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3/21/2025, 7:10:52 AM
buy if you made $0 today ($0)
Fuck I shouldn't have sold. Please don't send lol
I feel like pump deliberately sends everything I sell
I lost money so I’ll hold this
You only lose more if you sell
#110841765 haha get fucked idiot
#110841765 buy back, im sure u made $0 today
this is a rug
Gathering of the brokies
im sure this end well
Trench says clean, the only question u need to ask yourself is did u make $0
Just buy and forget it guys till ray
Check the bubble map and just sell if you’re legit
Fuck me. This has to be alon or someone at pump fucking with me.
#110842862 stop seething and re-enter it's at 7k
#110842919 I'm telling you it'll dump if I buy
send it higher bros
#110842957 i don't believe you
We just started a new meta just hold
Step 1 Enter the chat. Step 2 Answer the question. Step 3 Ask no further questions. Step 4 Buy. Outcome Profit You no longer made $0
this will bond
#110843076 the bubble maps are off recently. It is saying the bonding curve is bundled to some wallets. Every coin is like that
#110843076 Its bonding curve bro. Whats wrong with that?
big whale in
#110842957 Buy small 0.2 and wait
and running this
Second holder holy fuck
fucking bundled farm
Easy sender if us top holders chill and let it run
idiots out, time to send this gem
can someone give me a 0.1 sol pls?
lfg, good meme af
slowly people will see this gem...
lmao good one
we hold we send, simple
Hold guys we fly. Soon
There no farmers just holders who dont have patience just check it they bought 3 min ago and sell now thats all
#110845998 true
Let’s go chads
#110846510 I see some chads in
fuck you
this shit is real fr xD
chad joining, now we can send this
is anyone here not a robot
#110848841 yep
#110848841 I'm here and few others chads, also bots are in, so bullish af
#110848939 yeah, mor activity the better
#110848984 exactly
slow hours, but we sending this gem
#110848841 me too, I guess I'm not a robot :)
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