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3/18/2025, 9:17:45 AM
John F Kennedy's Dog (Charlie)
Seeeeeend ittt
Og ?
#110199313 Yeah man OG
make a banner for dex, is today the JFK Flies are coming out, no brainer that JFK Dog is gonna BOND
#110199508 Yeah comes out in a few hours !!
dex at KOTH ?
Trim that top wallet an we good
Cooking banner
Send the of dog lfg ! We early
Top wallet out lets goo
Lets send it !
4% out LFG
Bundel out now send it
making banner, i got dex creds
Bundle out now send it
its not og wtf you guys talking about there is a 3 months old one that even went to 100k
#110199799 Literally doesn't matter
Send ittt
#110199828 u holding 0% lol
this one dosent need to be OG, since is today the JFK Files are being released, is a not brainer that Charlie is gonna send
Charlie is the thicker
#110200051 Correct
#110199910 I trade on axiom smooth brain
#110200131 Smart man
Filling dex
send it
I need to level up to that
#110200399 Help me guys god will give your guys more
This dog will send for sure
mhmmm 16% bundled. ill pass
Let’s gooo guys !!!
#110200764 yeah okay smoothbrain cya
you know you don't have to announce you're not buying, it's very obvious you're fudding for entry.
JFK news coming out, this is his dog. Mindshare is big on this one.
This JFKs dog !
#110200863 nope just making people aware so theydont get scammed by you lot bundlers.
Send this gays Og
#110200995 Yeah you literally sound like the dumbest prick alive mate.
Mouthbreathers need not buy
Paying dex at 20k
#110201064 get a rope and hang yourself indian curry shitter
Charlie all day
#110201177 Yeah nice one mate keep yapping
#110201142 LOL no your not.. your just saying this so you jeet as soon as its 18k lmao seen this every fucking day.
Literally a professional yapper, yap yap yap
#110201351 sorry scammers ima ruin it for you today XD
Let’s gooo guys !
#110201429 Literally nobody cares you're just yapping
Lets go send this fits meta
JFK uncovering day, this will send. Dex is filled!
LFG guys ! Eaaaat
wallet 2 to 6 same person DONT FALL FOR IT
Fud for entry ? Gtfo
#110202002 Oh my god bro.. GO AWAY HAHA
Distro is clean hehehe
#110202002 Brokest cunt alive
Also you should sol incinerate that account because you've literally bout about 1000000 coins. Probably worth like 20 sol.
Charlie is a hell of a drugs send it
#110202289 Haha yes sir
LFG guys Dex at 20k !
WHO likes Charlie the nosebone killer
New dex banner
Send this dog higher
dex paid?
#110202776 20k it’ll be paid
#110202842 why not now
#110202703 Niiice banner
Charlie is a hell of a d… you tell me dog or drugs
Can a Chad spare me 0.1
#110199799 why not to send the OG one on Ray? Maybe someone can cto that
Fucking good one for today, sendor
#110203214 Because there's literally no eyes on it and if this bonds it'll be on every newly migrated page. OG doesn't mean better. You need to let go of that.
Dex at 20K or faster ?
#110203394 Exactly! This will send ! JFK ALL over THE NEWS
Dex is prefilled let’s see
Dex paid
Dex paid
#110203394 Ok 👍🏼
lol sending !
🚀 dex paid
Dex paid Lfg
DEX paid, links loading
Join now chads
#110204059 Based
surely this bonds!
Smash the rockets on dex lads
LFG Niggas!
Lfg send it to ray
charlie's a chad
Bond this bitch
I bought the one already on dex lol
#110204890 Looks dead bro GL with that
#110204890 Yeah the Dead One lol … dude learn to understand crypto
LFG !!!
#110204890 That’s dead asf 😂😂
#110204890 that one has a 6% holder this one is clean lessgoo
Send it
needs dex right?
Go go goooo
#110205057 its paid
#110205057 Dex is paid brother
#110205057 Yep it’s paid
too high ill wait for retracinh
This is biiiig
Lfg people know what they got and holding
#110205284 fomo selling hasnt started yet so we will see if they hold
a dog does what he must
This is the kinda stuff that can run on ray lfg
Ath !!! Lffggg
america's greatest presidents dog, yeah ok
sendor af
Eat that dip all the way to ray
Dex paid let’s go to Ray
Easy sendor on dex !
LFG eat uppp
Easy fucking sendor. World's most loved president's dog.
#110205783 lol tf
Some chad send me more of this coin.
send it
#110205865 huh?
What up Chads. Legit or Curry?
has this been launched before - if nobody has tried JFK's dog this is gonna send
#110206002 Dumb question.
#110206022 og
JFK files in less than 24 hours. SEND CHARLIE
this is gonna fly isn't it?
This could do millions in the next 24h with the recent JFK news
#110206379 if jeeters let it
Just gotta hold a steady floor after we bond for cabal to pick it up
This will seeend just have patience
charlieportalsol join up lads
Stupid to jeet here xD
Decent shakeout - hold the line chads
Hold tight we are sending this
Necessary otherwise looked a little stairway to heaven which is never good
yeh tongihts the night for this doggo
We need hold this ! Can be huge on dex !
