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1/14/2025, 12:09:17 PM
Gotham Batman, a real clown, was shackled like Superman. Although Luigi was physically arrested, his spirit will never be erased! Keep in mind the motto of his alma mater, Pennsylvania: No law without virtue! Luigis Free stands for Superman! I hope Luigi can be as strong as Superman! Without an I, there is no me, for the sake of Qian Qian's ten thousand me! Together: I hope Luigi will be free as soon as possible like Superman! This token is a token for Luigi supporters, and you don't need to buy it. If you support Luigi, you only need to pay attention to his Twitter! We just want to record his spirit on the blockchain forever! 哥谭市蝙蝠侠, 现实版小丑, 和超人一样被带上镣铐, 路易吉虽肉体被捕,但其精神永不被磨灭! 铭记母校宾夕法尼亚校训:法无德不立! LuigiSFREE S代表超人!希望路易吉能像超人一样钢强! 少了一个i代表无我,为了千千万万个我! 连在一起:希望路易吉像超人一样早日获得自由! 该代币为路易吉支持者代币, 并不需要您来购买代币,如果你支持路易吉,只需要您关注他的推特即可!我们只想把他的精神永远记录在区块链上! Luigi Twitter 路易吉推特