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2/3/2024, 3:14:01 PM
here we goooo (lfgggg)
go go goooooo goooo goooooo
memes of the co-founder are always a GOLD MINE.
the coin created by pf dev
old coin easy sendooor
Create a tg who is ctoing this ??
it will send no tg is fucking bullish
here we go
wait this is a pump fun dev token?
we are so early boys, need some more chads in here
Keep threads active
who else can run buy bot?
Early asf boysss
Hold the floor this will send
Pf dev look at him now.. so inspirational
deployed by alon
omg deployed by alon as well
yeah, 2nd one but the best of his coins also the 1st has big ass wallets so
Pretty sure its alon
sharing this with you
He also owns 75% of meme szn
obviously him
accumulating papi
lol can’t fade alon token
good wallets buying too 🤤
thats fineWe’re blazing trails that shimmer and shine!
Best Fly to Moon with best pump
To the moon
Best Moon
Surely gonna pump!
This is gonna do pretty well
Here we gooooo!!!
Study topblasting to king of the hill
Someone get bu mps on?
That's great 👍
The upside here is massive. Stay tuned.
This project has the potential to shake the market.
Don't miss out looks like it’s ready to take off!
The potential here is huge. It’s only up from here.
Don't fade on this spectacular gem
Dex paid!
go go bro
This is the real deal
The only way is up
let it fly
his first one flying to a milly rn. send no2 sers
a1lon is still holding some of this we can send this if we get some KOLs in here
Has someone made TG/twitter?
Send it
Allon still holding this interesting
Go go go
Alon still holding, and they are cool sheep
One of his only coins not to bond
Sheep gives a bad feeling…. …I’m all in
Next 50M meme coin
Let’s bond this alon coin to pumpswap. It will be the first of its kind
Alon Mets is running with crypto pumping. Give it time boys. This is a sensor $lfgggg
Check 5% wallet. Alon himself. Still holding? Yea he is
#6985655 Yes!! Also Comcoin deployed by alon, hidden gem
bond this shit we've got a runner
What is this sorcery didn’t we bond lol
#111565670 this token is a year old, bonding is 100k Imagine how high it goes after that
wtf is this shit
#111565670 that 3.4%er sold in 3 chunks lol but we moving on
dude can we bond it already
#111567971 the dev is alon
This will bond soon
It will bond
Alon dev? No shit
#111570180 yea dude narracanz $alon dev confirmed it on X
#111570180 only a matter of time till bond and beyond
New buyers making their way here as we speak.
No reason to fade alons own creation. We know what we hold
Send it
We are so early lfgggg!
Dev has a 4k test coin, I'm going to pay for dex on it soon go ape it anons
keep buying lets send this
Thank you for the dip. It will run. $lfgggg
Narrative is so crazy. Check the top holder. I’ll wait
The shaking means I’m baking. Let’s cook this gem
reverse it
lol. Shakes out. Time to send lfgggg
Yall do real the dev is Alon and still holds 5%
Pump went crazy because the dev of $alon (narc) made it. What about a coin that Alon actually created and still holds. Will go millions dyor
#111607938 what if he pushes this
i hope you guys know alon will post this if it bonds
#111609755 fr
#111609755 He will probably make a post saying “lfgggg” or something coded. And then we send
#111610241 he has already posted a coded tweet about this today
w#111610241 whats his highest coin
#111610307 he has one that is named "comcoin" that he deployed currentley at 140k also a hidden gem
this feels safu... prob the fuckin wool
#111610307 Other one before this bonded and went to 2m
Difference is Alon still holds 5% of this one
#111610928 Ok bot
Hello was just a warm upbfor this ticker.
You'd have to be pretty foolish to sell something that alon still holds 5% of
bought more
#111611131 Hello was a bundled farmed scam too
And Alon doesnt hold hello
Plus, those little hairy creatures are awesome. Wtf are those, alpaca?
#111611459 hes the dev
#111610295 whats the post?
#111612050 was he referring to this
#111612177 probably reffering to many alons coins but ofc this is one of them
#111612227 well and he still holds and is the only one cooking
#111612345 going to fly 50m-100m
if we just stick togheter and take profits responsible
#111612399 lol I don't know about that, but certainly has potential
#111612465 hahah always dreaming high ;)
this can legit go so high
6% left guys BOND IT
this will do numbers
imma buy more f it
300k account just liked the ticker
#111614769 sweet now get em to buy kekw
#111615383 plus alon is the goat
Omg alon coin
That bonding curve is wild. It was hard to bond in ol days
#111616034 this will bond d by the end of the night
Here we gooooo
#111616034 yea now anything fuckin flies... and by that i mean bonds and then dies immediately
Nice someone did a lil Dexx update 👀
Letsssss goooo
Shouldn't be this hard to bond at 97% or 94% now
Who sells right before a bond...
Anyone alive in this chat...
Need some hype, some energy
#111618801 Alive and well my friend. We cooking we all gonna make it
we here fam!
#111618801 yew, only dead inside.
Come on guys..... let's gooo pack those bags
Bond it while I sleep so I can wake up either rich or rugged lfg
The energy here is gonna bring this coin down unless you guys hype up. Come onnnnn let's get it!!!
Good luck guys lol. I'll try my bags somewhere else
Go go go lfgggg
We all know whats going to happen with this coin, so we’re not worried one bit bro. I put in 4 sol and I don’t care to look unless its sitting past 1 million, I’m pretty sure the other 3 percenters are the same here buddy.
#111621581 Exactlyyyy
#111621296 Goodluck man, keep in mind discipline will take you much further in life than greed, it’s okay to just hold 🥂
zIs Alon the Dev for this one?
#111622432 Yeah 🥂
#111622432 yep
#111622789 wll then bond it
#111623232 Then shill the alpha sir
game plan is simple, just hold and watch the magic happen, Alon is the goat, once we bond it he’ll probably tweet/post about it in accordance to his last tweet about native pumpfun tokens 🥂🤌🏽
#111613314 Facts, but the true believers, the true holders, the true HODL’s men will prevail and the outcome will be glorious.
the dev is Alon, the co founder of pumpfun, click on the dev holder(the top holder) you’ll go to sol scan, scroll down to the owner signature, click on that wallet, and you’ll see for yourself.
we gotta bond this
#111637594 Man, you might as well cash out. I know people looking for old accs.
it's will send hard at ray
Reversal coming
#111657097 The dev is alon lol
#111661917 The fucking dev is alon you bot
#111663059 you must be a fool
#111673612 You can clearly see that is alons wallet through sol scan.
ez 500k at ray
As soon as you hear
#111682708 Why’s that?
#111694181 or it won't bond for a third time.. peeped comment history
Bond this shit !!!! LFGGGG!!!!!
Join to Bon
Dumb fucks farming this instead of actually recognizing the potential and letting it bond. Gd people are stupid. This chain has turned into an absolute cesspool of meeting morons.
#111820592 better they're out now honestly. This will go back up soon
#111823778 yeah hoping so
I’m holding mine. They can’t farm forever just hold you bag
I vow to hold!
What a bunch of selling pussies. Please leave pump fun curry people
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