#110206812 fake
Keep buying the dip we will be bonded soon
Mindshare is crazy ngl.
This will be a solid sendor
Hold bags this can be an easy 200k or beyond
Eat up guys we sending this
wallet close to 4% needs to trim a little... like 3.2% would be good
O sold because of the 14% bumdle. Trim bundles so others will buy too.
yeh dex paid huge mindshare in the next 24 hours lessgo
#110207462 Literally yapping out of your arse, my parents would be ashamed of me if I was this desperate online
Lfg send it up the coin is looking good
#110207512 This is how it's done
#110207520 can't you see it? 14.2% bundle. I just want them to trim bundles so others will ape this.
#110207673 Wahhhh wahwahh
#110207673 yap yap yap yap yap, fuck off mate
#110207752 i guess you belong to the 14% bundle so you can nuke at the top later.
#110207794 you're honestly so desperate and pathetic, i'm ignoring you now
Dex paid
dude its split over 22 wallets. thats fine. one of them is a sniper. weak fud.
#110207855 huh? Scammer. Trench tools say 14.2% bundle. You can't fool anybody here.
Lfg we have a strong community let's push this to ray
#110207794 Show me the bundle ? I’m new to this so Idk
#110208002 learn how to read the actual stats tho - its 22 different 'bundles'. Thats fine. If it was 2 bundles that had 14% yeh id be worried.
Mindshare is massive with JFK files being released today, dex paid. Send the dog JFK loved so dearly.
Buy and hold
Wait till people wake up
This will be big just hold and we send it
#110208120 Ok thanks for clarifying.. SEND ITTTTT
Keep the comments going and like all
Why it grew to 15.2% bundle?
#110208120 bundles means they are all connected to each other right? Like some of them have sent some solana to the other wallets. Bundles are said to be the alt wallets of one owner.
Legit holders here, the bundles will be out be ready to eat up the dips
#110208669 yeah this could send literally if not heavily bundled.
we hope this rise to the moon :)
cut one zero lets go!!
#110199313 not OG. OG was 4 months ago
#110208847 oh was killed too, we could make up with this one lol, who cares if og
Fake bit the og
many pepe was made before the one that actual blew so sftu and send Charlie
#110208927 yup. not saying it matter just pointing out its not OG
This could send higher
#110209032 don't point it out for fud sake lol
I found a tg
there's one already on dex which created 4 months ago,buy that one
Buy the og
#110209183 charlieportalsol
#110209592 Buy a dead coin with 0 motion and 6% holders? noty
#110209521 go ahead and go buy it, stop wasing time here then nobody cares
Send this one, once migrated it'll have thousands of eyes. The OG was a bundled mess with 6% holders
get us bumpsssssssss
Keep holding and keep pushing lfg
DEX IS PAID with a dope ass banner too
1m MACD bullish cross and RSI wedge breakout, get ready to fly.
this game is all about visibility and momentum. OG means nothing if no one is looking at it, x page is broken, and dex is not paid.
#110209877 bro this are memes lol
#110210304 human psychology still very in play?
Hold and let momentum build
#110210922 this is the way
Let it pump lfg
Hold your bags and we send volume is picking up
Send it
Most legit play on migrating. This has great potential.
OG Charlie already on dex for 120 days
#110211693 Yeah nobody gives a fuck dude, 7% holder and faggots like you. We're good.
35k to 21k cap 😂😂😂
We need to work on twitter, so other legit chads and whales will bid it up to migration
Juat hold tight we have a good floor this is gona bond
Dex is paid and ready to go
1. Users suubmit your token 2. You create a contest on X 3. Identify and reward the top burners.
It engages your community, burns tokens effectively, and sets you apart from the millions of memecoins out there
Keep comments going a d like all it's free bumps
Floor is getting higher and higher let's climb to ray
#110211693 distro on the OG is totally fucked and their X link is dead. this one will be the winner
Lfg keep it up let's push this together
We are looking good for a breakout coming
#110212732 sun is just now rising on the east coast, plenty of time for this to fly on the news today
big boyz moving out :) good !
Faggot who bought 6^, killed this project. noone will buy until he is in. and momentum gone
lets pump this until the moon
Let’s pump this back up guys this has crazy potential don’t leave just because the chart looks bad rn it just takes a few green candles
5.37% sell 2%?
Told you itself a rugg
It’s *
reversal bitch
Aping the OG was the better choice instead of getting rugged here
check tele/ kennedy_cto
check tele/ kennedy_cto
Telegram link @ JFKDog_Charlie... for anyone asking
#110218372 Join social
Telegram link @ kennedy_cto... for anyone asking
check tele/ kennedy_cto
check tele/ kennedy_cto
#110221498 we are going live
send now.. lfg
this has multimillions potential brooo
Tele link, @ kennedy_cto
#110223271 are you all asleep join tg
#110223580 kennedy_cto
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