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Coin: EGiEGiTq7pWpYcmEBND7mYnyMXPyEEifTj3V942jpump

Depressed Frog
created by
1d ago
market cap: $13.0K

replies: 117

Depressed Frog (Froggu): Froggu is a depressed frog, Froggu was happy until he saw the live streams of people at Pumpfun. He has lost faith in humanity, all that remains is to believe in Froggu himself.

Insults, Unwanted Sexual Content & Graphic Objectification, Unwanted NSFW & Graphic Content, Violent Event Denial, Targeted Harassment and Inciting Harassment

Child sexual exploitation, grooming, physical child abuse, underage user

Encouraging, promoting, providing instructions or sharing strategies for self-harm.

Graphic Content, Gratuitous Gore, Adult Nudity & Sexual Behavior, Violent Sexual Conduct, Bestiality & Necrophilia, Media depicting a deceased individual.

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