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1/3/2025, 1:25:07 AM
This isn't your grandma’s coin—unless she’s a high-rolling risk-taker with a taste for scandal. $DEGENTLEMAN combines the reckless spirit of a degenerate gambler with the charm of a well-dressed man who never met a fine wine he didn’t drink or spill. Perfect for the kind of crypto enthusiast who likes their portfolio with a side of “I don’t give a f**k”—you know, the one that just bought a Lambo after losing a month’s rent on some altcoin nobody’s ever heard of.
sendor tbh
#71352392 i tried
if we bond i bet itll do good on dex
im setting up bumps one sec
I was legit going to make this yesterday.
#71360916 one sec
Early Birds Get the word they say
This absolutely bonds.
Just be a deGentleman
gary gensler just bought !
Lol les go
This gonna rip faces . Im thinkin this hits top 10 on phantom trending
Finally a good one tonight
Les goooo
70000% increase
Nice one dev
Who wants to make the TG
5% bundled
Cypher easy gonna scare people away
We rip when he dips. 5% too high. Split that shit
i'll ape when bundle sells or trims
Either send airdrops or swap it to another wallet
Alotta degentlemen on the sidelines waiting for the 5% to bounce
Just sell so he is forced to sell
how do you see the bundles?
5% out. time to send. hope you didn't get shaken out
sorry 5% isnt out, my bad guys
got bumps up chads, just buy the dip when he leaves ez
Looks like he is on my end
5% holder is gone send it
Bundle or not you monkeys are playing pvp at 13k
5% out let’s go chads
This is gey
5% is still here … can you not see my pic?
PF is gey
Send 0 until this bs stops
cooking up a banner
Then leave it there
yall a 5% bundle will not kill a coin with momentum, crying about like some pussies will
Someone needs to be 100 and let us know when he sells til then get out everyone
For real fk this I'm here to fud now till is shits completely
Yes it will at 30k mc
#71388495 :(
At 30k mc everyone a 5k sell will send you to zero
5% sell*
fuck you 5%
sell mf!!! let us run the coin!!!
Holders win. Let’s laser this to Ray chads
everybody waiting 5
This coin will run I’m sitting taking a dice til he sells
this is sick haha
Send it to 0000
Fk that 5% though
Honestly can we send one ???
It won’t go anywhere 5% makes people not buy
Where do you guys see 5%?
Yes there is
Split among accounts
Trackable on scan idiot
hold and relax
sell !!!!
Whoever saying the 5% ISNT here is a fkn noob lmao
everybody sell until he sells and then buy back ;)
tf is wrong with verification i cant get in the cto
I restarted the bumps, lets do this gentlemen
#71397274 same
You 5% jew
no way yalling trippin over 5%
Dump it !.... 3...2....1
dev looking for entry again lmao
Fix the tg
sell this shit
Yah..5% isn't a big deal
#71397580 lmao nah i want yall to send it but you wont until 5% gone lol
More than the dev typing sir
chads fuck tele should only be focusing on threads
but also too much
I learned the hard way being hardheaded
make another tele or something, i think safeguard shit itself
#71398201 is better without he, people no buy and fud later, we need this clean to send this to moon
Why don't yall stop fighting over 5% and send this....
5% isn't too bad, but since its one holder its pretty sketch
What a shit fest
is 5% in chat?
35 million will still make you a crap ton
ay u jeety fucks why u on threads crying bundle? get the fuck off threads and go ape something else then?
highest holder has 3.7% lmao what are we arguing about lets send this
He’s here
i mean clearly multiple people wont buy with 5% regardless if you think its not that bad, so he should trim
Pussies scared of 5 fucking percent. Pathetic
just bored brokies
Top holday has 3.5%...what are we crying about
You are making a case for someone who holds39% of what total holders hold lol
Les send
now all shit aside this has good ticker so fuck u jeets lets push it to KOTH
the 5 % is the 2 bros saying how 5 % aint a big deal
lock the fuck in lets send it and jeets go fuck ur mums u scrapping rats GTFO the threads
i dont even see a bundle or am i wrong
Literally 5% this early is same as holding 50%
now theres one wallet with 5%lmfao
This is the results of greed
problem is no bundle is panic sell qhen he sells, if anyone sells everything is ok
jfc lol
#71406078 bro we dont give a fuck brokie go buy something else why u here bitching ?
