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3/20/2025, 12:50:50 PM
onchain panda (OCP)
the panda is onchain
Clean, send it
i launched with 0.5 sol im poor dev. im holding my 1.8% till 1Million marketcap. i hope someone can pay dex for that
Let’s gooo
Good bro you bonded topsy 8 months ago
#110657235 how was topsy?
Y tf selling idiots
Fucking idiot only here good luck
Is that what you're counting on? What am I doing now, you bought it and the price goes up?! Fuck you! We need to buy more during the fucking and not try to be smarter than others in the wrong way
Chads run bmps then can send
Let’s send it Chads
cto this its easy runner
dex going to be paid at king of the hill
Dex Banner looks fire... This is a sender for sure
Let's push this to ray
Let's send thus panda
Send it higher guys.... Just hold...
Let's bond it, its very memeable and ticker is good, it can do good on ray
#110695741 Yes, Sure.... Lets keep Vibing
Holding the floor strong ready to take off
Floors holding let's pump it
Get in now it's gona lift off soon
#110696642 Its Holding nice
Lfg let's push this to ray
Buy and hold this can bond, banner made and possible dex paid a koth let's get it there and see what happens
this will be the meme of the day
shill to ur friends guys
Spread the word let's send this
Join tele guys...let's send this
I like this
Let's send this..onchainpanda tg
Don't fade
Lfg...need dex and will go higher
Someone pay dex lol...I will shill
Don't fade guys join tele and we send it
Let's push it higher
Let's keep pushing it
Join tele
We can push this with the support of u people
This coin not for jeeters...only for holders
Onchainpanda th
Onchainpanda tg
Lfg come join raids
onchainpanda TG
We are holding strong and growing join TG, smash raids lfg
Lfg buy and hold we are pushing to bond this
Hold and the process...dex will be paid at 20k
U can trust the team...Dev based...not a rugger
People believe only in riggers?... If based Dev comes with an idea..people will dump on them...and expects lot
slow cook but good holders. 500k is sure after bonding. maybe someone can help to shill
Hold dammit
Colon guys let's send it
There are many cats and dogs...but not many panda's
bullish nice community
LFG Boys
Bumps running
nice communnity holding strong
Tele onchainpanda
we pay for trending at 10k mc and for dex at 15k mc
Join onchainpanda real tg
Floor Holding nicely
nice floor
the dex banner
good morning
bond dis bond dis
breakout coming
slowcook alpha
on dex 500k ez
neighbors acting strangely for explainable reasons
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