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8/12/2024, 7:00:58 PM
Banana Trump Collab (BTC)
First Banana x Trump coin on Solana.
OG 7months old
og meme lfg
3months old* very bullish
guys pls i need money for trans to sell old banana coin and buy this one. pls help a brother out..
It fantastic we spotted the original one! Go go go
This one is OG, fuck them copycats
og one cooks
Lets send this OG mofo Too funny Fk. Copycats
Kay, lol... I'm in this one then
This def OG?
can someone pls send me 1$worth of sol so i can sell old trump and buy this
can someone create banner?
please guys im praying for u guys
Let's flyy
this one is clean and og post banner boys
bros cmon
help a brother out with 1$
Ok sold copy and came to og
wtf do i need to do so u send me 1$?
Clean no old bundles to send
DNZewYzJY3x9x8s8j7vndwEpwNmbxc4xymLzXmFnSLDD please guys 1$
i cant sell with no trans money
Best trump out there
I swear funniest meme i saw after scrolling all day Long Send this bitch
This definitely gets a KOTH
made my day!!!
this mfer just send me 10$ to buy this coin LFG
Niggas this finna clusters buster
Ticker is fire as well
Coook banner boys
seems pumpy
simple banner
I'll create a stunning banner for it, but i really need $10, if anyone have a great heart, please!
I will tweet about this. Best trump coin out there!
This is gonna send soooo hard on Ray
Some big accounts liked my tweet
Woow nice strong chart, almost no jeets dumping for pennies
we looking good guys
not bundled. banana trump can print us. LETS GO!
bubble map clean , no bundle , og meme + big meta , we got sendor!
this one is a banger
clean af
few people tweeting us at this mcap ,bullish and activ community
lol nobodys selling
prefilled dex
brick by brick guys
Pamp it harder strong holders
Diamond hands in this aped.
red candles finna buy back in a min or 2 lel
Such a cute first lil dip lol
This is a gem guys. Solid chart. Trump meta. Sick art. Let’s go. Believe, this can be a millions project
Eat the dip
#25367279 And the best is there r no scammers behind it. We bought it feom the bottom
Lfg and raid his post
This could suck up the liquidity of the other trump coins bc this is actually funny and a real meme coin.
Cannot watch this dip let's buy it out guys holders
We can run it back
MFs - this is really good
People panic bc 1 guy sells lmao
Nr 1 Wallet Here Didnt sell and wont Sendor
I'm still gonna push it. Soo much potential
And again this is the og, people panic sold LOL
Fck the jeets. Only believers here now
Like, who s buying the dip with me, let's send it
Why yall bitch made niggas not holding till we golden da faq
Let's get some BMPs running
besst meme today
Banana trumo coins
Same, let's push this.
Everyone buy a lil moa
At least we know that the jeet r out lol
Just a bit of patience, need the chart to look a bit nicer so people jump in like crazy
Whoever is holding 5% please split
#25371044 awesome. Can u send half to another wallet? Wen people see that someone holds more than 4% most wont buy in
Use a bit, b** for example
Sure gimme a min
Best gem today. Millions, jeets out only up from now.
Thank bro. Distribution is fuckin bullish now
Yea looks mich better now
Best trump meme
As i Said At 50k i ll burn 2% No BS
Insane banner. When it is on Ray this will go to millions
Lol, you can't write the word bmps
We running this boys? I'll ape..
Just waiting for a port from eth then I'll start bmps.
Strong hold...Write posts on Twitter...This is a real diamond
Banana gang will rock this
Anyone else on the bmps? Mine will be running asap
I posted below a trump tweet 😏
Just started fam
We just need some eyes on this and we will fly. This is the best trump coin out there imo. Bc this is actually funny
#25375142 Chad, I'll get mine running also as soon as my eth port comes through
#25375704 Not yet, keep teh thread as busy and bullish as possible is best for now
Thank u guys for the bms
Bullish community bullish meta. Best meme trump for now. This deserves millions. Many chads will arrive soon
More important than tg is dex imo
this will sent bundles out
sent the trump banana
one of the best trump meme without bundle its a gold
Think bmps need to be 0.0150 or higher these days?
fking send to 100M get me out from hell
fckrs jeeting at these mc lol
Good to see activity back, it will send!
sry byr this is shitt meme
Just hold your bags... I'll have bmps running continuously until Ray shortly
That' great man, I am holding my 1% tight
Kay, running
#25380565 good job bro
Let's get busy then... Sh*ll it everywhere!