Yall have fun outta here
What is wrong sell the 5% you fucking fag
cook up a nice banner
Just sell 2% homie
bullish thread tho
5% can you trim
That niqqa weird
am i tripping? now we have a 5% bundle and 5% holder
It is effectively dead 5% held till no one cares to buy pathetic
sell 2% bro
funny thing is bundle holding better then anyone
#71408666 thats what i was saying lmfao
Message me on Telgram got an idea
i think gary gensler is the 5%
HB fuller321 on the t
im out man this has been a waste of time lmao
love yall though, wish you the best
#71411617 love you pookie
It’s prolly his first time and is retarted and doesn’t know it won’t move with a 5% holder
It’s prolly his first time and is retarted and doesn’t know it won’t move with a 5% holder
bros whats the tg?
top holder too is retarded…
good work 5%
5% killed it
nicely done retards
I'm still waiting lol
bundle out and now this fucking idiot… i dont undestand people is so stupid fucking top holder ashole
Beta you always quoting me lol
top holder needs to sell 2% lmao
Sold. If 5% trims I'll get back in
2% lmao that is it
just dump 2% so it can send
looks like he'd rather hold and lose all of it
There's the asshole alone, as if it wasn't the thing with him...
He more retarded than we thought
Everyone sell on the 5%
this has potential lol sell 2%
And then buy back in after he’s at zero and sells his peanuts
Hola estabienaaa sellll you dumb bitchaaaa
2% bud
Dev are you the 5% bro?
2% nigga
Deserve 0
no lmao i have like 10 bucks in
Lol there is no way he js
i lost all my money last week so i just been making some til i get paid tomorrow to start gambling... i mean trading again
send it according to his wallet he's a fish he'll sell it in one clip i bet, right before it bonds
This nigga going down with the ship
This is wild
im new to pump fun so make fun of me if you have but right after you do answer my question. whats the worst case scenario with sending with him still holding
It won’t send with him holding no chance
How did the 5 % retard hold better…
#71427270 he'll dump and new holders will panic sell,, i think he'll clip before it bonds though maybe we just send it ?
Fk it, let's send it
Back in
holding 5% is wild
This guy is just going to hold the floor for us, fuck it
Yea but new buyers will not buy bc of it
no buys with 5%
This mfer really gonna hold out till mfers just buy. Fuck lmao
To us he seems alright but the chads that will check holding percentage will see it and move along to the next one
#71433134 facts
Buddy send the 2% to another wallet !!!
I don't understand that he prefers to lose 300 dollars to try to send this and get the money back and even win, I'm not able to understand people like this
hes got almost 2 grand in catana lmao
Everyone tell him to send the 2% to another wallet 5% won’t kill a 200k coin but yea new buyers will go to the next split it !!
No brainer. Send 2% to a dif wal.
I mean hello
no one gonna buy this shit cuz u all are broke... total failure
he trimmed !! send it !!
Les gooo
His wallet is pretty Degen ngl
lets goooooooooo
go to send this now fam!!!
#71435881 same
Lets get some bumps on
Get bumps going, who’s got banner ??
Yo is it time.
#71437735 damn... bet
Time to chain smoke cigs
Are we early or what yall thinking !?
no jeet hahajha we are strong comunity!!!
now we ha e an og clean and without bundles and with the best comunity here
How many holders chads!?
honestly this thread is chill asf
We gotta keep this thread active
Who can run bumps
can i tell my grandma now ?
#71443439 NO! SHHHHH
This is the fucking sendor
Les send
moon bound
someone can run bumps?
i can make banner, and memes but we need bumps to show this in featured
5% out yet?
