of Dapp.
People are so concerned about the dexscreener, or concern about my supply holding, obviously you need to watch my youtube channel.
Join my telegram, I have youtube link to talk about the project how i will build it.
And regardless about the accusation above, please check the fact with me on telegram. My name is christina. My youtube is pandacham trading.
#1270927 ty for the support. We will move this. But i need to get some eyes shut.
Good night fam. I’ll be working on dapp onwsrds
subscribe to the X as well if you could. we will have another space in the next few days but are always active in the tg!
#1274164 dont let fudders push you to lose hope.. its an awesome plan of action and you have some solid people working to contribute. the price will go up and down but im not selling only going to keep buying micro buys to give more volume and work for my bags
Watched the youtube. Dev is doxxed. Looks legit. Lfg!!!
Micro buys people. Let’s pump this to raydium. I trust you dev.
Slow pump is more bullis
Bullish...doxxed dev...good narrative
all good this gonna be the next 1.
#1327468 what’s ur problem. Uve been fudding the whole team. Go telegram u will know what’s going on.
this is not going anywhere waste of time
We just released yesterday. Nothing will happen in a moment of bliss. Take care buddy.
#1328303 Im sorry the chart dissapoints you. :) I will make video soon. So please patience. We’re just 1 day old.
am holding i like the project
There is no deny, we have establish a floor. Let’s send this to Raydium.
Because community has sound out. I will use my own money to make the DEXSCREENER UPDATE. Banner will be ready!
If you have any questions wondering why 10% is my holding. Come to telegram, and I will reply to all your worries!
looking good :P dex can do something special with this
Dexscreener Banner is READY!!
We are still in phase 1… please check the website to look at my roadmap.
Ur doing great - dont let the jeeters and impatient morons make u doubt ur vision.
This is an actual project -unlike the shit making up 99.9% of stuff here.
Quality will always have support, and you got it already so keep working on making Ana great and the price will go nowhere but up 👍🏻
#1330631 Sorry forgot to mention you specifically lol- see above comment - dont let dummies dissuade you and keep working. It will work itself out in the end
Let’s fucking goo
base dev moon
Great project guys. I love the work out in so far!!!
#1330797 Thank you for the comment. For those who have doubts. Please come telegram. I can do AMA. Thanks for your support as well man. Chad! - love ANA
cum and join the $BROKE Communiteh
Dev I think sending half of your holdings to another wallet is a good idea.
Y, he's all good. Truth is king. Dev is gold..
Website says it all.. Dev has NOT let us down..
10% for dev ? nah im good thank's
Ive explained in my youtube about the 10%… please you have to trust the process. Anything come to the telegram. And i cant explain why i need the 10%
A normal project would have done 20% or 30% more. If they launch it via pinksale or raydium. This is the truth. Do your research.
Can explain...
My 10% if i reduce it now, people would assume i sold. Which is NOT TRUE.
The 10% shouldnt be concern. You should be concern if a dev holding 5-10 accounts buying and holding 20-30% supply, that’s your concern.
Im all about transparency. Check my youtube.
Truth is king, transparency is GOLDEN..
Lol if he had the brain power to do research and check ur YouTube, he would’ve done so before posting his comment.. cant change stupid. 🤷🏻♀️
Those who dont want to lose all their money gambling on crap take the time to understand where the money is going and wont fud. So let it be his loss lol
How cool is the community. Rock fkn solid..legends..
Lets go guys, help me with micro buys to keep it on front page
dev has 10% the f
ASTRONIMOCAL if dev would rug.
Not if it has a project in mind
Join our tg group guys, she explained everything
Voice chat started in TG peeps
Live on vc now, join tg!
Letgoo join vc with dev
Lets go guys, keep the small buys up
This can start a whole new meta fr crazy potential
Thanks Fam. Join us on VC.. We’re gonna hit raydium soon. Please check the Pinned message on the telegram group. Please everyone!!!
Yup will do, really dont fade this idea !
Give it time boys
I'm all in ❤️
Good website, good narrative, good art… why tf would you jeet on pumpfun
Time to eat the jeeters
#1264209 your bot is garbage bro. and are you using windows... lmfao ookay. the bot you paid for thats free a fork of the 400 free on github
Go to dex
Check out mcf*cked on pump.fun
going good still
still holding radium over 60k after lunch LFG !!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to catch the next youtube video on it!
We have reached raydium. As always the chart looks ugly from there. But We will fight it through!!!
this had so much potential
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