Making more memes
Who can set up the tg?
Can someone give me the png of it? Im on mobile and need the trump without background for more memes
Here is a png
hard to find non bundled now a days this is gold trump meme
#25383338 I mean at this MC is basically risk free... building from the bottom up :)
Just need more eyes on it now :)
more coming
ill make memes too
Need that cluster in the bubble map to sort their sh*t out...
#25372250 Dude, the cluster shows on the bubble map. Best to sell one wallet - 50% of millions is better than 100% of FA :)
I've paused bmps for sec. Don't dump your bags - still gonna send this - just need that bubble to sort itself out first or no ones gonna ape. I'm holding tight.
Will restart bmps soon...
Or at least put it one wallet and trim it to less that 3%
DCA master are u here with us?
Let's go
Let's just keep this thread active and hold our bags for now until he checks back in.. hopefully people will read the threads and see it's nothing to stress about anyways. I mean it's only 5% at the end of the day.
I did Split it into 2 - 2.5% wallets
#25390552 The problem is on the bubblemap people can see that these two wallets belong to 1 person
Shit is so funny, I lovbe this memes lmfao
So what ya want me to do fam, sell?
#25391106 like 2.99% is okay. Could combine and then trim if your okay with that?
I don't understand those who sell... You sell for pennies and lose millions of dollars that this GEM will bring
don't get shaken out tho :D
Done Lets stay together Here fam Guess WE all tired of rugs and Panic seller
I'll get bmps back on
#25392032 haha, I was waiting for this
Only chads in here
Bmps back - if anyone else wants to run at the same time the more the better it will be.
#25393362 set to slow then theyl Sol will last longer with both of us running them
Peeps reading this thread can all we are legit.. such a good entry for them now and nothing to loose
Get this to kohl and I will sort dex
Alright guess we are set for now, btw U Guys are cool dudes haha
3 bumbers bullish
#25393859 jup. This is real and without any scammers behind it. No bundles no shit. Banana gang for the win. We fight!
first time im in legit pf token
Just doing kids bedtime but will be back pushing this with you guys shortly. Will leave BMPs running in meantime
I think I could set up the tg
Okay, will you make it?
#25394533 aye its 7 months old all clean and og and we were early to find it tonight
ill make memes all time this is funny af
If we send this banana trump will kill the other trump coins
No bundle, good distribution, fckn funny meme,best trump coin, chads only in here. I mean what else do u want?
#25398109 the cheese or whatever abovr His ear killed me hahahaha so real
#25395293 Doesn't hurt to get it ready. We could coordinate a bit in there but def need to keep the thread active as possible.
Soon some real chads gonna notice us
Your gonna able able to buy this dish in restaurants soon once this explodes on Ray
Ear covered for security reasons
So underrated rn
#25400535 We've just gotta keep active and not go quiet. Peeps will jump on board and once the ball is rolling it will be easy AF to get this to bond.
Bruhhh why my comment gets deleted
pump is messing around
Yes, let's sh*ll TF out of it on X
Sh*ll is a banned word btw lol
#25401756 I sh*lled it in my 2 private groups, pretty sure that if we gonna go up ppl will start to buy in
#25401715 and TG.... and literally anywhere.... I'm just hard selling my mum on it.
Think it's the matter of floor over 10k
#25402008 100% - these first set of new buys are gonna be the hardest... I like werkin'
Lol, bye then DCAmaster... Your name is very ironic
We good boiz
#25402721 Bro i even still Run bmps i ll buy Back in once we get some buyers, that way they can get it cheaper
Yeah, FA to loose here... still believe this is a good meme
The floor is strong
The meme is goood
Spread the word on twitter
Great baner, cook ur posts and send them here
We are in the banana trenches
Think I followed you back brother
Raid this
Not stopping
Im the only one left ? I don’t want to sell. I still see great potential
Me rn
I’m verified x so I can post under same account and see if they will see it
God it's so cozy here😂🤗
Nigga this chat is never finna die We like the spartan 300 pump fun trench niggas
Are we pushing it today boiz?
Still the best and funniest trump out there. We fight
Still here
God damn so many comments lol sendor!!
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