#71445979 yep
Aite lets send this cahnt sers
Go time. Let’s get to Ray gents. That meet bit made .89¢ lol
Top holder is 2.8 distro is gorgeous
best time to buy
#71446850 lmfao good
if you want i can make a tg
Bumpskies lfg
Mine should start soon
TELE is DEGENTLEMAN im not using veri bot because it was tweakin
we goin to the moon now bois
double bumps running
The degentlemens club
There's a dip
Eat the dip you fancy degentlemen
Bond it , this deserves millys
People deserve a chance to to get in
Help me bring GrandmaBot to life - 100k MC I will release it on telegram!
Banner for people coming in
this is bundled out the ass
Clean ready to send
best time to buy
Time to eat
Chart is hella bullish
It seems we came back to life
Holders rejoice
Break resistance and fomo kicks in LFG
we're on the featured page aswell
More eyes=More buys
New ath loading
Chart lookin good fellas
clean!!! this is the best in pump fun right now!!
ATH LETS GO come on guys !!
in koth we are unestoppables!!!
Les goooo
Degentleman shows us the way lol
new ATH!!! lets go to koth!! qe are the reals degentlemen
Dev you trying to set up X account LFG
#71461480 Brooo I wanna ape way harderrr but I like how top wallets look. Fukn clean distro
fuckin hell this is bullish
We truly trying to send this
this is a fucking gem
No one being to greedy rare shit happening here
Salute a true Degentleman
here there are no panic sell, jeeters out, holders come in!!!
I just wish I had more monies
banner for dex
A true degentleman is the man who’s conduct proceeds from good will and an accuse sense of propriety
Love this shit
something big is coming!! lets go to KOTH!
It’s tomorrow morning you wake up and see us at 850k mc. Yess us the one u faded at 10k… 🍻
GO GO GO!! here smells ray
is crazy sell this coin now… is lose many money
Ray incoming my fellow degentlemen
here not sells for mac menu, here are degentlemans, here goes for millions!!
Bro we sending this mf
did we figure out tg?
buy the dip guys let’s push higher
strong floor being shown time to pamp next leg
Good entry
That guy has a point
you guys need to be spamming this thread and liking all comments if u want it to send
i dont speak english i only try to fight for this
i dont speak english i only try to fight for this
There are too many curry hands here pretending to be a degentlemen
True Degentlemen have diamond hands and HODL
My grandma is gonna buy !
This has hella potential on ray
Share the link link on X, any 1 with blue check needs to post raids here. We will fuck shills in the mouth
FUCK EM IN THE MOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
LFG new ATH loading
lol everyone is hilarious
lets go boys buy buy buy
Anyone got bumps?
Yo distro is clean, 0% bundle go check for yourself. ape now lmaooo
Bumps running
Bullish chart
time and time again people get weeded out by the .4 bots buying and selling. tale as old as time. DIAMOND HANDS YOU MORONS LMAOOOOO
Degens and gentlemen unite
Almost time for a new ath
moon bound fs
Les goh
Shill this to ansem
See ya mfers
Hope y'all make it
ez sendor lmaooooo
send it
This one a slow burner Im staying holding
shake em out lads
#71495386 Go shit in the streets Mr. Prajeet. Your 14 hour call center shift starts in 14 minutes!!!
Wick tf out this candle
See yall At Ray next bump we go koth
I like this
Lets all be degentlemen here now boys
relax and hold
#71496455 I will fuck this up for you ser shit your little whore mouth and enjoy the ride
Lmao you can’t have a bunch of degens in a chat and expect it to stay civil that’s like going to the pool and expecting to stay dry lmao
Bonder lfg
This could honestly be a true cult coin. Send it..
truly a blend of gents and degens here
Buy buy buy
welcome fellow degentlement
Love you guys 🫶
Calling 2m mc
Stupid pajeets trying to pvp im buying under all of you faggots
Pop off kings
ez sendorrrrr
at least a Milly inc for this. Og and clever
Quit fuckin around and send this
Dev created a cult here lol someone get this more reach on socials and shit
New cult coin. Some make memes
Degen szn
Low key soon to be high key gas
Not letting it get to ath or koth is piss poor farming technique
This gon fly
Koth after breakout
full speed uup
This degentleman kinda handsome ngl
can be sendor of the day !!
hold tight this is it
#71503019 how'd it feel selling and getting raped in the the next coin you jumped in LMAO
perfect cult coin .. make a banner. cook memes easy millions
Jews selling for pennies you clowns
Trendline will be broken and we fly to 25k
not jew .. only retarded
slow coooookerrrrrrr
like ur gmas cookin
Dex at koth
Guy can't even fucking farm correctly
#71516270 Now I know I’m in your head. You’re late to work Prajeet! Abhinav is gonna be pissed!
evening gentlemen
i recommend not buying over that ,4 bot. it sells quickly every time
slap some bots on this and it will send
tg ?
