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12/18/2024, 11:40:15 AM
Farting Unicorn Nigga (FUN)
just FUN
damn! ticker is so good! and great meme! setting up my bumps rn!!!
it;s not og
ahahahha don't buy! dev is in and this gay ran bumps
its not about being OG! the first coin didnt even hit KOTH! stupid bitch! this is the time to send it mfer!
Make banner
nuke incoming just check solscan
Nah it’s not indian lol
Cook banner this is funny af sender
Sender fuck jeets
don't buy guys. it is bundled by indian gays. alredy 17% bundle. they farming hard
Zero bundle u fucken Indian asshole
Just leave u son of bitch
this going to go harder than anne frank
skip this farmers let them fuck each other. thanks me later
hahaha there is no farm u joker
current held 0 and distribute is 0 you fucking dumb ass
This maker can’t read bundle bot stupid
#61932727 i didn't ape copies. because i'm not an idiot. if u buy this shit u deserve to lose money
I’m out fuck Indians
those fudders make this coin so bullish
need a banner
keep the thread active peeps
whos active
bullish meme none on dex , 0 bundle . What are you guys waiting to ape for ?
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