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4/29/2024, 4:19:02 PM
Dexter on Sol (Dex Token )
Biggest meme coin on pumpfun . This would moon baby. Let pump this before didi shows up
Send this nowwwwwww
<3 dexter so much
Eat the dip boys before didi shows up :0
no socials nothing ??
I think it might send
Eatttt the dippppppp boyyyysss
TG comimg soon lets break 5k
No socials is sketchy
But I'm sending
lets get that tg and twitter
I like it either way
We working on the TG & socials now
Keep buying we are working on the socials now
We in here. Just don't make us regret 🤣 please... 😆
Keep buying we almost break 5k . Dex babbyyyyyyyyyy
Let's run this up the flag pole koth is right around the corner
gonna be a fast 10x when we get socials going
Burn coins dev
Keep buying socials dropping shortly . Lets moon this to Ray
Buying another bag when socials come up
hmm dev sold some?
What a pos
We got a burn all right.burned our bags!
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Dexter on Sol (Dex Token )
Biggest meme coin on pumpfun . This would moon baby. Let pump this before didi shows up
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there is 0.023 SOL in the bonding curve.
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