#71526002 he would enjoy that too much. Perhaps a beat down with a bamboo chute or handmade broom like his parents give him. Also curry privileges cut off until Monday.
Dc5euo stop tracking my wallet you fucking stupid bitch im gonna fck your mother
My cat recommended me to buy this
#71531233 Bro the whole point is they are tracking my wallet i know its a bot
new ATH!
Fuckin finally an ath
hold strong boyss, some selling after a candle like that is to be expected
join the latest cult coin here guys
We poppin bottles with this one degens
#71532480 They buy into every coin i buy into. I tested it with a dead coin. I buy before them always so i dont sell loo
donht let the bots selling weed u out! they are robots bretheren
#71537822 they are ez to farm. but on this one you just gotta hold through. SENDOR BABYYYYYYY
Who turned the gas up on this one? Dayum it’s cooking
This could go hella far
Gonna fuck that robots mom
moon vibes?
I am. Getting so hot. I wanna take my clothes off
degentlemens hold
Good 3x at ath deuces my niggas
degentlemen dont panic
this is the type of shit that flys on ray
Send this shit to radium boys
Holding til 2m mc
this most def sends
69b69d69e sound off my nigga. You’re gonna be rich
KOTH and its unstoppable
Join the degentlemens club
Banner should have a Bentley or Rolls Royce. Not a fag beemer. Be a true degentlenan
How imma wake up tomorrow
How many holders we got
Degentleman is so clean though
Waiting for dip
keep the activity going 1m tonight boys
League of Extraordinary Degentlemen
lets goooo nearly king of the hill
this hits ray no problem
we like the coin degentleman
can anyone cook memes ? perfect cult coin here
Where tf is Prajeet at? Did he go to work?!
Y’all are legends sorry I’m afk. Didn’t expect it to go this long
#71566165 It’s ok we still love you
Btw too many degentlemen are here for this to fail already. Too many mad lad holders. Im at the winners table congratulations
top wallet out lfg
I thought 69b69d69e was a chiller. Turns out he was a jabroni all along. Heartbreaking my nigga. I’m heartbroken.
don't sell like jeets bitches, promote degen like real gentlemen
Wick tf out that fat mf candle
This one is inevitable like thanos
These replies are turning me on highkey
Degens stay up all night no bed time for us now let’s bond baby
I love this thread
1 bond = 1000 nuts 💦
Bought more on this dip someone fill me in on the lore of this thread
Cvgo4j should write a tutorial on how to lose money and be a fag at the same time. Impressive work!
Buy and hold you fucks
Run it. Buy their Jeet shit up. Never follow chart.
Momma ain’t raise no bitch I sell only at 100k mc or more !
Top wallet trading this shit love to see it keep pumping !
#71577815 bro youre swing trading yourself your not doing very well lol... dont tell others to hold when u cant hold your own bag
Push for koth then we bond let’s go you cig smokin fukers
Who paying dex at koth
jeets have helped degen gentlemens add some total supplys to their pockets, haha
Yea but always buying back keep making volume ya dig
69b69d I knew you were a chiller my nigga. Prajeet would’ve been pissed earlier
devo is a retard. clown him
This is OG homies don't fk it up
Let’s do it ima go fuck yo momma
best meme of the day
Even with all the paper hands we’ve seen my money is about to double
communicate on dex .. and tg .. ppl need to know where we go
Holding til 3m mc
Is there a tele?
This is a 5m coin if none at the base jeet, start the year off right and hodl
Lol. Jeets are easy to shake.
told my wife found a gem... my best signal
#71596862 NO communication = gamble !! we will moon straight when dev will explain his plan !
let em jeet
word is tele and dex at koth
Uhhh Nemo you made me ink!
so close to KOTH!
