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3/23/2025, 9:38:01 AM
Bourguur Girl ( Bourguur)
why is no one saying anything? Funny and og right? And seems organic
bundle out?
#111313556 i posted but got deletedd
#111313691 trench bot shows 2%
this the og one, push it
#111314328 yeah
started bumps keep it active in here
gooo to the moon !!!!!
12M veiw waoo
Video is so funny
wait till america wakes up they love bourgors!
Funny af video
This is a rug.
#111315368 Oreo grl was rug
This is gem
#111315368 U r rug from a leak condom
Should I cook TG?
gooo to the moon !!!!!
#111315368 i win the most when this guy is fudding
organic asf
gooo too theeee mooon !!!!
PAMP Bourguur
20% bundle lol
gonna cook
28% bundle wtf
#111317653 100%! WTF! lol
#111317653 nows a good time to take profit and get out. lol
#111317888 fudding for entry
bro bundle idiots literally can ruin a good meme
whats dex gonna be?
push your fucking sell button bundle freaks 30% are you out of your mind lmao
top1 holder is 4.2% are you fucking retard too?
can someone help me with 4 dollars
#111318254 please help someone
#111318224 ok bro good luck with 4.2% holder lmao
#111318224 i will fud this token because bundlers and holders just got out of their fucking minds. to ruin a good meme with this level of greed is fucking nuts
4.2% idiot got out that's good
dex will be paid??? this one need to be alive USA will rain this out when it will be awke like did wiht routine i find routine at 15.000 keep this shit alive
27% bundle still in lmao absolute degenerates
don't let them fuck you dudes
hey bundles if anyone of you is here keep this alive is good deal , 3 mores was when you creat it only yours is still here common lets go
bro sell fucking bundle people will not buy this shit if there's 30% of you here idiot monkeys
#111319057 suck a dick
Hell yeah! Was just thinking about how well this would do as a token seeing how a random tiktok of a morning routine did
you havent get KO in the street thats why you have big mouth, no worries it will cam your time
#111319190 there no 30%bundle bro its liquidity pool
is the lq lock?
#111319246 are your shitting me? or being serious? don't teach me please, go use bundle checkers
#111319198 this can run a lot i find routine at 15k but i didnt enter....
#111319366 pretty good but if you can make it more retarded that would be cool
who bought fucking 4% again? cut it, no one will send it with you sitting with 4% bro
#111319554 stfu nigga
#111319604 lmao what a lamer
Tg ?
#111319722 U r sn asshole
ok now we have 10% of bundle that's pretty good to send
#111319799 learn how pf works dude
When u see broke niggas complaining in the threads - u know its a sendor
#111319840 it will lets goo , just we need DEX
we early to the new Routine. Routine was a X video with 500m views this has 250m views new meta
#111319896 bro i paid dex for like 50+ tokens lmao and you call me broke nigga LMAO
for the record, people started to buy after bundle got cut from 30% to 10%
#111319963 exaclyyyy i saw routine at 15k this it will be similar
and now bundle is at 30% again lmao who gave them these bundle programs, please add some brains to their order
When this gets sent and gets x10 our investment we will feel exactly like she did after she won
36% LMAO
#111320291 exactly back to hard bundle this will not send then
Join the space boys BOURGUURONSOLL
sell on bundle's head
we are not stupid dev, so stfu bitch
#111320501 IMAO kill ya bastard
Bitchy ass mfs
#111320501 oof it dropped again shortly after, thanks for the heads up
#111320501 U can suk my divk
#111320706 mf he fudded so no one holds
#111320757 bundler found lmao
#111320501 bitchy ass nigga sk ur own dik
And there comes farmers mfs bitchy fks
#111320885 Suk my dick then
#111320885 Get a life lil nigga. Broke mfucka always complaining in the threads
that's not FUD, that's really bundle hard
#111321055 lmao i see you for the first time. and this is literally the first time i'm complaining here
#111321091 Nobody cares nigga. Everything here is bundled. When are yall gonna die fr
you are stupid and you will lose every fucking sol poor nigga lmao
#111321162 on this mcap 10% bundle is fine, not 30%
#111321231 Im not cause I know how to trade and never complain about bundles
#111321298 you dont care about bundles?
Hate to say it but a lot of coins I've profited from had bundles because they were needed to bond it
#111321414 I dont nigga. Only broke crying bitches do. Its the reality of pf. Every token that gets to ray is at least 30% bundled. Some just don’t show on ur shitty radars
#111321246 Suck my dihk nigga fudder
#111321498 this is totally true...
