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11/14/2024, 2:33:49 AM
Dogeious Maximus (Dogeious)
The Doge one to rule them all
Twitter name changed to @DogeiousM https://twitter.com/DogeiousM/status/1858654634706977044
Don't be late buy now
This is OG lets send it
Send it!!! Listing on Coininn tomorrow!!!
I’m in
I'm going to buy the whole float if yall don't buy!!! Listed on CoinInn now and pending coingecko and one other!!
I'm going to continue buying from now on, paying dex soon and awaiting listing's on 3 different sites, don't be late!!!
Dex is paid!!!
ur x not working?
thank you - and verifed too ahaha lfggg
thanks also verified niceee man lfg
dev what ur plans ? lets moon this to ray
Wake up fuck
#62718639 long term project, not a pump and dump, all the domino's are set, multiple listing's, DEX paid
Dev been working hard for over a month
this dev must have some serious dedication towards this coin, this looks very promising!
I trimed so you can fuck the copy shit
Rug 1000% indian
Top holder is a known pajeet save your money
u were holding the fake one,u sold and now u came to the og fudding for entry hahaha i just checked ur wallet
Check dev wallet he transfer millions of tokens to his other wallets this is a rug pull save your money
Check dev wallet if y'all don't believe lmao yall about to get rug pull
#68847040 you in the new one will be dead in a few hours our dev been working on months with website and telegram and been tweeting everday for months
I check my wallet lol I don't hold it anymore I just want tall to not get rugged
#68847540 are u dumb kid ur still holding the other trash one thats gonna be dead in a few hours
lol refresh it dumbass I sold at the top. Both coins are gonna get dumped y'all not special. Dev has too many tokens lol. Like I said check his wallet and yall will see he transferred tokens to other wallets. The proof is there but you are too stupid to do your research
You dont unterstand kekius and dogeious are friends. Elon will Post dogeious next
I would've bought if dev wasn't so shady and transfers his tokens to multiple wallets
nobody needs ur few sol broke boi
Y'all probably his girlfriends that's why yall don't care that he bundled the shit out of this coin. Keep sucking his dick faggot boy
#68848853 keep living in poverty gang you will have money one day so u dont gonna fuD
This one too don't worry. You will be pissing yourself soon
i can lose a few sol unlike your broke ass
lol even beta trader is here to tell you how much of a beta you are lmaooooo
Beta boy I'm dying
Check og Just A Chill Maximus Kekius
follow DogeiousM on x acc!!
Dogious and kekius will fight sith by sith
Need bumps
I'm the DEV, I have 25 million total tokens and they ALL are going to liquidity
Dogeious is here for the long run
slow cooker?
#68948438 wrong
send this this is OG
why is the twitter down
just listed Dogeious Maximus on pumplist
og, dex paid and 5% is burned this is so bullish
slow cooker
we are sending! just run up the votes on PL
OMG this will send harddd
reason we are sending now is because i listed it on pumplist
Ahh this is the og one
There is a copy of this that is at 22k rn let’s try and get all them over here😏
At koth this is going to go brazy
is it hard guys to go on pumplist and hit one button, dont be lazy go pump it dont let this fade
Dex paid?
new ath loading then straight to a milly, look at trumpus maximus at 500k dont fade genny wealth going into the 2025 lads this is ur easiest 100x
Dev is based
Is dev still going to create liquidity pool?
Look at that chart. Jeets are long gone
Banner cooked???
Shill it on X guys. This is insane meta!
Chads run bumps
#68984033 farm rug whatever same thing price goes down
#68983098 its alreadd paid on dex my nigga and not bundled nigga jus fudding for entry cuz hes brokie
This is giga sendor! Can't believe we are soo early!!!
Holy fuck dev is based
Not og.
Og one at dex 50k mc now
Og one at dex
50k mc
going to multi millions we will get elon to name his next character this on PoE
Guys the one on dex is 17 days old this is 2m old🤦♂️
Reload here
#68989097 facts!!!
