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3/20/2025, 9:13:22 AM
cheeks (Patrick)
bro got that cake
hahahah yooo
Lmao OG
Look at dem cheeks
lovely cheeks
ill make a banner, anyone got bumps?
Patrick look so sexy
Hahahahahaha Send 🚀🚀🚀
the vid is 2 days old going viral HAHAHAHA
patrick got that GYATTT
Lots of cake on the moon
theres just some things you know are gonna bond
Clean chad
Coded to RAY
Need banner chad
#110632659 banner is there
Real Patrick 👀
70 holders in🚀🚀🚀
patrick got cake
CT and ray will fucking love this
Doing being rugged? Me too! Telegram: norugarmy
if you like cheeks ape
#110632914 omfg. raidyum ?¡
Pump it🔥🔥🔥
this is good
Jeet out
Need banner
Let’s send this guys!!
Lets go guyssssssssssss
jeeters out plzzzzz
#110631336 banner here
shit is so funny lmao
@PATRICK_INSOL On T G!! Let’s go guys!!
contact support
#110633221 Tele is @PATRICK_INSOL
Let’s keep buying guys!!! @PATRICK_INSOL Is the T ELE!!!
#110633318 Let’s go to the tele channel @PATRICK_INSOL
#110633324 no one will join ur scam group idiot, who tf will join random group from thread
Join us @PATRICK_INSOL on T G!!! Let’s send this guys!!!
ngl i can cover dex for this one
sexy booty
#110633466 nice, you're a real one
#110633476 Bro you are chad if you do, this really has potential
#110633529 ok lmao, filling right now
this is soo boolish asf, i like this, i can add one more bump
america will wake up and send this
This will bond guys!! Join us @PATRICK_INSOL on T ELE!!
what a sexy sendor
#110633916 that ass makes alot of money
wait paying dex
double bump runing guys
#110634011 bro lets go!!!
Hey brothers, i will create a fire banner with stunning fonts and cool textures, i just need .05 sol at the moment, once i will get it, i will stop doing this, any kind bro who is up, please lmk...
4 % xd send it to 5k
#110634217 4% not that bad at all
holy shit, i hate indians
#110634217 nigg WHO CARES
go to 15k for all traders to see
5k cominggggg
#110634436 WE LOVE CHEEKS
saaaaaaaaaaar, i need to cash ut to by roti and tikki massalla
4% out
#110634295 The tele is @patrick_insol
bundles and 4% out
if this doesnt run then the trenches are truly cooked
who bought 5.5%...
#110634707 @patrick_insol is the real tg
stupid 5%
Let’s keep buying guys!!!! Don’t sell!!!!
he keeps buying obv he wants it to pump
Lets fucking moon this
dude with 5.5% trim to 3 ffs
#110634991 @patrick_insol is the real tg
Talking to him, he is trimming now. We control this supply now MFERs
Let’s send this guys!!! @PATRICK_INSOL ON T G!!
pls trim
we buy bundles everyday im not worryd about 5
he trying to hold the ground for us
#110635187 nice lets run it!!
contact support
dev is out bundle is out top wallet split send this bitch
ive never been so bullish about a meme in this long hahaha
cto LFG!!!
@patrick_insol on tg
#110635337 fr
we are going!!! look at those cheeks!!
send this bitch
just aped 55 m across 2 wallets LFG
We getting cheeks tonight boiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss 14k we appear on memescope again
Chanel on teleg is @patrick_insol
i'll try make the banner cleaner
lets fucking send this
shall we
Fuck the squidwards of the world we're sending this
im not here for pennys highr
i make it more clean, hope this one good enough
#110636052 beautiful
pump that fat ass
30% bundle Guys. Need it out to send
#110636231 Nice try
#110636231 TELE is @patrick_insol
#110636231 nice try
Its true. So now I know you are scamming. Thnx
#110636331 bug ofc, no way 9K MC with 30% bundle
it wasnt before even if it is who gives a fuck less supply for the stupid jeets
idc im holding these cheeks
#110636406 TELE is @PATRICK_INSOL
clench those cheeks
#110636623 Go to the TELE @PATRICK_INSOL
i refuse to believe this will die, its too good and tiktok vid only 2 days old
guys this should be a sendor
i believe in the cheeks
@PATRICK_INSOL ON T ELE!!! Let’s go guys!!!