My financial advisor told me to buy this
Ya'll better KOTH this shit before some newb idiot comes up in here and scoops up 6% and fk it all up lol
When I wake up this better be at 1mil you degens
Looks like Im sleeping with the degentlemen tonight
Not chill my nigga. Buy it back
slow burns are always the best
tf happened i looked away for one second
#71599558 This aged like the milk I buttchugged 30 min ago. My tummy hurts
#71599051 ima be honest bro I have no clue I have like 10 bucks in. I’m experimenting. I wanna see my coin on the top ten lmao but I don’t have a plan
we're fine
show strength
I’ll buy the floor all night
This mf will bond
Got a whole lot of floor in me
they will buy back dont give them your positions
been here before nbg
i got the bumps dont worry
#71614552 I’ll throw you in some socials you should make a x and a TikTok for this or use someone else’s that has 2k following so you can go live and wrestle a midget at 500k market cap
nice healthy gentle chart
lets do the same at ray
A lot of bonders has big dips like this, we good
20k floor is foookin great
Never fade a good meme. Buy the red candles so they can't accumulate.
This is a good idea. I’ll cover DEX at koth get the banner and socials ready homies
Yo fam, any of you guys buy me a pizza, i was craving pizza badly but my port is zero rn, but np thats the nature of market, anyone wins, anyone loses, i'll create some memes, arts or a banner in exchange, just wanna eat a pizza 🙂
Yo fam, any of you guys buy me a pizza, i was craving pizza badly but my port is zero rn, but np thats the nature of market, anyone wins, anyone loses, i'll create some memes, arts or a banner in exchange, just wanna eat a pizza 🙂
Banner is incredible
You know it’s not hard to hold, you buy and leave it. Are you guys normal or no?
This gon bond
#71631946 bro you ruining your own bags causing a panic sell. Stop trying to be a smart ass
Lets flush these swing pussies !
thanks for the goated entry
usa devo is a hoe
Degenman wow this is all of us grown up
This will bond. A lot of fun and games along the way.
welocome to the degentlemens club
1500x500 Banner
Degentlemen's and degenbitches Lfggg
this can be the next cult coin - seriously - millions an millions
hats off to the degentlemen running bumps
As long as yall keep buying bring that volume in don’t abandon your bag
We need some socials, anyone good at it?
I buy back everything I profit your retarted legit dropped as a baby if you don’t think I’m helping the “real holders” then
#71643323 ive never heard of someone calling a bad entry "swinging" LMFAOOOOO
lets moon this shitttttttttttt
Keep talking it will trigger the algorithm
Here me degens
Your welcome
I said you are welcome
You guys convinced me I’ll sleep on this one
penis enlargement surgery when this hits 10M market cap lfg
How big are you right now bro if you don’t mind me asking
Fr just show us your cock it’s gotta be huge
But anyway I’ll hold until Ray now let’s ride
What can we do to get on the radar with this coin
Longus shlongus
I’m gonna think of something. Be back later
Stop fucking around make a tg
Bump bump threads
bump bump, bump bump it up!
What y’all doin
What y’all doin
It begs for camaraderie
#71653667 We have 2
bump it up
#71653640 What are you talking about?
make another maybe?
send it jeets
I’m in the theatre lol
come on boys wtf
no way its about to die send it
No one wants to make socials.
Fuck your moms
Alright, whenever I see this cunt usadev, better gtfo, mostly ruined the coin coz of swinging
I’ll make a fucking X account rn for this shit stop selling
yall would rather jack off in the thread than actually do things this is what happens
Anyone can make a T G. Just step up. I made two and paid Dex twice this week. Not doing it here.
Damn shit dead I’m out yall be safe
Heroes get remembered but degens never die
#71662593 good fkn riddance asswipe it's your constant dumping tactic that ruined it but we going without your lil bitch ass
Farmers gtfo
ggs retards
Bump bump threads
Tg = degenmantg
More meme pls
he held for 3 hrs to sell at a loss
We raiding bros hop on TG
ts ready to pump
I hope all is well with your heavy chemo…
LFG. Let’s run it up! Retards are out!!!