This coin has survived for 2 months. That’s bullish af. Send dat shit!
Let's get koth!!!
#68988776 "OG" one going to get a cease and desist lol I'm the original I own EVERYTHING!!!
Wait your a full stack dev that is goin to integrate ai??
Koth then bond
Is there a tg?
Holy fuck
Let's go koth and we send
This is what happens when you buy the fake one!!!
#69048053 fake one on DEX rugged....like I said I'm the original
Next leg up
This thing is about to rip innit
Jus hit KOTH
I no longer get farmed by the wallets I copy trade, instead I farm them Now thanks to -T-G- (0_0)==kopykatsol==(0_0)
Rugpull is coming boyz
Damn son
2 months old, dex paid, fits current meta, and no bundle, this is a sendor
Send it
Yoooo we bouta fucking send so hard holy praise god
1763-2000 range
Let’s do it boys and our fucking year right
Go million easy
Eat that fucking dip
This gotta bomb
Is dev still here
Lfg if we can bond and get past 100k mc we will fly
Yea nice chart
Don’t be pussies guys , next 100m is here
I never buy right of pump fun with no info but this seems like a sender
imagine elon changed his name to this lmao, either way this is bullish asf send this og son
Mane if he posted it on x lmao
Frl we still gonna fly we doing well im telling my boys to get in early
#69081222 always here 😏
And this mfcker dev has few rugpulled I'm the past and 2 of them has the same ticker like this one
Nah gonna hold this gem
#69099149 of course you gonna hold mfcker because you have over 3 sol I'm this, once bonded you will dump
#69098891 wrong lol never rug pulled, there's fakes out there this is thr original
LFG dev is here
#69100401 really? What about the other one that you rugged 2 months ago with the same ticker? And what about the other 3 ?
Nah I got here early bud. But I ain't dumping on you.
Let it cook!!
Gib me entry jeets
everyone fudding for entry is bullish lol
Farm farm lol
Told yall dev got multiple wallets farming yall lmaoooo
It is the original lmao we just getting farmed cuz yall too broke
I’m buying on 2 accounts
isnt a farm you retards lol
Damn son
stop da fud
time to buy more
#69106621 I've sent my wallets in here and on the X lol I'm 100% transparent
Read my messages earlier this morning he had many wallets
fud= more for me
no bro all those wallets were connected to dev gg look at solscan and look at the devs wallet it sent to 5 -6 other fresh wallets ranging with 3% - 1.5% and this charts looks fucked (before the dump)
All the people commenting about how bullish and amazing this coin is were the ones that sold the top check transaction lmaooooo
no bro all those wallets were connected to dev gg look at solscan and look at the devs wallet it sent to 5 -6 other fresh wallets ranging with 3% - 1.5% and this charts looks fucked (before the dump)
See told yall this is farm
ty for the entry lol
still here buying
Yea and you sold the top lol nice farm
stop fuding
That's it an organic dip lmaooo it was a dump big time
still bullish
Going to zero… there’s 3973827483 of these on ray already. Stupid brokies
Fud is at full tilt right now, ignore it, I can't dump I own 26 million tokens, and 16 million is in the liquidity wallet lol I shared all my wallet addresses on here lol
this will go to zero dev has malice in his heart like someone hurt him in 2021 or something but if you dont know how to read solscan your going to go broke in this space he sent multiple (this isnt all of them) to different fresh wallets.
#69118905 That's what I've been telling all these idiots in the early morning and no one listened
I was fighting with like 2 of his girlfriends early morning lol
#69118905 how do you think I pay people....that's my own tokens, I purchased with my own money, man the fud is really here for sure
This is only the beginning, I have alot of things happening behind the scenes if you want to jeet have at it, we are the original and it's only a matter of time until it gets noticed
Keep jeeting, I'll keep buying and burning check solscan!!!
Elon 100% gonna say “dogeious Maximus” in 2025
#69210818 false
#69209470 a To the moooonnnn!!!!