cheeks holder
idk guys tbh about t ele, almost always these admins just sell and close chat
Reversal here they don't have that much supply trade up
dont join any t ele group at thread
I joined their TG, guys fudding it are the enemy
let the cheeks cook
let them cheeks warm up
#110637558 you don't even hold coin
Them cheeks damn
This is a real meme
Clap dem cheeks and send this let's go
clap clap clap clap them cheeks
Need stronger top holders
4.5% stop buying and sell half or this is dead
#110637267 tele is @patrick_insol
send this
stop being a pussy and send it
hooooooooooldddddd stop letting them manipulate them in or out make a decision
top holder is still buying, he needs to stop and trim back to 3%, hes scaring people away
#110638369 scared money dont make money
Funny AF 🤣🤣🤣
#110638393 im scared of him because he has full ported now and looking at solscan he sells everything for 20% gains
run it
We getting raid started i'll post it in TG
Who comes up with this shit so fcuking funny
Top holder please you need to trim a bit
just let him rock at least hes a diamond hand
Too holder retarded I'm out
Send the fat cheeks
top holder is going to kill this
just send it who gives a single fuck
Are we going to see his chocolate covered star fish on KOTH 🤣🤣
#110639066 anybody with a brain gives a fuck about a 5% holder you retard
#110639206 well my brain is not there
plus i got a fat ass
Please raid while we get this noticed it will work, in the TG
4% is only 1% more then 3
i created my first coin
send it
and 100000 is only 1 0 away from 10000
bro is the cake
#110639386 exxcept its 4.7% so its actually 56% more then 3%
bunch of fucking chads!!
u must actually be retarded
#110639506 oh wow
like/RT/etc so our kols start noticing on the big account
keep raiding boys boutta catch some kols
Star butt in your FACE
no im a degen who gives no fucks i only care about dat ass
diamond fucking hands
We all want ass but gotta work for it
one of useless non memeable piece of shit coin.. soon zero
#110639660 I'll bring you some bread on the street when we get there cya later
#110639660 suck my bootyhole
top holder still buying, now at 5%, this is doomed
#110639700 leave the
#110639734 then*
#110639700 We have a plan, it's better in our control.
gaaaahhhhh look at that gyyaaaatttttttt
team assembling
chads lfgggg
#110639700 5% is better then 10%
#110639908 should we buy 20% in one wallet?
20k dex boost 10x fucking go
#110639985 If you're gonna hold/distribute and push the project long term with us yes
20% yes but you gotta lock 10 motherfucker
Top holder is a losing trader. We’ll make money off him
eaat the dip chads
Take that Jeets shit
This is our coin now
this is our coin boys send it
We already have tele PatrickCTOsol
Someone make X
seriously chads stop fucking around
What a sendor PatrickCTOsol
Buy it here before he buys supply with bundles, learn his pattern
PatrickCTOsol join up
I'd hit?
Dex paid cto active join now PatrickCTOsol
We up PatrickCTOsol
Let'ssss fuckingggg gooooo PatrickCTOsol
bring the volume back strong top holder!!!
this is just the beginning chads micro buys get that bot going again
We want this and so do you help us help you
We can do this PatrickCTOsol
20 fucking k dex boost but chads need to hold it!
the chads are strong in here
To the fucking moonnnn PatrickCTOsol
@ PatrickCTOsol
We aint done with these cheeks
we ain't done with these cheeks yet
Join telegram PatrickCTOsol
Micro buy that shit if 10 people are doing it it works
right there and hold
send it now before he buys in again
distro is absolute ass
#110642358 we taking over whales are buying now, they will hold it. hold yours too
let's go let's go
chads lfg I told you!!
dex boost at 20k if we hold it
must hold it!
#110642773 Looks like someone willing to hold on and wants money to me
#110636300 No more talk? Huh… lmao
contact support
#110636403 No bug bro
Worrying about distrubution at 8k MC with your 14$ okay lol. Keep pumping
#110642969 nigga when the 8k mc is 2 holders there is a very valid reason to worry, you are obviously the owner of the top 2 wallets looking for exit liquidity
#110643062 Nope I just know them and trust them, either get your bag and help or shut up please
LFG chads !
scam, dont buy
#110643135 Sorry your bundles are now ours, cya
top holders are chads like the rest of us
we have the supply!
Send. Patrick
wormboy lost in the sauce, we're the good guys, join us, stop letting ruggers and bundlers fuck us
Look at the chart we're ready to fly
wtf guys just trim it a bit so others can be not scared
clap dem cheeks so much harder
I'm ready to clap
are you ready to clap
scam, dont buy untill top holders are out
top 2 wallets are chads stop being pussys
We're keeping it alive trust for once
up chads up
We're speaking grammatically correct english send this shit
He'll buy more don't threaten him
So we letting go then? We tried to help you didn't want it
hold the line chads
beat those cheeks
Make it fucking clap bud
We're good keep building
Work for that cake boys
okay holding well but chads but need more eyes and raids
10x boost at 20k top 2 holders are real chads
No cheeks for the jeets
contact support
Take it from him lol stop acting like red is bad
12k on final stretch axiom, 20k dex boost and 10x boost. How is this not getting interest when people are working for you
Current Held Percentage: 0.1999% (bundle) Just send it guys
hey guys don't give up, lets run this shit
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