#111321498 not 30% at 20k mcap dude
#111321653 Nigga they are, stfu and get a life. Everyone can put the ca in the fucking bot. U are not on-chain expert, nobody asked for ur poor opinion
#111321653 I bundled 30% while i was fuking ur mom
Once its will bond no one remember is bundel or not it will bond soon
#111321839 that's rude
#111321653 Never paid attention to the percentage because I don't know how to check. 150+ replies at 25k MC within an hour is usually a good sign
#111321923 Yes bcz ur doing stupid bundled shit here asshole fudder
#111321946 yes true chads
Is there tele?
she makes my pp tingle it will pamp
#111321946 we spammed a lil here lmao
#111322052 Do u have no shame ?? Why the fuk u commenting
#111322111 who are you
#111322007 Yup
#111322144 Ur father
#111322052 Btw this nigga is just swing trading a 20k coin and starts fudding as soon as he sells. Don’t buy coins when u see poor faggots like him
Asshole just bcz of u volume died
#111322167 lies
#111322199 nah it's not because of me
#111322214 Ask ur momma she will tell u truth
#111322237 Because of faggots like u this chain is dying. Hope u rope brokie
#111322237 U r still commenting here asshole Get the fuk off here
Farmers and broke swingtrading fudding faggots - reality of solana today
LMAO "Because of faggots like u this chain is dying". bro you are out of your mind or on something. i'm not bundling shit and not swingtrading. i'm making this token cleaner so bundlers and farmers will not dick you
and the only thing you are saying is that i'm somehow bad
#111323046 Asshole fukk off from here
go to school learn some logic
#111323003 Nigga r u dumb or what? Nobody is gonna buy this shit now🤣🤣 bundles are needed to send u braindead monkey
Yes u are faggot, u swingtrading shit, selling and start to fud
little ragey kid
#111323228 false claims, i'm not in this coin
#111323271 Well tf are u doing in this thread fucking maggot. Nobody needs ur opinion lil pussy, now stay in this thread mr poor. Nobody is pumping it anymore. But bundle is def down in %. Congrats
#111323422 said who
The graph just moved up slightly... is this necromancy or just rigor mortis?
#111323551 Someone who is not a pussy and not killing the chain. U bought and started bullposting that bundle is down to 10%🤣 ghen sold and started fudding that its back at 30. u such a pussy lil boy
#111323720 lmao ok
Join tg
Bourguurcto Tg
I think this coin lives, it's moving up
#111323957 U got exposed lil maggot. Now eat shit. Peace off
Bourguurcto Tg
#111323957 U ar an pig shit
Routine is 8.14M MC can yall stop fucking around and let this run
Bourguurcto Tg
#111324272 I agree if we all want money we need to let this send. This coin is on the featured page
#111324458 some people just allergic to money
This gonna send bcz burger girl is going to b viral soon
This will go to 500k minimum bro this vid is so funny and viral
Bourguurcto Tg
#111324777 Yes thats looks so bullish If that fudder not come this allready bonded
Let stay active on tg
#111324870 lmaooooooooo
Bourguurcto Tg
#111324235 false claims
#111325117 He is here checking his mom daddy mess
Join tg
I saw this was like 30k hour ago what happened?
reverse overturn reback cumback buy the deep
#111325224 1 Guy saw a bundle for the first time and cried wolf
#111325224 A asshole started fudding and jeets started jeeting
Bourguurcto Tg
#111325403 A tale old as time
#111325403 they better jeeted at 100k profiting on your head or smth? dude learn logic. jeets don't send coins
Bourguurcto Tg
#111325389 Allegedly. Didn't see any proof of their claim
#111325389 lmao ok. i'm here from the start of pumpfun. newfags just don't know what they are talking about
#111325795 Newbies are fuking ur mom
#111325795 talking about bad going or well going, who do you mean
#111325756 Stop acting as a fucking bot brav
Let stay active on tg
Hold your bag
this is the one 500k soon
#111326111 yes sir
One big eye gonna see us instant bond
I'll pay dex at 30k
Let send this meme back
Let stay active on tg
@Bourguurcto on tg, send it to dex
Let stay active on tg
#111327174 U suk my dik mf asshole
#111327456 why you are so rude for that good man, pussy
#111327353 we need stay active here as well
#111328948 wtf scam website you are spamming btch
goo toopp the suuunnn
Follow x : @gooddante_
Give the token a break, don't trade, wait and hold on for at least a day!!!!
Check the $CURR3 chart. Thank me later.
Chads got DEX?
🚀 dex paid
Dev don't sell hold
Dev Sold?
i think that video is gonna be big meme
#111341052 Is a clean token, 50x ?
Why the owners look that good in 60k mc
#111348128 I agree.. buy a bag and be patient we're just ahead of the curve
Routine didn't take off immediately either but when it did.. lol good times
can someone help me with 4 dollars
stop with pvp and let this fly again
Where do we shill it? Tag?
100k MC -> 500k MC -> 1M MC, Bought !!!
Let's not sell until it exceeds 100k
Another fucking farm
I time to bougth
Send it to a milly at least
This will send tonight. Don’t fade it.
Get your social meme game in point. Blow this up on X cmon now
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Bourguur Girl ( Bourguur)
king of the hill progress: 100%

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