#69217352 wrong
Is Dex paid?
Elon tweeting about kekius rn
Only a matter of time for Dogeious to be let loose
Don’t fade
KarenCoin is primed to explode if anyone wants free money. GET IN EARLY WHILE U CAN
No one gonna buy with that greedy as nigger with 5 percent. Nigger needs to trim.
Keep up the push!!!
What's up
lmao someone top blasted this glad i didn't get in it
Come find Orpheus
@Dogeious_Maximus teleew
All the spam bots lol what a waste of funds, we're the original and only dogeious maximus!! We're going to the moon it's only a matter of time
teleg official @Dogeious_Maximus x account @Dogeious_M
teleg official @Dogeious_Maximus x account @Dogeious_M
Slow cook?
itll explode w some buys here
we need the next leg
Any real humans here
I'm definitely a human lol
I burned more!!
You have to take away another dogeious.
We have to buy more before it's taken away.
This is the first and only dogeious maximus, I own the name, images and logo!!! Don't fall for the fakes, if you know crypto, the original always wins
Og always wins remember that
This is the first and only dogeious maximus, I own the name, images and logo!!! Don't fall for the fakes, if you know crypto, the original always wins
#69588414 no it doesn't. The og Kekius is at like 100k lol. You don't own anything retard. It's crypto. The other guy actually set up socials for this and is working. He's not just creating a coin and being lazy hoping it moons
#69591463 I have socials set up,the X handle was changed and DEX is paid and set up, and I do own the name, logo and any images listed on my site that are being copied lol, check the law bud and stick to your day job
@Dogeious_M on teleg
This is the one that'll Moon guys. Other guys a larp
Another wash of the paper hands, this is the original dogeious maximus, DEX is paid and I've burned around 60 mil tokens of my own funds, the more jeets the more I buy and burn!!!
#69604654 lfg
#69604654 we aren't buying because you are an asshole.
Bought and sold at little profit because you can't stop claiming a fucking picture. Keep your fucking coins.
Guys, we're the original.
Let's eat dip.
#69605214 just bought another 6 mil, I'll burn that too next dump
Dev burnt supply. Good graphics Dex paid Lovely website Dev active on telegram group chat. Why jeet on this?
Dev burnt his supply
Dev burnt supply
Fartius Maximus .. Fartius gg
this could send!
Burned over 6 million today, like the whitepaper states were going down to 500 Million total!!
Sooner or later, We will meet Dogeious Maximus in the Raydium, Just keep buy and hodl. LFG~
Kekius needs a Dogeious by his side.
The fake has fallen. We are really going to the moon.
lets get this to the moon
buy and hold this mf shi going ot the moon
buy and hold ts goin got moon
get ts to bonding rn
its deserves to be along side Kekius Maximus
dont be a puss and sell 2025 lets get a big profit early
Paper hands won't be able to go to the moon together.
lets go keep buying
buy and hold lets make this great...
a true Dogeious Maximus!!!
dont sell what yall doing ts has mad potential
this is the og and will run hard when eyes get on it... just hold...
Telegram link?
DEX is already PAID, this should just run up ez...
Lets keep the momentum... Lets go DOGEIUOS MAXIMUS!
Let's go to the moon at once.
#69708050 Why
Focus, Dogeious Maximus, one Doge to rule them all
keep it
fools who don't know how to wait
go go go
Hahahaha you see trumpius mooning now its time for Dogeious
Send it dev perfect meta let’s hype it up
she's a slow burner
need bumps
This is already on ray at a 200K MC. OG means nothing if you don't get to dex first.
#69732987 there is no one. Only a copy one with the wrong name what dumpt hard
dex paid btw!!
What’s wrong?
There's another DOGIUS on ray, with updated Dex and DEXT and trends
#69747714 It's certainly looking bullish. And I guess anything goes in crypto. 2 month old slow cook with 1000 comments is bullish.
