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2/20/2024, 10:52:36 PM
Ballswifhat (Balls)
Suck my balls jeets
Dex is prefilled, will pay at koth
i created t g ballswifhat
send the balls
this shit going to zero my nigga wtf is this
Bruh yall that broke rn what the fuck
This coulda actually ran what a retard
first balls on pump
#101419108 These balls cans run!
I heard Big Balls launched this before whitehouse
The first balls on Pump!!! Send it
its a sendor !!
#101419530 yess !!!!
#101421846 Yes! Let's bring this shit back
Lmao 🤣
Ta the realll baalllss 😂😂😂
nasty little balls lol
Stanky balls
they been running and wearing a hat though, so they get a pass
Wiffy balls wif hat
#101424411 LEGEND
#101424692 Hold onto your balls, we running.
Let's send this boysss!!!
#101424738 Organic OG resurrection. Leans into the big balls narrative and it's wif hat. How can it not run?
#101424849 SENDOOOR
lmao this is soo good !
Push it!
#101425016 100% , if this runs the narrative sends it so high. Resurrecting the first ever balls from the ashes to Ray and beyond. LFG
#101424853 jeets thats why
Start buying chads! i just got in!!!
Any REAL chads in the thread?
We gotta keep thread active boys!!!
Come on guys!!!
Thread active helps bring eyes
I'm out for now boys, no one is working for their bags!!
As the tagline goes, suck my balls jeets
C'mon... it's BALLS ... WIF HAT!!!
Keep thread active we can get it to bond!!!
this gonna bond !!
#101427525 BALLS
#101427004 how we getting eyes on balls god
Bond the balls
matter of time !, just relax and enjoy ! there is no rush to get eyes, lets wait for the right path to send it !
#101429307 bet
take Big Balls to HODL !! LFG
Big balls lead to big bags. LFG!!
Jeet Jot Joot
#101431609 Send it
5% really bro ?
#101432080 a little trim or spread between wallets be good
For every 20% this moves I’ll fist myself.
#101432605 that takes balls
To big holder make 5.6% 😭😭
C’mon gents. Every 40% and I’ll let wyu2 fist me.
#101433265 FISTWIFHAT
*chants in unison*
Wonder if this is safu to sleep on
feels like a slow burn that could run, but sleeping on bags, even big ball bags takes balls.
Maybe a sneaky late night runner?
#101436506 I mean it does have legs
Great legs 🦵
5 out pls 😂😂
#101439809 or at least a little trim
5% has gone, let’s do this
5% out
Anybody mention 5% out? Let's send it
#101442363 Clean balls
Jeeters are out, let's run it up.
If anybody updates dex this will run so hard!!!
New lows and new highs and then boom 💥
Best actions in plays like this is to just throw in what you can afford to lose and walk away, you never know.
#101429307 pay and update dex man, it will explode!
Everyone trim wallets to 1%+
50% to KOH
wtf 8%,
I'm out for 8%
#101507339 Kay cyaaaa
#101507633 You sold lol
for $1.71 Bahahahah
#101507339 Out
We’re elevating hype to an art form!
This hype is the soundtrack of ascension!
I’m soaking in these gains like sunshine!
send it !
I can help you cash in on your extras Balls
true hodlers Balls
I can help you cash in on your extras Balls
Free SOL tip Balls
The ballswifhat everybody
53% wtf
Sorting the supply babe before the cabal jumps onboard
#101508494 Hey, your wallet still has value. GainNova in t can prove it
Perfect entries come to those
Perfect entries come to those
if this hit raydium with that much in the bonding curve. This will explode. Plus a year old and perfect timing
Everybody sell and buy back when big bundle is out
Do I get a free hat with this
Anyone have a hat I can borrow
Who has the hat now?
Anymore photos of da balls
#101427840 told u
Anyone can help me $10 brothers I’m so sad and poor lost my whole wallet
Yes I can help you have have $ but I need you to put hat on my balls
#102598146 Can you help me with $10 bro
Yes, come to by balls that’s where the $10 is waiting for you
Long steady
holy og
Elon musk salute
Buy it ARG and JAR
so what, are we sending this?
Send this today bolls is the method and this og wif
Why it needs 137k mcap for ray ?
Blame the whale, making the volume too hight
Stop running bots scaring off people
hi everyone
When is the listing time
We waiting so long????????
Huge send this is
Anyone have more photos of da balls? Do they regularly have to shave,
Ohh yes send it
I heard Big Balls launched this before whitehouse
When is whitehouse oppening
is aurevexis running?
Moon landing
this coins got wings!
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