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Coin: DsgHPEQcToF3RX1y5WYi2Jfhq9tdryXzre84tpFwpump

jamy dimun
Created by
3 months ago
market cap: 5.16K

replies: 58

jamy dimun (ticker: dimun): America was founded on two kinds of freedoms: free markets, and the freedom to make a lot of fucking money. Jamy Dimun has conquered both of these pursuits, and with nothing else to chase, he is setting his eyes on the obvious next step: the highest office in the land. The United States needs a corporate chad to clean up the mess made by incompetent politicians and return the US to greatness—Jamy Dimun is that chad.

Insults, Unwanted Sexual Content & Graphic Objectification, Unwanted NSFW & Graphic Content, Violent Event Denial, Targeted Harassment and Inciting Harassment

Child sexual exploitation, grooming, physical child abuse, underage user

Encouraging, promoting, providing instructions or sharing strategies for self-harm.

Graphic Content, Gratuitous Gore, Adult Nudity & Sexual Behavior, Violent Sexual Conduct, Bestiality & Necrophilia, Media depicting a deceased individual.

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