Dogius maximus is the one with right name
Dogeius maximus is the ony one with right name
Dogeius maximus is the ony one with right name
Dogeius maximus is the ony one with right name
Dogeius maximus is the ony one with right name
Dogeius maximus is the ony one with right name
Dogeius maximus is the only one with right name
Once we can get this bonded, it will moved to 1M MC easily, see trumpius got bonded and ATH went over 3M
Dogeius maximus is the only one with right name
Come on bro, we can go to ray and reach millions of mc
Let's crash the fake in the ray. We're going to Ray and going to 1m.
Where is the tg?
Come on bro, we can go to ray and reach millions of mc
The fake in ray is crashing. We really!!!
#69773018 this came out before kekius as well mate
We came out before kekius, and were the first dogeious maximus!!! Check solscan we minted 2 months ago, this is a slow climb, not a P&D, do your research and join the only true movement !
#69793205 That's right, Dev, let's start updating Dex.
#69797019 working on it, should be completed today
dogeius-dogeious-dogius choose ur destiny
Time to send to mili hard
Not going anywhere because dev is retard.
Check his last few transactions everything is there.
#69822683 shutup u Sold u have and to much talking...
Lest GO!!!!!
The first dogeious is also possible.
don't join the fake tg's . check dexscreener for the real one
Lest Go!!!!!
the original will remain. after that it will fly
today we will win from jeets. and if we are in MC 50K we will fight fudder again. And win again
Luckily found this!
The original DOGEIOUS!!
Dogeious is the face of #Meme soon
#69868805 how much you get paid to be here? Your posts are repeatative and spitting nonsense
#69868805 why spread FUD when this is in your wallet lol
Come on bro, we can go to ray and reach millions of mc
#69882293 I own 2% mate I cant...and I've put too much effort into this
KOTH soon
Push it boys
I shed tears of joy, you are all great.
There is one on ray right at 500k on ray right now I guess og don't always win it is the one that hit first first and gains traction
Dogeious MAX PUMPPPPP x100 soon
Hang in there boys
Yo fam, any of you guys buy me a pizza, i was craving pizza badly but my port is zero rn, but np thats the nature of market, anyone wins, anyone loses, i'll create some memes, arts or a banner in exchange, just wanna eat a pizza 🙂
We aren’t going to the moon. We’re gonna shoot are gonna shoot right past the moon!!!
Another 3 million burned just now, that's 14 million burned in 2 days!!!
Holding my bag for the long run on this one!!
If you’re not holding some dogeious you’re wrong. Start of the new year strong and with the best decision ever and buy some coins!!
DEX paid, Dex Tools paid, Birdeye paid, 14 million burned in 24 hours and just had a conversation with the listing agent from Bitmart 😏, all the domino's are lined up we just need to make it to Radium!!!! It's only a matter of time!!!
#70518351 Push
#70518351 trueee.. Lfgg
I'm keep buy moreee
#70518351 can u help me... Mf rose ban my tele
Dex is Paid Just add a bumpbot this will moon
Guys I need Chad's Im never selling rektius maximus
#70581794 done 😏
Sol trending paid!!! We bond in 3 hours!!!!
DEX paid, Dex Tools paid, Birdeye paid, 14 million burned in 24 hours and just had a conversation with the listing agent from Bitmart 😏, all the domino's are lined up we just need to make it to Radium!!!! It's only a matter of time!!!
#70618651 Bitmart...?! LMFAO Bitmart doesn't care about some 20K shitter in the trenches lmfao who are you trying to fool with this you faggot farmer.
The OG , LFG to millions
Join with us in tg. Dev in based, We Push this together
This ordinitial
let’s go smash that KOTH
Let’s bond. Why is this gem still sitting here
#70921638 what team? You mtf don't even have a tg, what effort you talking about?
come join us in the TG
Update for the day, have about 15 site listing's underway, and I bought another 10 mil to burn over the next few days!!! Remember DEX and DEX Tools are paid, DEX Tools should be updated within the next 24 hours!!! #DogeiousMaximus, The Original One To Rule Them All
As promised, I burned another 5 million this morning, that's 20 million this week
This gem is still here, LFGGGGG After bonding, this will go above and beyond
AMA on X tomorrow at 12pm CST,
Start off the year with the best decision you can make and buy some dogeious!!!
