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7/14/2024, 4:15:05 AM
The sniper that $SAVED Former/Future President Donald Trump
Lets go Bro im with you
with the nex leg up we hit ray lfg
Hits rad and the smelly curry munchers feel the need to dump it
Wtf is happening
Who gonna lead cto?
with the nex leg up we hit ray lfg
dev sold... I cant find any other wallet connections
Dev doing VC. SEND THIS
I’m so whacked.
When is dex being paid?
whoever is the 2nd holder i will split if you split. deal?
how much for radium ???
Pretty sure it’s fake cto, it looks like dev is farming yall since the beginning of cto
most the community and mods went to sleep on there bags! im pushing rn!
fck tg we run this no socials
What are you guys doing here what‘s this terrible distro??
lets go moon you ugly lfg this will fly
i got dex credit
no TG? dont like that
yea shouldnt take this long .. but ofcours if ur jeeting it will
is meech in this coin?
based community and dev
go on top together
dev jeeted like a bitch
Pretty sure it’s fake cto, it looks like dev is farming yall since the beginning of cto
i see 2 different 5%
Quit jeering guys have some truss
let the jetters go and next stop the fuckin moon
20m burn at 15k, dex at 25k. :)
let the jetters go and next stop the fuckin moon
Pretty sure it’s fake cto, it looks like dev is farming yall since the beginning of cto
Boys this dev so bullish, he send another Token to Ray
Dev is based lfg
TOMMY go to the moon
Smh CTO this ?
whoever is the 2nd holder i will split if you split. deal?
nice! market cap like!
holy fuck this is amazing, lfgg
most the community and mods went to sleep on there bags! im pushing rn!
My gay uncle likes this project
When is dex being paid?
most the community and mods went to sleep on there bags! im pushing rn!
lets cto this
My gay uncle likes this project
new whale
Dev thanks for the fud. CTOs are normally holding 10% in order to avoid the jeets like you.
dev sold... I cant find any other wallet connections
Rug already
dev sell to shake out bot and rebuy
dex paid
how much for radium ???
20k burn ltsgo
this one easy sendor
join vc
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