#71945475 bing challing
lets turn this around boys
Let's go
Bump bump bump it up
Can I get out of poverty with this one
Sup ya'll this ain't ded very easy to revive
#71999152 100%
Join our T G guys we haven't given up
this is about to be a wild comeback
Lets get this back up and running
Chart finally showing a heartbeat
its gonna go!!!!
run bumps this is a sendor
Dont call it a comeback
your raids are working just run bumps rn to make them more effective
send ittt
Tg = degenmantg
Lets goooo
We are so fuckin back
Buying the wife bigger tits once this hits 50 mil
Run bumps comment and like each others post let’s do it
This is making a comeback. Hop in now before it takes all the way off.
Helllllz yeeee we bullposting on x too
This is making a comeback. Hop in now before it takes all the way off.
we fuckin back bois we back this is a 20m MC for sure
This thing was dead just an hour ago. Showing life at this point is crazy. Lets keep it up
big push is coming now, keep thread active
Lets get this to KOTH and then ray
This fully sends if it hit ray
send the tg
here we go
Lfg keep pushing
This deserves to bond. Send it
pump pump pump pump
somebody run bumps
WE ARE ALL DEGENTLEMEN don't even lie to yourselves NOW APE
This ticker is so back lfg
we all boutta be as rich as jordan belfort
x page created and so is T G we doing this
theres also a tik tok lmao
distro looks clean af this is the one
We are so back LFG
run it degetlemen
Welcome, Degentlemen
KOTH this degentleman nigga
Guys we're raiding our butts off from blue check accounts on the tg .. someone help us out with bumps please
We need to run some bumps
We need bumps. somebody run bumps
love being a degentleman
Lets keep pushing boys
We funded a bumps here we go folks train taking off
banner degenmen?
Get in now before this takes ofd
1 bond = 1000 nuts 💦
dont loose the momentum !!!!!! buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy
Put the word out that we back up
Keep pushing this to KOTH
this should bond today we're still so early degentlemen
Cant believe how far this has come back
#72136883 facts
1 bond = 1000 nuts 💦
we gonna bond soon
The twitchy ass GoldCrew (GoldCrew) is sending it and there is nothing anyone can do about it lol.
lmfao diamond hands
Keep pushing. Keep buying. Keep commenting. Get this on the featured page and it takes off
Full send for full degens
degentlemen dont jeet on their new holders, this is going to the moon
We're cooking now
We bullposting our way to the top on x come join us niggas
If u sell for a 2x you got no balls son this shit doing atleast a 15 to 20x probably more if bite down
We running bumps lets goooooo KOTH the mfer
start bumps
You know the drill.
Dex not paid lol
#72151121 Brother this chart was in the basement 90 minutes ago. We working hard. Get in now.
Fudders will cry
I’m in leggo
Telegram is @ DegenManTG
A farm? lol
Almost time
Keep pushing
based af
just missing socials for success mby fix?
We started bumps bros lesss gooo
Slow cooks are the best
No gekes on dexs!
Keep this up. We working hard and it's paying off
this better pump i want a jetski
#72178836 it will just HODL and run bumps if you can
#72176662 You better be in our tele helping smash raids otherwise kinda sick of you lurking around bro
#72179657 i am lol smashing every single one
let’s goooo degens
Dex gets paid at KOTH. Let's get there
On top
Keep it moving yall
Most of us are in the tg
Come join
good shit
Bump the threads
Bumps are running curtesy of muah now send it
Keep pushing
Cant even comment in the thread anymore?
Comments aint posting and staying? Weird
Guy lfg. Send it so I can blow all my gains at the casino like a true Degentleman
Yea most of my comments aren’t posting either strange, bullish tho?
probs cause theres so damn many but yeah its tweaked the fuck out
on featured
Holders gonna hold and sellers gonna cry
Bumps are being ran donate to keep them running in tg , 1m plus soon
This isnt your grandmas crypto coin
What is sendor abt this SHT Just wojak in a suit.
Hold lads
its time to go to the moon
LFG gentlemen
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