#72304079 AMA changed to an Official Marketed AMA on X Sunday at 10am CST!!!
crazy that this is the original doge
We’re not going to the moon we are going past the moon!! The time to buy is now
AMA tomorrow, 10am CST, let's discuss the project, remember we are the first of it's kind, the fakes are everywhere
Send it back guys
Fucking idiots Buying - selling , buying selling Just hold or fuck off.
Fucking idiots Buying - selling , buying selling Just hold or fuck off, If you don’t have guts to hold, get out of crypto space. This gem is sitting here only because of you dickheads
Keep Holding Guysss
fill your bags!!!!!
Listing in work for MineMe, DEX-Trade and Tokpie!!! Also, don't forget to attend the AMA in 30 minutes, I would love to meet everyone and hopefully gain some trust and new investors!!!!
#73085335 lol eat shit
#72598581 nobody gives a shit
The original gem still sitting here LFGGGGGG
Were live on dexscreener!!!
Trending on Dexscreener for the next 24hrs
new lotetry gmae
We are buying #dogeious chads don’t snooze on it 73 million burned 927 million available Dev is based community is based as well don’t fade it @DogeiousM Minted on November 14th massive pump soon as well
Buy before We Send this Radyium with u and Without y
hgih rsik hgih reewrads
If you lose money you lose much, if you lose friends you lose more, if you lose opportunity with $DOGEIOUS you lose all
hmmm im liking this
We are buying #dogeious chads don’t snooze on it 73 million burned 927 million available Dev is based community is based as well don’t fade it @DogeiousM Minted on November 14th massive pump soon as well
Dev ready cook
Just join to our community
Alot of things are happening and had 3 more whales buy in, as of now the whales and myself own the top 6 wallets and none of us are going anywhere, I'd buy soon
Double B u MPS Chad now send thisa
Your ultimate guide to crypto (OTABWBAv)
Yeah man #dogeious is gonna do that 🥹💯 Don’t snooze on #dogeious man we are based the original one minted on November 14th massive pump Soon #raydium @DogeiousM HNS7xNasqWUknvqpQTnWcN34F8PVDoJfmnGDVzXgpump
Double Bumps Send this now
Buy before it's too late, we're going to Raydium this week!!!
Ready to make a sale? We buy used wallets. join ValueCycle on tg
If you lose money you lose much, if you lose friends you lose more, if you lose opportunity with $DOGEIOUS you lose all
Yeah man #dogeious is gonna do that 🥹💯 Don’t snooze on #dogeious man we are based the original one minted on November 14th massive pump Soon #raydium @DogeiousM HNS7xNasqWUknvqpQTnWcN34F8PVDoJfmnGDVzXgpump
You still have time to join us on this trip!!!!!
If you lose money you lose much, if you lose friends you lose more, if you lose opportunity with $DOGEIOUS you lose all
Just a little more!!! Buy now if you want your lambo
Lfg... Whales never Jeeting y'all we Here on November, until Now we keep Accumulation
You still have time to join us on this trip!!!!!
Just a little more!!! Buy now if you want your lambo
Give me lambo
Curve completed
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Dogeious Maximus (Dogeious)
The Doge one to rule them all
king of the hill progress: 100%

holder distribution
1. 2Ucers
2. AthcWx
3. 8u7bFw
4. BtsoCJ
5. nCtMPe
6. BsMbWw
7. EWm9eo
8. 3mM6b6
9. HHdqGv
10. 6YcAtV
11. 7thyFY
12. EAaze3
13. HKzouQ
14. GrBzX2
15. 7dvLoE
16. 4qQoDY
17. E5BKxd
18. DEuvCQ
19. 4oFGMM
20. 2zA4Lv