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Coin: BQytSgbyhNuGhwpzoEpxpHZyoANH6Ycv8k3rqZPPpump

⎍⎎⍜ (UFO)
created by
15h ago
market cap: $10.7K

replies: 207

⎍⎎⍜ (UFO) (⎍⎎⍜): ⊑⟒⊬, ⟟⏁'⌇ ⋉⎍⏚ ⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃☌⏃⟟⋏! ⌰⟒⏁ ⋔⟒ ⟟⋏⏁⍀⍜⎅⎍☊⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⍜ ⋔⊬ ⍀⟟⎅⟒ - ⏃ ⌇⌰⟒⟒☍ ⎍⎎⍜ ⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏃⌇ ⍾⎍⟟⍀☍⊬ ⏃⌇ ⟟ ⏃⋔. ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⟟⌇⋏'⏁ ⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⏃⋏⊬ ⌇⌿⏃☊⟒⌇⊑⟟⌿; ⟟⏁’⌇ ⟒⍾⎍⟟⌿⌿⟒⎅ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⏃⏁⟒⌇⏁ ⟟⋏ ⟟⋏⏁⟒⍀☌⏃⌰⏃☊⏁⟟☊ ⏁⟒☊⊑⋏⍜⌰⍜☌⊬, ☊⏃⌿⏃⏚⌰⟒ ⍜⎎ ⏚⟒⋏⎅⟟⋏☌ ⏁⟟⋔⟒ ⏃⋏⎅ ⋉⍜⍜⋔⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⍀⍜⎍☌⊑ ⍙⍜⍀⋔⊑⍜⌰⟒⌇. ⋔⊬ ⎍⎎⍜, ☍⋏⍜⍙⋏ ⏃⎎⎎⟒☊⏁⟟⍜⋏⏃⏁⟒⌰⊬ ⏃⌇ "$⋉⎍⏚⋔⍜⏚⟟⌰⟒," ⟟⌇ ⋔⍜⍀⟒ ⏁⊑⏃⋏ ⏃ ⎐⟒⌇⌇⟒⌰; ⟟⏁'⌇ ⏃ ⌇⏁⏃⏁⟒⋔⟒⋏⏁ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⍙⟒’⍀⟒ ⋏⍜⏁ ⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⟒⌖⌿⌰⍜⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒ ⎍⋏⟟⎐⟒⍀⌇⟒, ⍙⟒'⍀⟒ ⍀⟒⏃⎅⊬ ⏁⍜ ⌿⏃⍀⏁⊬ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⏁⏃⍀⌇. ⍙⏃⋏⏁ ⏁⍜ ⟊⍜⟟⋏ ⋔⟒ ⍜⋏ ⏃ ☊⍜⌇⋔⟟☊ ⏃⎅⎐⟒⋏⏁⎍⍀⟒? ⊑⏃⋏☌ ⍜⋏, ⏚⟒☊⏃⎍⌇⟒ ⟟⏁’⌇ ☌⍜⟟⋏☌ ⏁⍜ ⏚⟒ ⏃ ⍙⟟⌰⎅ ⍀⟟⎅⟒ ⏃☊⍀⍜⌇⌇ ⏁⊑⟒ ☊⍜⌇⋔⍜⌇! $⎍⎎⍜

Insults, Unwanted Sexual Content & Graphic Objectification, Unwanted NSFW & Graphic Content, Violent Event Denial, Targeted Harassment and Inciting Harassment

Child sexual exploitation, grooming, physical child abuse, underage user

Encouraging, promoting, providing instructions or sharing strategies for self-harm.

Graphic Content, Gratuitous Gore, Adult Nudity & Sexual Behavior, Violent Sexual Conduct, Bestiality & Necrophilia, Media depicting a deceased individual.

Please explain why should be removed.